
David Wickham's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 920 posts (1,040 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 14 aliases.

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Dark Archive

Male Elan Shaper 10/Constructor 5/Phenotype Impresionist 5

Hello Gatecrashers,

We aren't starting until ~September, but I thought it would be better to put this up now so I could leave my thoughts for you all in one place instead of trying to remember who I told what.

First notice: I made an Obsidian Portal page for Gatecrashers so I'll need your names/emails/firstborn if you have an OP account.

Dark Archive


Dark Archive

James Jacobs is now Creative Director, previously Editor-in-Chief, Pathfinder.

James Sutter is now Fiction Editor, previously Editor.

Any I missed?

For too long has the bug loving community been overshadowed by the Jacks, the Poodles, Politics, and other threads that can not hold a flame to the love of insects we all hold.

My favorites are the ones dipped in chocolate

Dark Archive

How does a pdf get backordered?

Dark Archive

I can still scrounge if I want to right?

You can find all kinds of cool old books in those places.

Dark Archive

What is Kingmaker?!?

Dark Archive

:-k Is the world prepared for a Boomer AP adventure?

Dark Archive


Dark Archive


Dark Archive


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Dark Archive

You get this!


I deleted it, though it might be interesting to see if it continued to affect the page after it droped of the recent posts list...

Dark Archive

Adam Daigle?


Dark Archive

I recently started and am spending way to much time playing, and I wanted to see if there was any interest in forming a new corperation.

I have the money needed to form the corperation, and would be willing to train the skills needed. I don't care where its put right now

My main character is a Caldari soldier, in about 12 days depending on how fast I can switch skills I will be flying a caracal with all of the recomended certificates.

So, Who wants to join an EVE guild?

Dark Archive

In the store blog at the time of this Message there was a picture of Erik Mona, but when you click the link no further information is available, and I couldn't find an item page.

This leaves a me with a few questions presented below in no particular order.

  • What system is Erik Mona compatible with?

  • Is Erik Mona backwards compatible?

  • What is the cost?

  • Are there also a James Jacobs, F. Wesley Schneider, Lisa Stevens, Jason Bulhman, Cosmo, Joshua J. Frost, Gary Teter and other Paizo employees available to forma a complete set?

  • What services does he provide?

  • Are there more than one Erik Mona available?

  • Is Erik Mona collectible or randomized in any way?

  • Does Erik Mona come with any small parts which may present a health or safety risk to small children or the mentally disabled?

  • Does Erik Mona come personalized in any way?

  • What would the shipping fees on this item be?

David Wickham

Dark Archive

I got this package in the mail today and Mindshadows was not in the box.

If Paizo Order #1074483 is going to be shipping soon could you put it in there?



Dark Archive

Also a little paragraph story thing about their relationships with others (proffesional or otherwise) and other stuff would be cool too.

You all know what is in that parargraph after the stat block...

I would ask that people don't do themselves.

Dark Archive

My brother and i were ordering some stuff and he added about $60 worth of common minis and looked like he was going to keep adding to the cart until he saw the line that says
[qoute=Paizo]This miniature may or may not be in the original bag, and may or may not include the stat card.

I was wondering how which minis wouldn't have stat cards or how that was decided?

The lack of bag doesn't matter, but it may be a deal breaker for him if they don't have the cards


Dark Archive

I got the Factions Platnium version of this game yesterday and was wondering if there were any Guilds for Fans of Paizo i could join.

Sovereign Court

During a short and Glorious Coup i have taken control f a small section of the chat and formed my own realm where my newly founded order of knights may mock each other and tell tales of thier grand adventures for my ammusement.

I invite all to come and request a royal title!

Or face my dipleasure and join Master Yoda the Diminutive...

My Table has already attracted great Knights such as

Sir Blazej the Wrong
SirHoustonDerekThe Unseemly
Sir Eyebite the Blinding
Sir Gear Knightly Piercer
St. Pygon the Patriarch

Sir Cappadocius the Saracen has made himself known to the realm but has yet to choose the side of humor and recieve a proper naming.

Dark Archive

A Picture of it

Noticed it twice now and then i grabbed a picture

The picture is from THIS thread

Then the post monster ate my thread... i think its a conspiracy ;)

EDIT: The original showed up and i deleted it...

Dark Archive

Today I posted 36 (this makes 37) times.

Heathy posted has posted 9 times as of this post.

I think i deserve a medal or a prize or something...

Dark Archive

what are you all up to today?

Dark Archive

considering the semi-humerous nature of my posts, i dont htink my Red Mantis avatar quite fits me any more...

any suggestions for a new (not the poodle) one?

Dark Archive

Anyone play anything near here?

Dark Archive

Or you'll have bland food!

...or something ;)

Dark Archive

I got #1608 Josh said online numbers started at 1605 or so...

Dark Archive

Does any else here wonder if you could trap and image between some mirrors even after the source was taken away by angling the mirrors just so?

Dark Archive

Could I get only this order to ship to:

[address redacted by customer service]


Dark Archive

Who got it?

Dark Archive


wheres the new forum? ;)

It is already in the wiki...

Dark Archive

Is there any way I could get this to wait and ship next month?


Dark Archive

I've seen a few threads saying that shipping can be cheaper if orders are split and was wondering how I should split my superscriber orders for July and LB1 to save the most money on shipping.

So would the monthly, with ap, or with mods sub be the cheapest?


Dark Archive

I used to see dots next to threads I had posted in, but know I don't is this sometihng on my end or Paizo's? What happened to my poor little dots?

Dark Archive

Is the act of hiring an assassin legal in any of the areas of the world presented in the gazetteer?

Or any where else?

Dark Archive

No gazetteer here :(

Dark Archive

A few questions

Does the Print issue come with the map?

I was thinking about starting a campaign where the PCs each ran a gladiator school and was wondering if this had rules for nonlethal experience gaining gold through combat and other rules that would be helpful for this find of game, or if someone could direct me to a product that would have more of the stuff i'm looking for if this doesn't fit what i'm looking for.

Dark Archive

Are these set in stone or will they change between adventure paths as more pathfinder stuff becomes available that better fits the flavor of the character?

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