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Organized Play Member. 24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.
There is no other victor, but I.
Uncle Teddy wrote: Fancy cloak clasp - something new - 9/10 Interesting cartoony knight drawing. Vaguely reminds me of Rogue Legacy. 8/10
Offbrand Alfred Pennyworth. 4/10.
Chess Pwn wrote: What I'd do for that is a Barbarian with superstitious rage power or an untouchable bloodrager, both have resistance to magic and supplemental abilities that can help them in a dragon fight. Have them use magic weapon and armor because this is just the best armor and weapons. "I've used many a sword, this one is definitely the sharpest I've found.", "no other armor can take a blow like this one." no knowledge of it being magic needed. wondrous items are out, but just having magic gear is helpful.
Having a level 10 rager with magic gear (really helps them deal with the reduced wealth NPCs get since what else are you spending money on), this I can see as actually being someone that fights dragons and survives.
I'll run that by them. Hopefully it'll work. Thank you.
Darksol the Painbringer wrote: Deadspark wrote: Chess Pwn wrote: what is this NPC supposed to do?
If the answer is anything but, "Die, hide, watch, stand there, be a target for attacks, die, DIE, or DIE!!!" then he kinda "can't" have NPC levels, especially 5 of them.
She wanted him to be the most famous dragonslayer in a land full of those angry wyrms. She wanted him to be powerful, but distrusting of magic because of a disgusting rivalry with a sorcerer.
Tl;dr He is a frontline fighter, designed to be fighting dragons head on. Well, fighting Dragons head-on is precisely how you get killed. No Dragon, unless they're hatchlings, are that stupid or stubborn, nor would they be easily susceptible to such tactics.
He can't be stupid like that if he claims himself a legendary Dragonslayer, and he ought to be smart enough to understand that sometimes you have to make a deal with the Devil to stop what he thinks is a greater evil (Dragons), especially when dealing with enemies that are just as smart and conniving (if not smarter or more conniving) than that which he is disgusted by.
Also, just because he hates one sorcerer doesn't mean he should hate all Magic. There's Divine Magic, too... This would be my friend's first story idea. I think they need a bit more time to think. They want this to be based around skyrim basically. Cutting down dragons with normal and plain iron blades. They're already fighting me with the slightest idea to have at least some slight changes of of their present idea.
Chess Pwn wrote: what is this NPC supposed to do?
If the answer is anything but, "Die, hide, watch, stand there, be a target for attacks, die, DIE, or DIE!!!" then he kinda "can't" have NPC levels, especially 5 of them.
She wanted him to be the most famous dragonslayer in a land full of those angry wyrms. She wanted him to be powerful, but distrusting of magic because of a disgusting rivalry with a sorcerer.
Tl;dr He is a frontline fighter, designed to be fighting dragons head on.
Thanks all, I was pretty sure this NPC build was gonna be a flop. I'll try to convince her to add a few magical items to her build. And yes, I was certain this would be a flop. Currently her NPC is sitting at a +6 damage bonus to an elven curved blade, due to the limitations.
My friend wants to make a dragonslayer NPC for a campaign she's making. She wants 5 NPC levels and 5 PC levels. She also wants him to use nonmagical equipment. What's the most effective character to make under these terms?
Is it possible to run a Pathfinder game with only a single player, and 3 NPCs? If so, what adjustments need to be made?
I would say probably say if the total damage dealt to the person exceeds AC before the start of their next turn, their speed is cut by 20 ft, and they must take a standard action to roll on their next turn. Another good mechanic to add would be a sense motive check vs their attack roll to act as a parry. My suggestion for a backstab would be if two people were flanking a single target. Wherever the target attacks is where they face. Whoever is facing the rear side of the target gets an attack on their turn that should be a -5 to attack (-3 with flanking bonus) for double damage.
I want to make a beast rider cavalier, but the Axe Beak doesn't show up in the druid animal companion list. Is there a way to have an Axe Beak as a mount without homebrew or third party?
Thunder_TBT wrote: Is this question about the largest number of dice or the largest weapon possible Largest sized weapon
Chess Pwn wrote: nope, Titan fighter from Pathfinder Player Companion: Giant Hunter's Handbook Oh, I see. I tend to ignore the handbooks.
Chess Pwn wrote: titan fighter/certain tiefling can wield a large greatsword.
+16 kineticist/Druid to turn huge making weapon Gargantuan.
Add impact so it's treated as Colossal.
Titan Fighter I believe is 3rd party, however a Titan Mauler works generally the same.
I have a challenge for everyone. Make the largest possible wieldable weapon. The only restrictions are no homebrew or third party, character must be a small or medium race, and level doesn't matter. Don't worry about most effective, only the biggest possible.
Wonderstell wrote: Buy Large Bolts for your medium Gastraphetes.
Cast Enlarge Person and Gravity Bow on yourself while the large bolts lies on the ground before you.
Pick up the large bolts which weren't affected by the Enlarge Person spell.
Fire large bolts from your enlarged Gastraphetes, which won't shrink the moment they leave your crossbow.
Huge Gastraphetes bolts deal 4d6 dmg.
+3.5 dmg for -1 Attack and a spell isn't really worth it, but it should be mentioned if we want to reach "the most damaging" bolt.
A few problems with this solution. At what point do the bolts turn huge? Also, his question involved using medium bolts, not large or huge.
Chess Pwn wrote: Deadspark wrote: Chess Pwn wrote: Deadspark wrote: Torbyne wrote: Basically what Tarantula said, you describe an unarmed strike however you want. you could be standing next to the enemy ans describe your full attack as a series of flying kicks from alternating sides if you want. if you are more closely tied to mechanics than only describe your attack as a flying kick if you make a charge or use some special feat. I don't believe a series of flying kicks can be preformed by standing in a single location. Perhaps high kicks, but that isn't what I'm going for. No, If you say you're doing 5 flying kicks without moving then you did 5 flying kicks without moving. If there's nothing mechanically you're wanting when you say, "flying kick" then it's just an unarmed strike, and you can deliver it with any part of your body and describe any cool effects. In that case, it would count only as just standard unarmed strikes. My question was asking how might I execute a flying kick that has special effects without straying from the game's base rules. What special effects are you wanting then? I'm looking for something that would possibly knock the enemy prone. Such as a rushing trip attempt
Chess Pwn wrote: Deadspark wrote: Torbyne wrote: Basically what Tarantula said, you describe an unarmed strike however you want. you could be standing next to the enemy ans describe your full attack as a series of flying kicks from alternating sides if you want. if you are more closely tied to mechanics than only describe your attack as a flying kick if you make a charge or use some special feat. I don't believe a series of flying kicks can be preformed by standing in a single location. Perhaps high kicks, but that isn't what I'm going for. No, If you say you're doing 5 flying kicks without moving then you did 5 flying kicks without moving. If there's nothing mechanically you're wanting when you say, "flying kick" then it's just an unarmed strike, and you can deliver it with any part of your body and describe any cool effects. In that case, it would count only as just standard unarmed strikes. My question was asking how might I execute a flying kick that has special effects without straying from the game's base rules.
Torbyne wrote: Basically what Tarantula said, you describe an unarmed strike however you want. you could be standing next to the enemy ans describe your full attack as a series of flying kicks from alternating sides if you want. if you are more closely tied to mechanics than only describe your attack as a flying kick if you make a charge or use some special feat. I don't believe a series of flying kicks can be preformed by standing in a single location. Perhaps high kicks, but that isn't what I'm going for.
Black Powder Chocobo wrote: There's also the Janni Rush feat which allows for extra damage flying kicks.
Ooh Janni style seems fun. It fits my type of brawler as well.
My group voids exp (We level up every 3 games per character) and carry weight isn't a thing. Everyone get undersized mount and lets all mount the druid's dog!
Tarantula wrote: Describe your unarmed attack as a flying kick. Make an acrobatics roll to see how high you jumped (result of roll / 4). If you want mechanics to it, unchained monk specifically gets an ability called flying kick. I'm using the hybrid class brawler. I don't plan on using a flying kick very often, I would just find it comedic to flying ninja kick someone in the face.
I like playing as my brawler, and I would like to do flying kicks. How might this work? Is it a trip attempt? Does it knock me prone? Does is knock my enemy prone? is it a charge attack? Thank you for any help.