
Deckeon Krondrath's page

No posts. Organized Play character for kikai13.

Dark Archive

Hello, wonderful Paizo folks!

Although I do not wish to, due to financial reasons I need to cancel my two remaining subscriptions at this time. Hopefully I will find a way to reinstate them at a later date.

Thank you,


Dark Archive

Please lift your glasses and your voices in congratulating Bill Loescher as the Venture-Lieutenant of Springfield, Missouri! Bill is an excellent addition to our long-standing tradition of leadership in the Pathfinder Society here in Missouri. Well earned, Bill!

Dark Archive

Hi, Guys!
Just wanted to let you know that none of the many sessions that I have reported for Pathfinder Society event #1880 are showing up on my list of GM'd sessions. Am I missing something, or is this a computer glitch?


Dark Archive

Hello, delightful Paizo people!

Sadly, my current financial situation demands that I make a cut to my subscriptions. Please cancel my Pathfinder Campaign Setting subscription. I would like to keep the others.

Thank you!
Jason Roeder

Dark Archive

Congratulations and welcome to Sam Hutton, the newest Venture-Lieutenant of Missouri!
Sam is an avid Pathfinder, and has been instrumental in organizing the player base in Springfield, MO. He is a valuable and welcome addition to the Venture-Officer family.
Good job, Sam!

Dark Archive

Hi, guys!
I attempted today to pay for my subscription, but every time I attempted it, I was told that the payment failed. I just checked my bank, and they show that I have 3 pending charges to Paizo, each for the amount that my subscription payment should have been. Please don't charge me 3 times! Also, I only want one of each of these books, not 3. I don't absorb the material as well if I attempt to read 3 copies of the same book at once.
Thanks, and y'all are awesome! Take good care of our girl 'Raya up there!

Dark Archive

A brother has fallen.

RIP Jon Gregory, PFS #1390. You will be missed.

Dark Archive

Hi, Great and Super-cool Paizo people,

With sadness and due to budget constraints, I am going to have to cancel my subscriptions to the RPG, Campaign Setting, and Comics at this time.
Please keep in place my Adventure Path and Modules subs.

Thank you very much,


Dark Archive

Please help me in congratulating Christopher Hays as the newest Venture-Lieutenant of Missouri!
I did not know Chris before a few weeks ago. However, having played at his table and seen the deep dedication he has to the Society, I am excited to have him on board with the Missouri crew! He will be an excellent addition to the Venture Officer ranks!

Dark Archive

A large greatclub does 2d8 damage, according to the weapon damage table in the Core Rulebook. How much damage would a huge greatclub deal, and how much would a gargantuan greatclub deal? There are several people in my gaming circle who have very different theories as to what the answer will be, and my semi-official answer has not kept any of them from thinking their answer is right.

Dark Archive

Greetings, Pathfinders,

I would like to extend an invitation to all of the Society to join me at Valhalla's Gate in Columbia, MO this Saturday for the special, Race for the Runecarved Key!
We will begin play at noon, but I recommend all to be early. After the Runecarved Key has been won, other Pathfinder Society missions will commence. I, for one, will be leading a group of Pathfinders down to Palin's Cove in an attempt to root out some Lisalla cultists!
I hope you all can join us!

Venture-Captain Synestreth Krondrath

Dark Archive

Barry Stoddard, aka techlee, has been promoted to the position of Venture-Lieutenant of Columbia, Missouri! Some of you may remember Barry's hijinks from the last couple of PaizoCons--he is a lot of fun to be around and always in a great mood! Barry has brought dozens of new players into the Pathfinder Society, and continues to bring in more with his Wednesday Night Games and the Pathfinder Smackdown every third Saturday. Congratulations to a great player, and awesome GM, and a good friend.
Congrats, Barry!

Dark Archive

Hello, all!
Seeing as I now have a more open schedule than ever before, I would like to know about any and all Society events happening in and around Missouri. I can't promise that I will come to all of them, but I would certainly like the option! If you post it here, I will try to be there--although I might try to beg for a couch to crash on if it is gonna be an overnight event.

This coming Saturday is yet another Smackdown event at Valhalla's Gate in Columbia, MO. The new location is easy to find--only a stone's throw away from I-70.

All you need is a PFS legal character, a pencil, some dice, and a Core Rulebook.

There will be 6 tables playing, more if we have a good enough turnout. Among the highlights:

Barry Stoddard will be running his favorite scenario: The Mantis' Prey
Corey Paris is running Sewer Dragons of Absalom
I will be running something about Cyphermages
And Jason Wallace will be running for the first time!

Come on out and play some Pathfinder!!

Dark Archive

Hello, all!

I'm sending a shout out to Pathfinders all over the state that I might not know yet--send me a line! Also, if you are in the KC area, I have had a distress call come to me from GameCafe in Independence--they can't keep a weekly or bi-weekly PFS game going because they keep losing GMs. If you are in the area and willing to run a few games, please contact either GameCafe or Pulp Fiction, as both are great game stores that need a few GMs to help get regular games going.

And if you play PFS anywhere in Missouri, I look forward to meeting you! Post here or send me an email!

Thank you,


More Games = More Fun

Dark Archive

Wherever you are today, I hope you are rolling 20's. Thanks for starting up this game we all love so much!

Dark Archive

Saturday, August 6th, Valhalla's Gate in Columbia, MO will be hosting Pathfinder Society of Missouri's Second Annual Grand Melee!! This is a very fun event aimed at Pathfinder Players who can't get away to GenCon. If you have a Pathfinder Society character of level 1-9 you can enter your character in the competition.

This is an unofficial event, so you will not receive any experience or prestige. However, there are many prizes available. The grand prize is two copies of Ultimate Combat. The entry fee is only $3. Not a bad return if you win!

I am also in need of volunteers to help run the event. You don't get to participate, but you won't have to pay to enter either. You don't have to do any prep work, just have good knowledge of the rules!

If you would like more information or would like to volunteer, please contact me at kikai13 at yahoo.

Last year's Grand Melee was an absolute blast! I think this year's will be even better!!

Dark Archive

Just throwing on a quick reminder of this weekend's Cape Comic Con, at the Osage Center in Cape G.

It is not too late for everybody out there in Pathfinder Society-Land to call in sick to work Friday morning and come throw around dice for a few days!

Even if you have to work Friday, the schedule for Saturday is packed with all kinds of Paizo love, and we need YOU, the faithful messageboarders, to show Cape that Pathfinder is the best game in the world!

I know that some folks are flying in from as far away as California to come to this con--if they can make it, so can you!

This con is gonna be awesome!!!!

Dark Archive

I'm having a hard time reaching you guys by phone. I have some weird stuff going on with my Paizocon tickets, and I may lose out on the lottery if nobody gets back to me!
Anything y'all can do to help out?

Dark Archive

Does anyone out there have a really cool update of an old-school module or a new homemade Pathfinder adventure that you would be willing to run after Paizocon, on Sunday afternoon? I played in Eric Tillemans' Pharaoh game last year, and it was a blast! I would really like to do something similar this year!

Thanks in advance!

Dark Archive

I have no clue where this is gonna be, I just wanted to jump on and say that I will be there.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have had the pleasure of spreading the word of Pathfinder throughout mid-Missouri, and from the number of players that I am seeing on a weekly basis, I think the Pathfinder Society games in all of Missouri could grow immensely with only a bit of organization. I would like this thread to be the place where all Missouri Pathfinders can post where and when games in our area will occur.

Also, I am putting my contact information here as well. If you are interested in getting in on Pathfinder Society games but don't know how or where to find them, please email me at pathfinderjtroeder@yahoo.com and I will do my best to help you find or start a game.

The first Saturday of every month is the PFS Smackdown at Valhalla's Gate gaming store in Columbia, MO. We typically have 3-5 tables going every time we meet, and there is still plenty of room for new players. If you are interested, come on out! The next one will be Saturday, November 6th from 7 p.m. until midnight. We have a lot of great gamers there that come from as far away as St. Louis, Springfield, and even Wichita, KS! If you are interested in coming but can't find a ride to the game, contact me at the above email and I will see if I can find you one.

Hope to see lots and lots of new Pathfinders there!


Dark Archive

Whoops. Got it today in a seperate envelope. Sorry to waste your time, guys. Boy is my face red.

Dark Archive

Hi folks!

May I pretty please pick this order up at Paizocon? I am running and I need these fellers for my game.


Dark Archive

Hello everybody out there in TV land. I just wanted to jump on here real quick-like and throw out a little love for Happy Town. I watched the premier episode on my tivo a couple of hours ago, and then I went back and watched it again.

This show is Awesome with a capital A.

If you like Lost or Twin Peaks or Alfred Hitchcock or slasher movies or dark, oppressive settings, you are certain to like this show.

With Lost about to end up, I think that Happy Town will have enough mystery and suspense to fill the gap.

I can't stress enough that you should all check it out, mostly because I am terrified--that, like so many other good shows, it is gonna get cancelled.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

Dark Archive

Dear Awesome Paizo Folks,

Regrettably, due to current restrictions, I must request that you remove part of my subscription service. I need to drop the Gamemastery Maps and the Pathfinder Companion lines. I hope I don't miss too much good stuff before I can subscribe again.


Dark Archive

Hello, everybody out there in Paizoland! I am inviting all of you to our new monthly Pathfinder Society game at Valhalla's Gate in Columbia, Missouri! These games will start at 6 p.m. on the first Saturday of every month and will end at midnight. Any and all members of the Pathfinder Society are welcome, as well as anyone who is curious about what it takes to join! If anyone has any questions, please feel free to post them on this thread.

Come out to Columbia! Its gonna be a blast!!

Dark Archive

Due to financial situations, I unfortunately need to cancel part of my subscription. Please drop both the Gamemastery Cards and Gamemastery Maps from my subs. I think I can afford to keep the rest of my subs for now. Thanks.


Dark Archive

Was this order kinda lost in the shuffle, or is there still some part of it that isn't in stock yet?


Dark Archive

I live to serve Cheliax, and have recently been promoted into the Order of the Scourge Hellknights.

I see the weak Taldorans have a thread about benefits gained from their decadent and crumbling nobility. To what end may I best serve Cheliax with my newly bestowed title?

Dark Archive

I will be arriving at Sea-Tac on Thursday at noon along with a friend (Kosovo0121 on the boards.) That puts us getting to the hotel way early. Anyone else going to be there early, and what are you planning to do? Are there any Thursday night festivities going on with the local Paizonians? Would love to meet a few folks early and maybe get a game on.

Dark Archive

Morning, all!

Just letting you know that order 1151925 has been in "pending" since March 25th. Is there anything I can do to get it un-stuck?



Dark Archive

I was just wondering if the Permanency spell would still have an xp cost to it, or if the xp cost is going to change just like for item creation. Also, any idea which spells can be made permanent? I can't even find an entry for Permanency in the Beta book.

(Not digging for spoilers to the Pathfinder game--this topic just recently came up in our Beta game. If anyone knows the answers and can shed some light on the topic, I would appreciate it.)

Dark Archive

Hello, there!

In the interest of getting this order as soon as I can, I would like to cancel the backordered item from the order.

Thank you!

Dark Archive

I am creating this thread as a place for all of the players from our many campaigns to discuss mundane things that don't really belong in our campaign journals. For example, concerning this Thursday's game: I know that we have two clerics and a knight so far, and I was wondering what the other players were playing. Also, Abe & Steve: can you tell me a little more about your characters?

Dark Archive

The other day, I received my Paizo order in the mail. It was raining like crazy, and to my dismay, I walked up my front steps to find a soggy box that the delivery guy had left in a place not covered by an overhang. I thought for sure everything would be ruined.

However, somebody at Paizo must have known that it was going to rain that day, when my shipment was delivered, because they had put my items inside a mailer, and then wrapped plastic around said mailer, before placing the mailer inside the box!

Your crystal ball is working well! Thank you guys a bunch!!

Dark Archive

This is a thread to chronicle the lives and adventures of a young group of orphans from the slums of Greyhawk, who have just amassed enough wealth and killed enough people to move on up to the river quarter!
Gentlemen, would you like to tell your stories so far?

Dark Archive

I am currently running a gritty campaign set in the city of Greyhawk. I also have very little free time to work on writing new adventures, so I have borrowed a bit from Dungeon magazines. I have every issue, but I don't have time to go back and read through all of them looking for adventures that would go well in the city of Greyhawk. Does anyone have any suggestions for my campaign? I also have almost all first, second, and third edition published adventures. Thank you all in advance for your suggestions.

Dark Archive

I guess there's not too much out there, eh?

Dark Archive


I was sending this note via the messageboards because my e-mail is not functioning properly and I was unable to e-mail you directly. This is in reference to the Art of Dragon limited edition leatherbound book. I just received it today, and I eagerly opened the box looking forward to seeing this grand treasure that would become a family heirloom. I was a bit disappointed, therefore, when I pulled the wonderful volume out of the box to see--a completely mangled corner on the book. It looks kinda like it has been dropped on that corner, possibly multiple times. I know that this was a limited edition (mine is number 131) but can anything be done about this?

Thank you,


Dark Archive

...is The Age Of Worms Adventure Path Hardcover. Please, Paizo, what do you need from us (the consumers) to help you (the publisher) make this thing happen? If there is any way that I may offer my humble services, just let me know.

Is there anything else gaming related that anybody out there would like to see made in the coming year?

Dark Archive

For my entire life, I have thought that I had a sucky birthday. It's in the summer, which is better than being around Christmas, but I had never found anyone who I admired that shared my birthday. Any time that I would look at the celebrity birthday column in the newspaper (you know--that little column that says: "also born on this date...") there would be only one or two people that I had never heard of. The only kinda cool one I ever came across was Bugs Bunny, who, even though being a ficticious character, was listed as being "born" on July 27th.

Then, earlier today, I was be-bopping around on imdb.com. I was checking out the writer's profiles for different films that I was interested in. And there, lo and behold, it listed Gary Gygax as the inspiration for the Dungeons and Dragons movie, and listed his birthday as July 27th!!

I have the same birthday as one of the creators of Dungeons and Dragons!! SO MUCH COOLER than sharing a birthday with a dead president or an overpaid actor!!!

Has anyone else out there found that they share a birthday with a cool famous person? (Erik Mona--you are not allowed to answer this thread. You could just say that you were born on the same day as Erik Mona and that would be cool enough.)

Dark Archive

This is somewhat of a moot point now, because I created a totally different character due to this ruling. However--here is the situation:

I began playing in an ongoing campaign this evening. I was told to make a ninth level character, and the sky was the limit as far as race was concerned. I have always wanted to make an ogre mage character, and so I made a second level ogre mage monk.

I saw the ECL as +7 for the Level Adjustment and +2 for the two levels of monk = level 9 character.

However, in the Monster Manual, it says that all ogre magi have five levels of giant. The DM saw the ECL as +7 for the Level Adjustment, +5 for the levels of giant, and +2 for the levels of monk, making the ECL of the character 14.

I felt that the five levels of giant were already counted for in the +7 Level Adjustment.

I am totally satisfied with the character that I made as an alternative, and am not going to bring up this subject with the DM of this campaign. I just would like to know for my own sanity which of us was right.

Dark Archive

I really dig Scott Nicholson's description. Although he is not a sci-fi or fantasy author per se, his horror fiction is outstanding. I think that his best work to date is The Manor. Totally creepy! And The Harvest could be considered a sci-fi novel.
I manage a bookstore, and I read 10-15 books a week. Scott Nicholson is my current pick for the most entertaining read out there.

Dark Archive

I just moved to Moberly, MO and would like to try to hook up with a D&D 3.X group. Is there anyone who could help me get some contacts?