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Versatile and fun


(I wrote a more detailed review, but the website ate it. Here's the short version.)

This was a solid and fun module to GM. It's put together well. I can't get enough of things like the Founder's Feast event in this, which provide a wealth of roleplaying and problem solving opportunities.

I ran this for 4 very experienced players, with 4th level characters that punched well above their weight. I inserted it as a prequel event to the start of Shattered Star part two, and it worked great for that.

In addition to a lot of tweaks that I made to customize this for my players and campaign, I had to fix some things to adjust the flow of play and the story conclusion. Those were all simple but I think the experience would have suffered some if I didn't have the time or experience to do that.

Still, this is a well thought out module and I give it full marks.