Deathskull90's page

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I thought it was a tpk since we all turned into vamps and two of our characters left.

We recently turned into vampires and just hit lv 7. I am was trying to build a character using the strangler archetype from the brawler with the race of Human Shoati, but it's too new and I couldn't get the stats for it. I tried winging, but I hit a brick wall since I can't take final embrace because I don't have a constrict special attack.

Str 29
Dex 22
Con --
Int 12
Wis 12
Cha 14

Traits: Bred for War and serpentine squeeze
Feats: Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Turtle Style, Snapping Turtle Clutch, Power Attack, and Greater Grapple
Damage without power attack: +26/+21 1d4+13+2d6 and then a save to negate negative levels.
I am wearing a Mythril Chain Shirt so my ac is 28
My saves are 9, 13, 3
My magic items are Belt of Physical Might +2 Str +2 Dex and Gauntlet of the Skilled Manuever

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Deathskull90 wrote:
cursed glove that gives +2 Natural AC, -10 movements of speed, also its turning me into stone.
What do you know about the curse you are under? How long will it take for you to turn into stone? What saving throw do you need to make to forestall or overcome the effects? How can you remove your curse and/or fix the glove?

The glux is stuck and remove curse doesn't work on it, also cutting off my arm also does not work. When I take damage instead of flesh healing over the wound its stone, but I think the cursed item is nearing its final effect because thats the max it has done.

My armor training is the basic one where my full plate is allowing my full dex modifier to armor, and my weapon training is Dazzling Intimidation, and I am pretty sure this is the last lv up for this game. I would like to do more damage, but idk if it's worth more than increasing my will save.

I am having a hard time figuring out what feat to take for 10th lv. In this campaign, we are mainly fighting demons. I put all my levels into fighter.

HP: 120

Str: 24, Dex: 16, Con: 16, Int: 10, Wis: 8, Cha: 10

Skills: Climb:12, Diplomacy: 2, Intimidate: 36, Kn planes: 1, Perception: 1, Perform oratory: 4, Ride: 8, Spellcraft: 1, Survival: 4, Swim: 14

Feats: Intimidating Prowess, Power Attack, Cornugo Smash, Furious Focus, Armor Focus Full Plate, Dazzling Display, Skill Focus Intimidate, Persuasive, Weapon Focus Greatsword, Improved Critical, and ?????

Traits: Thunder and Fang Performer and Bloody-Minded

Weapon: Greatsword +1 with demon blood which does 1 extra damage when criting

Armor: Full Plate Spiked with melted helm which gives +1 Intimidation

Magic Items: +2 Belt of Physical Might, Amulet of Natural Armor, and a cursed glove that gives +2 Natural AC, -10 movements of speed, also its turning me into stone.

I'm looking for the perfect mix between the two. My dm is allowing me to take Guided Hand and add wisdom to attack and damage but not adding the two-handed 1.5% bonus. Also, we start with 16,000gp.

Hey, can someone help me with an lv 5 25 point buy character that is a half-orc wielding an orc skull ram?

Hey can someone help me with a lv 5 25 point buy character that is a half orc wielding a orc skull ram?

My character is wielding a masterwork +1 huge great sword, and lightning struck my sword which caused it to be broken. I am getting it fixed by a blacksmith, but I was wondering if it is possible to have him up the size from a huge +1 greatsword to a +1 gigantic greatsword?