Kendis Filzenthrarson, a.k.a Deathless,
(Yes Filzenthrarson. No joke. His mother insisted. His mother, who deeply loved his father….I am getting side tracked. I’ll continue..) has had a pretty rough go of it all. Actually "rough go" really doesn’t do it justice. His life has been complete ****.
(Yeah I censored. You may ask why intentionally censor if I could just pick another word and not waste all this time? One, stop asking questions and just let me tell this story and two, because such a word begins to explain the magnitude of what I speak. Where was I? Ah yes, I was getting to..) His father was the root of Kendis’ troubles in life. His father,
(Guess what his name was…yup, you guessed it...) Filzenthrar, was an alchemist, an objectively good one at that.
(Now, to be clear my use of “good” in this instance does not refer to his morality, but his skill, because moralistically speaking..) Filzenthrar was also evil as ****. Up until Kendis was 5ish he basically lived with his mother who loved him and his father more deeply than ever thought possible
(But this is not a love story, so don’t get your hopes up!). On that 5ish years old day, Kendis was playing outside by himself, entertaining himself
(As no one would play with an evil alchemist’s son. But seriously, I know some of you would say, “I’d play with him!” No you wouldn’t his dad is insane! And evil! Get off your high horse!..anyway..) as he usually did when he went to go find his mother. She wasn’t where she normally was in the house so he searched all over. She wasn’t anywhere to be found. Then he looked at his father’s lab at the top of the hill they lived on. The lights were on and a lot of lights could be seen, maybe his mom had gone there.
(Let’s pause a moment. Did anyone think, “What?! His lab is on the top of the hill and the family home was at the bottom? There could be floods or something!” Yup! I dun told you he was evil) His mother had told him never to bother his father in there.
(Actually, he was specifically told not to ever go in there) So
(of course) he went in there. There were terrible smells, beakers, vials, tables, so many things. Before he saw much however, he heard a couple footsteps, a “Perfect, just what I needed.”, and immediately blacked out.
He finally awoke to the jolt of being carried over a shoulder as it seemed he was exiting the lab. He quickly looked back to see his father dead on the floor with several big gashes and a few burn marks. The lab was all messed up, and on fire. And a person sized mound of what looked like red meat on a table
(Yep, that’s all your gonna get. You’re welcome). Looking at his captors he saw people he had only heard about in stories. These were adventurers! But they had killed his father! And, speaking of..where was his mother? So he asked. His question was not followed up by silence, per’se, just several rounds of wrenching. Maybe they were sick? Kendis got sick sometimes and it caused him to throw up. They must be sick. And one of them would cry whenever they looked at him. She wore some cloth robes that had the same symbol scattered everywhere on it. Kendis thought it looked silly but eh..They never did answer his question about his mother, quite adamantly actually. But they took him with them wherever they travelled.
(I’mma stop here because there is so much more to tell, but I’ll leave that for another time…)
A little continuation to the backstory…
Kendis was told what had happened eventually and as such lost all faith in…well anything really. He gave a metaphorical middle finger to the gods, his father, and that adventuring party (Because apparently a simple casting of confusion is a TPK. Thanks fighter and barbarian!) Anywho, After that he pretty much just went into business for himself. He’d take quests that were intended for full groups and succeed easily. Apparently he just couldn’t die, weird huh? Oh and many tried, fret not.
So his personality is, as you’d expect of a person who gave a finger to all and thinks he can’t die. That being said, he has a great wit and a….’good?’ , albeit dark, sense of humor. Truly a great balance to a team full of “do good-ery, goody two-shoes wearing, justicy justicers”.