DeimosRuhk's page

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I was playing with the Paizo Settlement Generator and I noticed a very odd oversight: There is no "Custom" Quality or Disadvantage option. I think these are very important for GM's to have.

Also, on the same note, I was working on creating a settlement with a large slave population (over 50%), which would be comparable to many ancient greek/roman cities. Unfortunately, except in the faction/group section, there is no way to really input that data cleanly in the population breakdown.


Create an option so that a GM can create more than 1 population breakdown tab.

So, instead of...

Population 1,000 (500 humans, 500 elves)

I could...

Population 1,000
Citizens 200 (100 humans, 100 elves)
Slaves 600 (300 humans, 300 elves)
Noncitizens 200 (100 humans, 100 elves)

or some such. Just some thoughts. ;-)