Golden Orb

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Organized Play Member. 703 posts (2,517 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 14 aliases.

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Okay RHMG Animator and G-unit answers both of your series of questions below.

Okay yes I am using Background Skills but I hope they will be chosen to augment a characters background but that is not required.

Next I am using Traits - 2 plus an additional 1 if a meaningful drawback is taken.

I will update these items under the campaign tab

As for the elephant in the room (aka feat taxes) I am open to it but I am not 100% saying yes to all of it as that is not on -- keep in mind this is game is for complete newbie not only to Pathfinder 1e but role playing games in general. Still some adjustments I would definitely agree with those being the one about Weapon Finesse with weapons you have proficient with and I would expand Weapon Focus to a +1 To Hit and Damage making it actually worth a full Feat. As for the any other Feats both those covered by the elephant in the room and those not covered by the elephant in the room I am open to negotiation and upon agreeing to something I will record that under the Campaign tab.

As for not averaging a roll of 13 or higher with your attributes using the heightened system that I outlined I did specifically state you may choose to roll again until you average (in Discussion) a 13 or better average set of attributes. Thus no need for a "heart attack"

Note personally I do not care what your attributes end up being as frankly I can handle anything that the players end up being. All I am trying to do is make it not so mechanical (aka min-maxing) which is what the point buy system generates and I want folks to have characters that are heroic and fun to play. Sure at low levels those numbers can be fairly significant but eventually they are quite minor.

I mean if I wanted to perhaps balance it out even more I could limit your attribute bonuses to your level thus restricting that extreme boost some folks can get for a very high attribute until they are higher level and where it does not mean as much. Which is something I am now considering as I have never had this idea before but it is a very good game balancing element.

I do not feel I need to go beyond telling non-newbies to please do not power game because you all fully understand what that means as you already fully know how to fully exploit the mechanics. While true newbies will have no clue as to how to garner ever ounce of benefit from the mechanics so that they can exploit those mechanics and make their character far more powerful than a nominally created character. So that is why I am not restricting things beyond say please do not power game as this is a game that is also for a complete newbie.

As to the newbie -- they are looking at a fighter rogue combination we have not fully outlined the class they are wanting to play but yeah it will be a hybrid of some sort of those two classes.

There friend said they wanted to play a spell caster of some type that had eaten a magical po-ta-toe and this gave them their access to magic. Aka Boil em, smash em, stick em in a stew -- assuming you recognize that reference. Like I said something weird but still doable.

I am in the USA CT timezone (and they are in the US as well) but I am not sure when they will want to do the Discord version of the game as of yet. I will assume at this point sometime after 4pm CT but before 8pm CT weekdays and/or sometime on the Weekend and probably only for a couple of hours regardless of when. While I am hoping I can get them to do the majority online in a normal PbP fashion. They are just not familiar with playing a pure PbP game so I agreed to a hybrid version.

Next if you want to play in this game just put forth not only your character idea but anything you as a player would like to see in the game and would not like to see in the game. As I work to make a game that is fun for the players as I can run (and have ran) just about everything.

As to the setting, this is going to be greatly dependent on the players and what you all give me for what you would like to see in the game as well as would like not to see. Of course the current basic theme to the campaign is Goblins Must Die! so that will be a very strong element to the game and the setting if that helps any.

Also keep in mind if there is something you have wanted to play (that is heroic) but could not because there was no class for it then just outline what it is you are wanting to play and I will work with you and create a balanced class that covers that as closely as possible.

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Going to be creating a game for a beginner and their friend that will start at Level one and the campaign will go from there.

This game will take place here on Paizo as a PbP and it will also be taking place on Discord using voice chat -- so if you are not on Discord and/or do not have voice chat you are probably not going to want to play this game.

The game will have "puzzles" in it as well as a bit of weirdness due to what one the players is wanting to play. It will also deal with trying to eradicate Goblins

That being said players will roll 3d6 take 2 and add 6 within the Discussion Channel for their initial attributes and then arrange them as they see fit.

I will be using for source material, however, there may be elements that could be restricted due to not only introducing a new player to Pathfinder 1e but also to role playing games in general.

Therefore if you an absolute newbie definitely feel free to apply and I will work with you to make a 3-dimensional character and hopefully have a lot fun.

However, if you are a power player I suggest you do not apply, as that would be unfair to the newbies, that is unless you are okay with not play an overly mechaniced PC.

Oh and lastly I take folks on a first come first served basis but with the caveat of just because you were first but then put nothing into creating a character then you may drop in the order in that queue.

Further the last time I opened a game this way I got 15 applicants and I was only taking at most 7 and by the time the characters were finished we only had 7 active players and of those 7 active players there is currently only 1 of the originals still in that game of 5 players. So what I am saying is do not be discouraged if you are not the first to post an interest for I have found someone posting an interest (aka what is called dotting) is about as much commit to the game as the amount of characters that were typed (aka a single dot).

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Oh yes you do -- here are the following skills that can be used untrained which means everyone has half their level rounded down plus their attribute bonus. Trained skills simply gives one a +5 to the check and allows for a higher result.

Untrained Skills:

Acrobatics (Dex)
Climb (Str)
Deception (Cha)
Endurance (Con)
Gather Information (Cha)
Initiative (Dex)
Jump (Str)
Knowledge[ ] (Int)
Mechanics (Int)
Perception (Wis)
Persuasion (Cha)
Pilot (Dex)
Ride (Dex)
Stealth (Dex)
Survival (Wis)
Swim (Str)
Treat Injury (Wis)
Use Computer (Int)
Use Force (Cha)
Trained Only Skills:

Mechanics (Int)
This thus means you can make a raw Knowledge check and I will apply it to the most appropriate category that will give the most information of course I also apply the rule if you are not trained the best result you can get is a 10 or common ability.

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Upon landing the ship's sensors detected only a few life forms within the vincinity and the atmosphere is cold with a very high oxygen concentration but also contains traces of toxins requiring those that ventured forth to wear breath masks. [occ]{Note I assume the players took breath masks with them and are using them.}[/ooc]

Upon existing the ship those who are force sensitive feel the presence of the Dark Side which simply grows stronger as they approach the abandoned city.

The city is empty of men, women, and children. Hostile winds whip through the seemingly lifeless streets and between the alleyways of abandoned buildings. Unlike most of the planet, here the unchecked kaluthin has taken over, growing up to 6 to 7 feet tall in some parts of the city. Still the plants fail to mask strewn debris and the occasional decomposing body -- the calling cards of looters and bandits who plundered the city after the unexpected attack almost two years ago.

As the group walks through the discarded remnants of old lives, they notice the empty twin buildings housing the local children's school. To their left, they see faded graffiti on the wall, below a sign that reads "Remembrance Hall". Then a collective chill runs down everyones spines as they make out suspicious red letters that say "Death To The Unfaithful". When they get within about 300 feet of the Academy ruins, they realize that all the kaluthin inside this radius has died off. This area is as dead as the entire planet was perhaps a millennia ago and feel of the Dark Side here is much stronger.

After there encounter with the squibs and ugors, who are basic scavengers, and acquiring the droid they moved on. They soon pass the outer buildings and grounds that surround the Academy proper. The remains of the ciruclar structure are immediately identifiable as Coruscani in design. The majestic white marble tower lies toppled on the ground. Once the group passed the yawning entrance, where the 16-foot-high double doors were ripped from their hinges by someone who valued only their material worth, they find themselves in the entry hall. Even with all the surrrounding devastation, the wonder of this place still remains palpable. The few interior walls still standing are also made of white Seloninan marble, lined with thick veins of silver that form into knots where wall and floor meet. Inlaid cases carved into the entry hall walls are set at about 3 feet off the floor. Less dust-filled spots inside show that their contents were plunder a while ago.

Only some sections of the ground floor remain accessible. Most of the corridors were blocked when the upper floors caved in during the bombardment. The path ahead appears to lead the group either over or under a row of once-dazzling columns at the hall's center, now shattered into pathetic fragments. As the group begins to navigate this obstacle they are suddenly set upon by reptile creatures with the only warning before the assault is a spine-chilling snarl. The group is confronted with horrors wrenched from the realm of darkness. Four giant reptilian, slavering monsters, black as the void and just as soulless, burst from concealment and spring towards them. Encased in their bony skull is a mouth filled with black stiletto like teeth and a charcoal prehensile tongue (earning these beasts their alternative sobriquet of, "Dark Tongues"). Along the back of these creature's 10-foot-long bodies run two rows of sharp spikes, and their four appendages end in huge ebony black claws. These vicious creatures are known to be exotic pets used by crimelords and other beings insane with power.

The Force Sensitives see even more than what those who are not Force Sensitive as these creatures seem to be drenched in the Dark Side to such a degree that their eyes shine red like a Dark Side lightsaber and they literally glow with darkness with even their drool being black in appearance.

OCC: First I need Perception checks and then I need Initiative checks

Initiative: 1d20 ⇒ 6

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Okay so we have all the players but are missing the DM?

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Keep in mind just because it is not in the mechanics does not mean you cannot add fluff to the character in some other non-mechanic way that allows you to portray something that while simplistic mechanics wise is more complex aesthetics wise.

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Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Conv 0, Card TBD

Jzero I thought I had asked this but how do you do that header thing?

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Stone To Hit Goblin: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Stone Damage Goblin: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Who: 1d6 ⇒ 3
To Hit Grün: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Bow Crit Fail: 1d6 ⇒ 4
To Hit Melee Grün: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

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Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Conv 0, Card TBD

Please GM whatever you do, don't die trying as that would be a horrible ending to this wonderful adventure ;-)

I guess I came for both, but I guess mostly to experience SW a bit more although RL does have a draw and I am interested to see how this GM puts a different twist on things (or at least I hope they do).

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Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Conv 0, Card TBD

Double ditto

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Hey brvheart I could play a Paladin or holy fighter if you like or even step into the shoes of a character already established that has lost their player and role play pretty much they way the had been played.

If stepping into a preset character is not something you want to do, that is cool, I can simply work with you and design a character that you feel will help augment the current story you are trying to tell.

Look forward to hearing from you.

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I believe I had a couple of potential players still floating around out there if so please let me know if you are still interested.

Or if anyone else is interested just chime in.

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Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Conv 0, Card TBD

Ah so sorry to hear you have to deal with a nut job but as the media shows we seem to have a plethora of them running amok in the States. Hopefully the police will bring him in and put an solid ending to his harrassment.

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The group was gathered, they had all just recently passed their tests and graduated to Crawler status and today would be their first excursion beyond the Great Wall. There was a small celebration the previous day where the group heard a lot of talk about what might lie ahead of them. Things shared to them by other other Crawlers more experienced than they. Apparently there were mysterious doors located within the jungle-like forest that lay about a hundred feet from the Great Wall. This forest used to contain terrible beasts but most of the worst of these were eventually eradicated by previous Crawler teams and now special Crawler teams continued to scour the vast forest for signs of any return of these creatures of old and when discovered by anyone. These specialty teams quickly moved to find, contain, and destroy the creature before it could reproduce.

With the forest mostly tamed, two things were discovered, the first is that the great forest ends in a great cliff that descends a nearly immeasurable distance to another great forest. It is believed that at one time these two forests were one, and that some cataclysmic disaster broke the ground and dropped the rest of the valley into the near abysally deep place it is currently found in. While successful Crawler expeditions have descended the cliff to the lower forest none have stayed long and returned. As such, it has been determined that only the most experienced Crawlers will undergo such forrays.

The second thing that was discoverd is that there are numerous cave openings in the cliffs that rise up at either side of the great forest. Further within many of these caves is contained a mysterious magical door, that opens into a complex that descends floor after floor. The depth and vastness of any particular complex seems to vary but within these complexes can be found treasure as well as creatures. Many of these complexes are found to have mini-ecosystems within them that allow the creatures found there to live indefinitely. However, the source and the reason for these complexes is unknown but there seems to be no end to their treasures nor dangers. Further they seem to periodically change and as such Crawlers are periodically sent into these to face thier dangers and to plumb their depths for the treasures they contain.

After being lowered down hundred feet to the ground outside the great wall, they followed a guide into the great forest. After a full days hard travel through the forest, their guide presents them to a cave opening and gestures for them to enter whereupon the guide then leaves them, seemingly to melt back into the forest from whence they had came.

The group then sets up camp just inside the cave, taking stock of their inventory. Deeper into the cave, that they now find themselves in, is one of these magical doors. Their training up to now has taught them to expect traps, ambushes, and all other kinds of hazards and dangers once they have began their crawl. A set of stone stairs lead up to the ancient glyph covered door which is inset within the back wall of the cave. The worked stone -- of the stairs, the immediate walls and ceiling that lead to the door look completely out of place and as ancient as the door. It seems fairly obvious that the very first stone step begins their crawl. Just above the ancient door is a series of eleven block symbols that appear to be larger and different than the various glyphs that adorn the door.

Read Primordial:

After a good nights rest the group is ready to proceed.

OCC:Sorry for the delay, I started writing the first draft changed my mind mid-write, and started a second draft realized that would not work either mid-write and finally started this third draft with a much better more cohesive plan to the whole thing.

Oh I realize that many of you might look anyway at things their character cannot know and that is fine. All I ask is that you do not meta game that information. Do your best to role play only what your character actually knows. If you have difficulty doing that I strongly suggest never peeking behind the current ;-)

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Male Aasimar (Native Outsider) Paladin, Parry: 8 (2 Shield), Toughness: 9 (3 Armor), Wounds: 0, Fatigue: 0, Low Light Vision, Aura of Courage (All Allies 60ft +1 vs Fear), Bens 3, Conv 0, Card TBD

Hmmm that is an a most interesting twist Mirri I will have to look into that -- still as of now the concept in my mind is to have him start as a cleric as he strives to obtain paladinhood but doing what you suggest might short circuit that and simply have him start as a Paladin

So thanks a bunch for that MIrri

It is so sad that they do not have any Avatars that work for an Aasimar *sigh*

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Okay GM Briggs I will wait to see if you get 2 additional or more players and once you have decided on what players you want (and if chosen) I will gladly work with you on creating a character that will help augment the group and/or the game you plan to be running.

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No the next roll states if you choose to make it then you throw away your previous roll. Yes, I can see why you might choose to go back but I think having to work with the 9 and the 6 might be more challenging. However, what if someone rolled all 13s and then on their next roll got one 14 and stats worse than yours. It would be unfair to let them roll that back, they gambled and took a chance and it did not pay off. It does not say you have to roll again, just says you may choose to. I had a player roll a mix of stats once and get 6 like you did and further they did not average a 13 (which was that games criterion for re-rolling) but they also rolled an 18. The chose to keep that character, rather than roll again.

If it helps any, I have played old school (and will again when either GM Tribute or scranford start their game) and in one session the Fighter in the group, who rolled a 10 for CON rolled a 1 on a d10 for Hit Points. That player played that character and they and everyone else ended up having fun. Even more interesting on their first outing, he was the only one to return and he was there every step of the way. The only more talked about incident was the character that bought a war pig and when the group went out, the only party member to return was dun dun daaaah the war pig ;-)

I mean there is no guarantee that your first set of rolls will fair any better than your second set. However, since you chose to reroll, you still get to roll the stats up for your backup character ahead of time or you can wait until and IF this character dies.

Further within this Discussion thread is where you and the other players will work to create a group as unlike normal Pathfinder 1e you need everyone and everyone needs you.

Oh and lastly, you should think about how you are going to **role play** that 6 what does it mean about your character. These attributes are general things having a 6 just means on the average you not strong in that attribute but it might just mean your average in most things but in one or two or three or ??? The character is not that good, you get to choose how to portray that, I suggest something that makes the character fun to **role play** but is not overly annoying. Good role playing has its benefits. I think the guidelines might even mention how those might work and if not I know how to make them work. ;-)

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Posting interest please see my PM.

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It could work Robert -- that is basically two forms -- one intangible form tied intrinsically to the ship and the other is an Andriod -- the question is where is the andriod when its not being utilized. I do not recall Andromeda ever showing that but then I did necessarily watch ever episode either.

I still think you should call your Android Marvin, give it a big head, and have be depressed ;-)

And a start time of Sept 18 to 28 sounds like a birthday present for me ;-)

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Oh no Robert Henry you have to give Rommie a much higher quality name with a personality and thus call it Marvin ;-) which is a much more fitting name and personality for such an android.

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Already on it -- as I thought you might like to see it.

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Seriously, you felt we are as imposing or as impressive as your Diamond Class Cruiser.

Let us look at the facts and assuming your Diamond Class Cruiser is a standard Sentinel-Class Landing Craft which you pointed us to when referring to the Diamond Class Cruise (whatever that actually really means or is).

We thus are looking at the following match-up in regards to combat. Where your DCC outclasess the Banshee in many significant areas. Note I am only pointing out where things are not the same.

Banshee vs DCC:
1) Initiative +3 vs +1 (minor hardly worth mentioning)
2) HP 60 vs 120 (significant)
3) Shield Rating: 15 vs 50 (extremely significant)
4) Damage Threshold: 72 vs 76 (minor but additional)
5) Max Damage potential 7d10x2 vs 18d10x2+3d8x2 (extremely significant)
6) Crew/Passengers: 2+8(7) vs 6+54 (extremely significant if we board the craft)

Note: I am not sure how the skills play into to ship to ship combat but I am assuming they do not. However even if they did, it would still only be a minor advantage to the Banshee and would eclipse or replace item #1

So where in this do you NOT see a major discrepancy in abilities majorly in favor of the Diamond Class Cruiser?

Now granted perhaps there is significant information that you have not shared that would alter the above but again that would be information you have not shared and all we have to go off of is what you have actually shared.

In conclusion if I were to look at that matchup as it currently stands, I would say the Banshee gets blown out of space long before the DCC is even significantly damaged. Perhaps even with the entire crew of the Banshee expending every Force Point they had.

However, if I am wrong which I could be, please explain. I promise not to use it as part of my character's knowledge. Aka I do not meta-game, I roleplay.

Still as it stands, that is a Kobayashi Maru (aka a no win scenario).

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Male Dwarf Cleric of Torag 2 (Artifice-Industry) / Wizard 2 AC/T/FF: 17/13/15 HP: 33/33 F: +6 R:+3 W: +9 Init: +2 Perception: +3

Perhaps we can honor the player, by having Karita become a more permanent background NPC at the store.

Maybe something happens in the tower that precludes her from adventuring anymore, or she chooses not to adventure anymore. Hate to completely lose our preforming alchemist.

Which might be another reason she might stay behind, her performances have been in demand by a portion of the locals as well as demand on some of her more fun concoctions -- kind of like those that could be found at Sugarplum's Sweets Shop in Diagon Alley.

Thus Karita's Inkredible Koncoctions (or KiK for short as in: "Let's get some KiKs." --or-- "Oh silly you (rabbit) KiKs are for TRIDs." Not sure what a TRID is yet but I am sure we can give that acronym a quality meaning.

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Yeah RL happens and sometimes it does not happen kindly. We would have had a player in one the games I am in just ghost us, if it was not for another gamer that new them personally.

Long story short, they were killed in a car accident. Sad to hear but things like that happen. You are only guaranteed yesterday (yestertime if it is the same day) for the tomorrow (no matter how short it be in time) may never come.

So live like you die tomorrow but plan like you will live forever. Or as Tim MacGraw wrote:

"I went skydiving, I went Rocky Mountain climbing
I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu
And I loved deeper, and I spoke sweeter
And I gave forgiveness I'd been denyin'"
And he said, "Someday I hope you get the chance
To live like you were dyin'"

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OCC: I posted the information I found on fixing ships in the discussion thread and that seems to cover it all.

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Okay I did a quick google search and found this in response to this question:

Core Rulebook. Pg. 70. "Repair Object: You can spend 1 hour and make a D20 Mechanics check to repair a damaged object, restoring 1d8 hit points and removing any persistent conditions currently affecting the device or vehicle. If you are on board a damaged vehicle while you attempt to repair it, apply any penalties from the vehicle's position on the condition track to your Mechanics check. (Major vehicle repairs are best attempted in a garage, hangar, dry dock, or other specialized facility.)

Scum and Villainy pages 94 - 97, tables 3-8, 3-9, 3-10, 3-11, and 3-12 cover costs relating to parts availability, docking bay security, refueling, restocking, and mechanic availability. On pg. 95 there is a specific price point of 100 credits per hp of damage for someone else to fix your ship. However, if you do it yourself it is free-ish. This does not factor in the costs listed on the mentioned tables.

Chapter 3 of Starships of the Galaxy provides everything you need to know for modifying your ship, including large scale upgrades and the necessary price points for a build your own.

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For simple background checks all they really need to do is to verify you worked where you said you worked. So the HR phone number is all you really need, as your supervisor might no longer be there and thus they would not answer their phone (or see below).

So when supplying phone numbers for background checks you should always supply the phone number to the HR Dept (as well as your last supervisor's name) as HR is actually required by law to answer those phone calls in a timely manner or you can sue the organization for loss of wages if it causes you to fail a background check.

Further not all organizations allow their employees to answer these kind of calls, as they can be held liable by the employee for a bad recommendation or by the other company for a good recommendation if the employee turns out to be bad. Many companies have thus moved to just giving it to HR and simply verifying you worked there and nothing more.

I have been through several background checks in my career, several basic ones as well as a couple of higher level public trust/security clearances. Just keep plugging away and remember you have rights and if a company violates those rights you can sue them for loss of wages.

If you want to be serious about it, call the HR Dept. yourself and let them know that you need them to respond to a background phone call and let them know you have recorded the conversation. If you are in a two-party consent state you have to inform them before you record if not inform them at the end of the call. This way they know they have been legally notified and must respond.

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OCC:Nice role play interchange ya'awl -- I enjoyed it.

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Sorry squeezemnenow did not mean to miss your post numerous times -- sometimes I cannot see the back of my own hand. Here is a rectified list.

1) friendly sauce
2) Chyrone
3) Ythiel
4) caster4life
5) Ridge
6) DeJoker
7) Cuchulainn
8) Taldo the Tanner
9) Beltin Benedict
10) squeezemenow
11) fatmanspencer

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Thanks Bantha and I am looking forward to getting the games into a full running mode. Sure wish I could dedicate my entire day to this like I used to ;) but alas I have that annoying thing called life and bills that I must attend to. But I do have my eye on this and I am working on getting the next piece in place, I have to refresh my memory on the guidelines and make some simple notes so I do not forget going forward.

I might have a memory like a steel sieve at times but some days the holes are bigger than others.

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Vilma, I will probably put up the first post this weekend in order to get things rolling while I am still finishing up the second passes as I pretty sure I will not have those done by this weekend for everyone.

Dain I am going through your character and I noted that you have Weapon Focus (Warhammer: Free from Deity), however, I am not finding where this comes into play. The closest thing I find is where the Warpriest can use their bonuses for any weapon that they have Weapon Focus in but nothing that grants you a Free Weapon Focus. Your class does give you Weapon Proficiency in Warhammer but not Weapon Focus, again that is unless I missed something. Can you please state where this Weapon Focus came from, thanks.

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That would be a yes ElbowToTheFace the how to is outline in the Campaign tab and the submissions are done in the Discussion tab.

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Okay Bantha poked me and I am working on moving this from Discord back to Paizo as I find I just do not do well with out posting alerts.

The official recruitment thread and thus the game is over here

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Okay Shekla in order to get your character out of my mind I have concluded my adjustments for them. I will need your feed back for as always it is your character and thus you have the final say so.

Race: Uriak:

Attributes: Str +2, Con +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 30ft
Senses: Low-Light Vision
Keen Senses: Gain a +2 Racial Bonus to Perception checks
Intimidating: Gain +2 Racial Bonus on Intimidation checks
Off-Putting: Receive a -2 Racial Penalty on Diplomacy checks
Orc Blood: They count as both Human and Orc for any effect related to race.
Weapon Familiarity: Gain proficiency with Bow (Short and Long), Great Axe, and Falchion. If already proficient with Martial Weapons due to their 1st-level class they gain the Feat Weapon Focus with one of these weapons. They treat any weapon with the word Orc in its name as a Martial Weapon.
Sacred Tattoo: Many Uriak decorate themselves with tattoos, piercings, and ritual scarring, which they consider sacred markings. Uriak with this racial trait gain a +1 Luck Bonus on all Saves. This replaced Orc Ferocity.

Traits/Feats Taken:

Trait 1: Volatile Conduit (magic)
Having discovered a secret source within that enhances the energy of some spells. They can, as a Free Action, when casting a spell that deals Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Void damage, enhance that spell with volatile energy. When they do, the spell deals 1d4 points of extra damage of the same energy type. They can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + Charisma modifier.

Trait 2: Reactionary (combat)
Often bullied as a child, but never quite developing an offensive response. They became adept at anticipating sudden attacks and reacting to danger quickly. They gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.

Drawback: Foul Brand (face, Luthic)
The character has the symbol of an evil deity (Luthic) burned into the flesh of her left cheek. The character takes a –2 Penalty on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Disguise checks. This does not count as an unholy symbol for the purposes of a Divine Focus for Spell Casting.

Trait 3: Seeker (social)
They are always on the lookout for rewards and danger. They gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for them.

Feat 1st-Level: Chaos Blood Bloodline (see below)

Class Bonus Feat: Eschew Materials
The character can cast any spell with a material component costing 1 gp or less without needing that component. The casting of the spell still provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. If the spell requires a material component that costs more than 1 gp, they must have the material component on hand to cast that spell, as normal.

Feat 3rd-Level: Spell Focus [Evocation]
Add a +1 to the Difficulty Class for all Saves made against spells from the school of magic that was selected.

Class Sorcerer:

Hit Die: d6
Starting Wealth: 3,120 gp
Weapon Proficiency: Simple Weapons, Short Bow, Long Bow, Great Axe, Falchion
Armor Proficiency: No Armor

Class Skills (2 + Int Mod)
Appraise (Int)
Bluff (Cha)
Fly (Vry)
Intimidate (Cha)
Spell Craft (Wis)
Use Magic Device (Cha)

Knowledge[ ] (Int)

Craft[ ] (Wis)

Profession[ ] (Int)

Sorcerer Class Features:

1st - Bloodline Power
1st - Spell Casting
1st - Cantrips
1st - Eschew Materials

3rd - Bloodline Power
3rd - Bloodline Spell

5th - Bloodline Spell

7th - Bloodline Feat
7th - Bloodline Spell

9th - Bloodline Power
9th - Bloodline Spell

11th - Bloodline Spell

13th - Bloodline Feat
13th - Bloodline Spell

15th - Bloodline Power
15th - Bloodline Spell

17th - Bloodline Spell

19th - Bloodline Feat
19th - Bloodline Spell

20th - Bloodline Power

Story Elements to Chaos Blood:

Accursed (Story Feat)
A curse weighs upon one's soul like a millstone around one's neck.

Prequisite: When the character was born, a powerful chaos entity tainted their blood in some way and cursed them as an agent of chaotic prophecy. They gain access to the Chaos Blood Bloodline.

Benefits: The character gains Spell Resistance equal to 5 + Character Level, as the curse interferes with all magic. Unlike most spell resistance, this cannot voluntarily be lowered, though their own spells and magic items still automatically affect them.

Goal: Lift the curse or purge the corruption of their chaos blood (the circumstances of either vary widely based on the nature of the curse, and is up to the player and GM to determine the details).

Completion Benefit: The character loses the Spell Resistance described under Benefit. They instead gain Spell Resistance equal to 11 + their character level, but only against harmful Enchantment, Necromancy, and Transmutation spells and spell-like abilities. Their aura now resists further attempts to be cursed. Harmless spells automatically bypass this Spell Resistance whether they desire it or not. This Spell Resistance can be voluntarily lowered.

Chaos Blood Bloodline:

Prerequisite: Consumes the Generic 1st Level Feat

Note: This Bloodline cannot be alterred in anyway.

Bonus Spells: Burning Hands (at 3rd), Glitter Dust (at 5th), Chaotic Aura (at 7th), Tentacles of Tindalos (at 9th), Lightning Arc (at 11th), Cold Ice Strike (at 13th), Banshee Scream (at 15th), Storm Bolts (at 17th), Winds of Vengeance (at 19th)

Bonus Feats: Chaos Blood Conduit, Combat Casting, Furious Spell, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Intensified Spell, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness

Blood Havoc (1st-Level)
Whenever you cast a Sorcerer spell that deals damage, add 1 point of damage per die rolled. This benefit applies only to damaging spells that belong to schools you have selected with Spell Focus or that are Bloodline Spells that you know. The damage per die increases by
1 up to a maximum of the Sorcerer's Charisma modifier when Sorcerer levels: 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th are reached. They also Gain Dark Vision 30 feet and Light Blindness.

Blood Morph (3rd-Level)
The Sorcerer as a spell-like ability that as a Swift Action can cast Morph. They can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + Charisma modifier. Further their Dark Vision increases to 60 feet and they gain Blind Sight 10 feet

Blood Piercing (9th-Level)
Whenever they cast a Sorcerer spell that deals damage, any creature affected by the spell has their Energy Resistance and Spell Resistance reduced for that spell's effect by an amount equal to the caster's Charisma modifier. This can be used once per day for each 4 full Sorcerer levels possessed. It does not stake with itself.

Abberrant Blood (Su) (15th-Level)
Gain Spell Resistance equal to Sorcerer Level + 10 unless still cursed in which case raise the Cursed Spell Resistance by 5. Their Dark Vision increases to 90 feet, their Blind Sight increases to 20 feet, and they gain the Abberrant Type.

Alien Blood (20th-Level)
Your body becomes truly unnatural. You are immune to Critical Hits and Sneak Attacks. In addition, your Dark Vision increases to 120 feet and your Blind Sight increases to 30 feet, gain Damage Reduction 5/—, and they gain the Outsider Type

Choas Blood Conduit (Feat):

The character's blood boils with chaos just waiting to be released to destory.
Prerequiste: Chaos Blood Bloodline and Knowledge [Planar] 3 Ranks
Benefits: As a Swift Action, the character can allow the Chaos in their blood to overtake them and enter into a Bloodrage. While in this Bloodrage, the character gains a +4 Morale Bonus to their Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 Morale Bonus on Will Saves. In addition, they take a –2 Penalty to Armor Class. The increase in Constitution grants them +2 Hit Points per Hit Die, but this disappears when the Bloodrage ends and are not lost first. While Bloodraging, the character cannot use any Charisma, Dexterity, or Intelligence based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, or Ride) or any other skill that requires patience or concentration. The character can Bloodrage for a number of rounds per day equal to:
2 + Base Constitution Modifier + (Knowledge[Planar] Ranks x 2)
Base Constitution Modifier means temporary increases to Constituion do not increase the total number of rounds per day. The total number of Bloodrage rounds per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours need not be consecutive.

To end the Bloodrage prematurely the character must make a Will Save DC 12 + Character Level or be rendered Unconscious. While in this Bloodrage the character must be venting their chaos into the physical world by attacking something with the intent to destroy it. Any round spent not doing so, or moving as quickly to a new viable target causes the chaos to vent inwardly causing the character to take 1d8 points of non-reducible damage. When the Bloodrage ends the character is Fatigued for a number of rounds equal to twice the number of rounds spent in the Bloodrage. The character can enter into a new Bloodrage while Fatigued or Exhausted, which will temporarily suspend those conditions. However, upon exiting the new Bloodrage the additional rounds are added on and the characters state worsens one step, going from Fatigued to Exhausted to Unconscious. To go from Exhausted to Fatigued requires half the total number rounds needed to recover. If the character goes Unconscious (either during or after Bloodrage) however, they will remain Unconscous for the full recovery period.

This ability counts as the Barbarian's Rage and the Bloodrager's Bloodrage for purposes of Feat Prerequisites, Feat Abilities, Magic Item Abilities, and Spell Effects

Light Blindness (Ex):

Creatures are Blinded for 1 round if exposed to Bright Light, such as Sunlight or the Daylight spell and are Dazzled as long as they remain in an area of Bright Light.

Dazzled: The creature is unable to see well because of over-stimulation of the eyes. They take a -1 Penalty on Attack rolls and vision-based Perception checks.

Blinded: The creature cannot see and takes a -2 Penalty to Armor Class, loses their Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), and takes a -4 Penalty on most Dexterity-based skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading, and Perception checks based on vision) automatically fail. All opponents are considered to have total concealment (50% miss chance) against the creature. The creature must make a DC 10 Acrobatics check to move faster than half speed. Creatures that fail this check fall Prone. Creatures who remain Blinded for a long time can grow accustomed to these drawbacks and can overcome some of them.

Blind Sight:

The creature can use a non-visual sense (or combination of senses) to operate effectively without vision. Such senses may include sensitivity to vibrations, acute/keen scent, keen hearing, or echolocation. This makes invisibility and visual concealment (even magical darkness) irrelevant to the creature (though it still cannot sense ethereal creatures). This ability operates out to the range specified for the creature. The following outlines how it works:
• It never allows a creature to distinguish color or other visual contrast and they cannot read with it. Thus they cannot percieve visual illusions.
• It does not subject a creature to a Gaze attack (even though Dark Vision does)
• Blinding attacks do not penalize the creature.
• Deafening attacks thwart it if it relies on hearing.
• It works underwater but not in a vacuum.
• It negates displacement and blur effects.

Keen Scent (Racial Feat):

Prerequisite: Keen Senses racial trait, Uriak or Orc

The creature can detect the smell of approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.

The creature can detect opponents by sense of smell, generally within 30 feet. If the opponent is upwind, the range is 60 feet. If it is downwind, the range is 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at three times these ranges.

The creature detects another creature’s presence but not its specific location. Noting the direction of the scent is a move action. If the creature moves within 5 feet (1 square) of the scent’s source, the creature can pinpoint the area that the source occupies, even if it cannot be seen.

A creature with the Survival skill and the scent ability can follow tracks by smell, making a Survival check to find or follow a track. A creature with the scent ability can attempt to follow tracks using Survival untrained. The typical DC for a fresh trail is 10. The DC increases or decreases depending on how strong the quarry’s odor is, the number of creatures, and the age of the trail. For each hour that the trail is cold, the DC increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the rules for the Survival skill in regards to tracking. Creatures tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility.

Creatures with the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar sights.

Water, particularly running water, ruins a trail for air-breathing creatures. Water-breathing creatures that have the scent ability, however, can use it in the water easily.

False, powerful odors can easily mask other scents. The presence of such an odor completely spoils the ability to properly detect or identify creatures, and the base Survival DC to track becomes 20 rather than 10.

New or Adjusted Spells

Glitter Dust:

School: Conjuration(Creation) 2nd-Level
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Components: V, S, M (ground mica)
Range: Medium (100 ft + 10 ft/level)
Area: Creatures and Objects within a 10ft Radius
Duration: 1 round/level
Save: Will negates (blinded only); Spell Resistance Yes (blinded only)
A cloud of golden glittering particles covers every physical being or object within the area of effect. Those creatures who fail their Save are Blinded. All physical things within the area are covered by the dust, which cannot be removed nor covered and continues to sparkle until it fades shedding 10 feet of Dim Light. Creatures outlined take a -40 Penalty on all Stealth checks. Outlined creatures do not benefit from the concealment normally provided by Blur, Displacement, Invisibility, nor Darkness (although a 3rd-level or higher magical effect of any of these types functions normally). This partially cancels the effects of Fog, natural or magical. For example, against Obscuring Mist a glittered creature 5 feet away gets no concealment benefit, a glittered creature
10 feet away gets the normal concealment benefit, and glittered creatures beyond 10 feet away have total concealment as normal. The glimmer is too dim to have any special adverse effect upon undead or dark-dwelling creatures that are vulnerable to light. Each round, after the initial Save, at the end of their turn any creature still Blinded may attempt a new Save to their Blindness condition.

Note: This also effects any other Illusion or spell effects that masks one's presence by means of a non-physical substance. As the Glitter Dust clings only to solid matter. As such it does not affect visual illusions, incorporeal creatures/objects, or out-of-phase creatures/objects.

Chaotic Aura:

School: Evocation 3rd-Level
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Components: V, S
Range: Personal
Area: Self within a 5-foot Radius
Duration: 1 round/level
Save: Initial Reflex for half; Spell Resistance Yes
This spells surrounds the caster with an aura of mysterious swirling elemental energies. All creatures adjacent to the caster (friend or foe) may make a Reflex Save to step out of the aura if successful they only take half damage and no additional effect. Otherwise, when this spell is cast and at the start of each of the caster's turns, any creature within the aura takes 2d6 points of energy damage per the type of energy of the aura. Each type of aura has an additional effect, depending upon their type of energy (see below). If the caster wishes to choose the energy type they must use a Move Action and succeed at a Will Save against the DC of this spell. If the Save fails or if they choose not to make it they roll a 1d6 to see what energy they get.

1) Acid: The Aura swirls with translucent tendrils of purple and green and all creatures affected by the aura take 1 point of ongoing Acid damage per round for 1 round per three full caster levels, and are sickened for the duration of the ongoing acid damage.

2) Cold: The Aura swirls with translucent tendrils of silver and white and all creatures affected by the aura are Fatigued and if already Fatigued then Shaken (Chilled) for 1 round per three full caster levels.

3) Electricity: The Aura swirls with tendrils of blue and yellow and all creatures affected by the aura are Staggered for 1 round. If the creature is wearing metal armor or weilding a metal weapon they suffer a -3 Penalty to their Save

4) Fire: The Aura swirls with translucent tendrils of red and orange and all creatures affected by the aura catch fire. They take 1d6 points of fire damage immediately. In each subsequent round provided they are no longer within the aura, they can make a Reflex Save. Failure means they take another 1d6 points of damage. Success means the fire has subsided and they are no longer taking damage. A character on fire may automatically extinguish the flames by jumping into enough water to douse themselves. If no body of water is at hand, going Prone and rolling on the ground or smothering the fire with cloaks (that are not already on fire) or the like permits the character another Save with a +4 bonus. Those clothes and equipment that caught fire must also make a DC 15 Reflex Save by the character, provided the character existed the aura, for each item. Items that fail this save take the same amount of damage as the character.

5) Void: The Aura swirls with translucent tendrils of black and clear and all creatures affected by the aura are Fatigued, cannot breathe, and cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components. If a creature is within the aura even if not Fatigued they cannot breath, cannot speak, nor cast spells with verbal components as long as they are within the aura. A character can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to twice their Constiution score. However, if the character takes a Standard or Full-Round Action, the remaining duration that the character can hold their breth is reduced by 2 rounds. After this period of time, the character must make a DC 10 Constiution Save every round in order to continue holding their breath. Each additional round increases the DC by 1. If the character fails their Constitution Save they fall unconscious (0 HP). In the next round if still within the aura they drop to -1 Hit Point and are Dying. In the third round if still within the aura they die.

6) Caster's Choice: The caster can choose which element to use.

Banshee Scream:

School: Evocation 5th-Level
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Components: V, S
Range: 60 fee
Area: Cone-Shaped Burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Fortitude half; Spell Resistance Yes
With a high pitch scream, the caster unleashes a sudden blast of sonic energy that strikes every creature within 40 feet (friend or foe) of them. Each potential target takes 1d6 points of sonic damage per level (maximum 15d6) and is stunned for 1 round. A successful Fortitude Save reduces the damage by half and negates the stun. A Banshee Scream cannot
penetrate a Silence spell.


School: Transmutation 2nd-Level
Casting Time: 1 Swift Action
Components: V, S
Range: Personal
Target: Self Only
Duration: 1 min/level
Save: No; Spell Resistance: No
Choose one of the following effects:

Bear's Endurance
The Sorcerer gains greater vitality and stamina as they become more bear-like. Their body thickens, their nose elongates, and they are covered in hair. The spell grants the subject a +4 enhancement bonus to their Constitution, which adds the usual benefits to Hit Points,
Fortitude Saves, Constitution checks, and so forth. Hit points gained by a temporary increase in Constitution score are not temporary hit points. They go away when the subject’s Constitution drops back to normal. They reduce the current hit points when they are lost which can drop the current hit points below 1 requiring a Death Save.

Bull's Strength
The Sorcerer becomes stronger as they become more bull-like. They grow 3 inches taller, sprout a pair of short horns, and become very muscular. The spell grants a +4 enhancement bonus to their Strength, adding the usual benefits to Melee Attack rolls, Melee Damage rolls, and other uses of the Strength modifier.

Cat's Grace
The Sorcerer becomes more graceful, agile, and coordinated as they become more cat-like. They become slim, their eyes change, their fingernails elongate, and their teeth become sharp. The spell grants a +4 enhancement bonus to their Dexterity, adding the usual benefits to AC, Reflex saves, and other uses of the Dexterity modifier.

Cold Ice Strike:

School: Evocation 6th-Level
Casting Time: 1 Swift Action
Components: V, S
Range: 30 feet
Target: 30-foot line
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Reflex half; Spell Resistance: Yes
You create a shredding flurry of ice slivers, which blast from your hand in a line. The line deals 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 15d6). Those failing their Save gain the Fatigue condition, those that Save successfully are Shaken until the end of the caster's next turn.

Tentacles of Tindalos:

School: Conjuration 4th-Level
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Components: V, S, M (octopus or squid tentacle)
Range: Personal
Target: Self 20-foot Radius
Duration: 1 Round / Level (D)
Save: None; Spell Resistance: No
The caster causes numerous dark fleshy 20-foot long tentacles covered with suckers to seemingly sprout from their torso, while four thick 4-foot long tentacles seemingly sprout from their waist. The shorter tentacles act like anchors and yet let the character still move normally, while the longer tentacles reach out and attack any creature (friend of foe) within 20 feet. The tentacles cannot be damaged, but they can be dispelled or banished. While the character can move normally they cannot Dash.

Every creature within the area of the effect (friend or foe) becomes the target of a Combat Maneuver Check made to grapple which occurs each round at the beginning of the caster's turn, including the round the spell is cast. Creatures that enter the area of effect are also immediately and automatically attacked. The tentacles do not provoke attacks of opportunity but can perform attacks of opportunity (maximum once per target per round). When determining the CMD of the tentacles use the following formula:
Caster Level +4 Str Bonus +1 Size Bonus +5 Maintain Bonus
Roll only once for the entire spell effect each round and apply the result to all creatures in or entering the area of effect for that round. If a tentacle succeeds in grappling a foe, that foe takes 1d6+4 Constriction damage and gains the Grappled condition (see below). The tentacles have a +5 Bonus on Grapple checks to maintain a grapple, but will not pin nor move foes. Note while the tentacles do not move the grappled opponent if the caster moves the tentacle moves along with them thus indirectly moving the foe. Each round that a tentacle maintains its grapple, it continues to Constrict doing an additional 1d6+4 Constriction damage. For purposes of an opponent escaping a grapple a tentacle's CMD is as follows:
CMD = 15 + Caster Level
The round after casting the spell, the caster can act normally as the all tentacles operate automatically and autonomously.

Grappled: The creature cannot move and takes a –4 penalty to Dexterity. The creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple. In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that
requires two hands to perform. A grappled character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + grappler’s CMB + spell level, see Concentration), or lose the spell. Grappled creatures cannot make attacks of opportunity. A grappled creature cannot use Stealth to hide from the creature grappling
it, even if a special ability, such as hide in plain sight, would normally allow it to do so. If a grappled creature becomes invisible, through a spell or other ability, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus on its CMD to avoid being grappled, but receives no other benefit.

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Thank you Grumbaki-Lars

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Okay to reiterate this

As I go through your characters I may post something BUT

It Is Only A Suggestion You Are The Player You Have Final Say So Even If It Has To Do With Mechanics As Those Are Merely Guidelines

Lastly There Is Only One Rule And That Is The Golden Rule Everything Else Is A Guideline.

Golden Rule: It Is A Game Have Fun

Also all I will be trying to do with your character is to make sure it is correct and then make any suggestions I feel might help make your character more fun. While I do not want anyone breaking the game I do want you all to get the most so you are less likely to ghost ;-)

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Dunwich is a somewhat backwater village sandwiched between the Monmurg Bay and Dunwater Marsh. The village has experienced many hardships over the years but even with the fairly recent completion of the Dale Keep just to its north, these troubles are once again coming back to this small community. Will those who live or once lived here rise to the calling to help perserve the village from the newest threats that could finally cause its demise.

This will be a semi-sandbox game based in a non-canon village located in the Viscounty of Salinmoor in the southern region of Keoland which is located within the Sheldomar Valley within the western area of the Flanaess on the continent of Oerick on the planet Oereth. Dunwich is smaller but similar to its more famous cousin Saltmarsh which is located just to the northeast. As every character will have hailed from or hail from Dunwich there will be special Backgrounds to choose from that will tie the character more tightly into the village.

Note special fear rules will be used as there will be things the characters will be exposed to that will be quite horrifying and perhaps even mind breaking. In case anyone is not familiar with the name Dunwich, I suggest you might want to read the book "The Dunwich Horror" However, I plan to hopefully make this a campaign game starting the characters at 3rd-level and taking them to their pinnacle. As such, while this horror will be present it will not be the only thing taking place within the village of Dunwich and the players will be faced with numerous choices and issues that will make them have to decide what to face and what to maybe let go. That said the world will be dynamic with reprecussions for character actions and in-actions.

While the game will have combat as all such games do have, it will hopefully focus more on roleplaying and solving the issues at hand. Further if your answer to every encounter is combat you will find that you will be making a newer character sooner rather than later. While smarter team oriented players will find the game is not so deadly. Also, I will mention I only run heroic oriented characters as such only alignments of LG, NG, CG, or LN will we allowed. On the flip-side alignments are simply a guideline and not written in stone, like normal people one does not always adhere exactly to an alignment but if they stray from it they will generally return to to it. It will greatly depend on how you outline the personality of your character as even a Lawful Good Gold Dragon can be tryanical in nature due to their alien personality and the situation they find themselves in.

Lastly as the subject says this will be a Pathfinder 1e game the plus means there are adjustments and such that players will be informed about upfront during character creation which I will deal with on a player by player bases and I will be there to help with character creation so that anything that you do not know about will be presented as well as suggestions on how to tie your character into the game as well as perhaps other PCs as things progress. Further if you have an idea for character that might normally fit easily within a Pathfinder 1e game or if I notice something in what you are striving to play I am mutable I look at the guidelines as just that guidelines they only become rules (written in stone) once they have been used within the live game world. That said I am not wishing to rewrite all the guidelines so most will be GAW (guidelines as written). Also, please do not create a game breaking character as if you abuse the guidelines you will find that I will retaliate as well (as what is good for the goose is good for the gander) by breaking them in the same way and giving it to your enemies. However, keep in mind I take intelligent game play into consideration, I am just quite aware there are numerous was to intelligently use the game system but there are also ways to go beyond intelligent use into game breaking abuse of those guidelines.

I am stating all this so everyone knows what they are getting into as well as my style of game play.

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Take care of real life its more important than a game, we will be here when you return.

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Here is what I have for it from our timeline

Dream ReCap:
Lord of Chaos, Chapter 42.
-- In game time, is Danu 4, (Nov 27th our date) 999 NE
-- 5 weeks before the battle of Dumai Wells.

Starting City: Far Madding.

The characters all swore to be hunters of the horn in the Tammaz Square. They then adventured through the westlands tracking leads, but came up short. Something told the characters to travel back to Illian and start over again. They did, they then followed the road north, and were diverted when they discovered a group of thieves following them out of Illian. They found shelter in a small village on stilts called Shetto. There they spent the night in the only Inn, having been allowed to stay there by the visiting merchant, as only Merchants (and associates) with direct business with Shetto are allowed.

While there, they watched a young lady perform in front of the tavern audience. When she laid eyes upon all of they characters, She had a Foretelling ordeal which rendered her unconscious. You know this because a lady came forward to offer aide to the young singer, and the characters discovered she was Aes Sedai. A couple of the characters joined the Aes Sedai in helping the young lady recover from her Foretelling ordeal.

During the night, everyone shared the same dream of a man trapped in the mountains being hunted down by a strange looking crazed male channeler. The Aes Sedai, an Alathea, was also present and she was able to deflect the channelers attack momentarily. The man offered his thanks briefly but begged everyone to go to Far Madding and seek out "jair's publisher". There they would find a copy of the map he used to navigate the Ways to his current location. The channeler broke through the Aes Sedai defenses, and his attack forced everyone to wake up. Alathea summoned you all to her room and asked for you to aide this man. She handed you a rough drawn sheet of paper with odd runes sketched upon it. She told you that there is a Waygate not a half days ride north of the village. It is only two guide stones to Far Madding. The journey through the Ways, although scary, was surprisingly uneventful and carried the characters out safely onto a hilltop overlooking Far Madding.

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Male Dwarf Cleric of Torag 2 (Artifice-Industry) / Wizard 2 AC/T/FF: 17/13/15 HP: 33/33 F: +6 R:+3 W: +9 Init: +2 Perception: +3

I am just awaiting the GMs response about the Captain of the Guard or anyone else that to whom I could present a masterwork blade that would help us in our endeavors moving forward.

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Okay I have the same problem but I did not delete a previous thread. In fact the original Gameplay post is still there I am just not able create new ones here is a link to that specific Gameplay thread and thanks in advance for clering up the issue.

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Okay so I will transform the 4 skills, which it states all become class skills not just the one you choose into Class Skills as stated and apply the 4 ranks instead of into a single skill into all 4 skills as that seems like the most logical way of fixing the anomoly

Thanks for the input.

Also GM while not 100% complete I have reformatted the character sheet into a play oriented rendition and removed the by level build rendition. I have included the first half of her background found under the Spoiler Background: The Beginning and will hopefully get the second part Background: The Becoming which is where Talia and Shimy become a Bonded pair. Shimy's player has been a bit under the weather so our collaboration on that has slowed down some what but we will gitter dun as soon as we can.

I will finish up choosing Weaves and Equipment and get that posted as well but for the most part, unless you plan to drop us right into a fight we can role play our characters as we iron out the final elements.

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A devil clown does not cheat, they engineer customary loop-holes and standardized gotcha-clauses did we forget to read the fine print? I mean that really, really, really fine print at the bottom of the page on the back-side of the contract. ;)

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This is an interesting endeavor count me curious Sebecloki as I usually make campaigns out of a handful of alterred modules and personal works. And all my games tend to be sandbox-ish not completely sandbox as I find very few players know how to do that well. So I take sandbox and mix it with missions and see where the players go.

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But to make it easier for you Lapyd here is that post in Flaxseed

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:

We need a level 8 cleric or level 8 mixed arcane\divine\mystictheurge in our Cradle of Night game (campaign mode; PFS build rules) due to the loss of one of our players.

PM me if you're interested.

to which the GM responded

GM Mauve wrote:
I'm the GM for the above game (Cradle of Night). Feel free to PM me as well.

So Lapyd since you jumped in here first if you are going to fill the role I will leave it to you, otherwise, GM Mauve if they choose not to join I would like to step in and take over the missing spot.

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Okay playground for Lapyd, GM SuperTumbler and Kriznox Haab I have thoughts an ideas on how the three of you met but I would be interested in some of your ideas before I share mine. Of course, the common thread between the three of you is Archeology so with that I hope to see some nice banter that I can work and augment.

Oh and I hope this discussion thing works

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Okay you did not use the lists as defined under the Campaign tab for character generation so I will make some adjusted rolls:

Movement Power: 1d8 ⇒ 7

Weapon Skill: 1d8 ⇒ 3

Okay first I read through the character generation guidelines again but could not see a mention of a free reroll. Note I am not saying it is not there I just could not find it. If you can point it out to me I would be sure to add it to the Campaign tab's guidelines.

Now with those two rolls above and after adjusting your other rolls to match the tables on the Campaign tab we get the following set of abilities

.... Body Alteration Offensive - Power Rank : Excellent - Extra Body Parts

.... Movement - Power Rank : Incredible - Climbing\Swinging (Brachiation) (Acrobatics Skill [Parkour])

.... Energy Control - Power Rank : Remarkable - Energy Reflection

.... Body Control - Power Rank : Typical - Shape-Shifting

.... Scientific Skill - Chemistry
.... Scientific Skill - Zoology
.... Weapon Skill - Bows
.... Professional Skill - Journalism

.... Political Contact - State

This set of abilities do seem to gel fairly well what do you think? The only ability I would be on the fence about is perhaps Weapon Skill - Bows but then again it might be something you would like for this character.

Now the Guidelines do talk about adding a Limitation to abilities to increase their Power Rank and/or for flavor with benefits. As such you might want to consider maybe limiting your Shape-Shifting to just Animal Forms --or-- even a specific Species of Animal --or-- specific set of creature forms --or-- even to just a specific creature normal or bizarre (think Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler but maybe even more bizarre). You might also want to consider limiting your Extra Body Parts to only work with Shape-Shifting as this would then allow you to Power Stunt the Extra Body Parts to temporarily get some of the extra powers they mention under Extra Body Parts --or-- even be just a specific set of body parts. I state this because that tie nicely into your Zoology skill. Further, and I am on the fence about this one, you could Limit your Movement Power to only work while Shape-Shifted --- thus your Shape-Shifting turns you into your heroic form which has special powers

Now while Energy Reflection seems like a nice defensive power I would be open to allowing an alteration to that if you felt it did not mix nicely into things or if their might be something more appropriate like maybe replacing Energy Reflection with Distance Attack - Projectile Missiles thus making your Weapon Skill - Bows become part of your power set and something you can use not matter what form you are in -- having a Hawkeye like bow as well as maybe a specialized handcrossbow I mean as power and either a specific weapon (a limitation) or a set of weapons this opens up a plethora of conceptual ideas. Further if you did go this route I could see swapping out Chemistry for Engineering allowing your character to have made these weapon(s) and the ammo that goes with it. As all of that would tie extremely nicely into her Incredible Reason. Your thoughts.

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Well Huntressa, you could keep the rolls but the results might have changed so up to you either keep your previous rolls and use my tables or just redo it from scratch -- the rolling part makes no difference to me -- its the results part that I would be concerned about.

Oh and grimdog73 if you feel there is an Ability within the Ultimate Powers Book that is not reflected within the list I have presented please let me know and I will look at and see if I need to add it in.

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This is a sort of continuation of the MSH Interest Check where we will be focussing upon Mutants and using the Marverl Superheroes game system of ole.

Specifically we will be using the Marvel Superheroes Advanced Players Book and Advanced Judges Book for this game.

The Campaign Information will outline how to randomly generate your character once a basic random character has been generated we will look at it to determine what that character's basic theme is and then we may adjust and/or re-roll any abilities that do not match that theme.

In order to give us the full thematic universe I am going to use an alterred version of the Marvel Universe so that your characters can function as full fledged superheroes. Of course there will be the standard issue with mutant haters and the like as well as non-mutant heroes and villains. As well as some of the other basic tropes found within the Marvel Universe. You may even meet some of the more iconic superheroes at some point in time.

This groups job is to try and make better relations between the mutant race and the human race as a whole but the mutant race will not be so large that they need an entire island so we will be going back to a much smaller entity and use the School for the Gifted located at 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center, NY.

Now the players need to decide whether they have secret identities or not as normal except for any that due to their powers could obviously not have such. Other than that we will be handling just about everything as a series of random rolls. With the GM Caveat of tweaking for playability, balance, and fun since fun is the ultimate goal here.

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Okay so I see this group might be looking for a GM but I need to ask two things:

1) If we sort of say the Krakoan age exists but its not exactly per the Marvel Universe cannon would that be okay with everyone?

2) Is everyone okay with playing Mutant characters that are part of a sort of Krakoan special forces unit meant to help the world in general especially against mutant villains as well as other super-villains?

Full Name

Melvin Slugs


Half- Orc


Lore Oracle 2/ Skald 7 (Psychic Searcher, Seeker, Spell Warrior






