Sleeping Human

Davi The Eccentric's page

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Beautiful. Like watching Dorian Gray fist fight his own portrait.

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::Desperate plea for everyone to stop this arguing and get back on topic::

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The worst movie I ever had the bad luck has to be the Steve-Irwin-starring debacle known as Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course. Every single thing about this movie was complete trash. The jokes were too low-brow for a 6-year-old, the plot was non-existant, and Steve Irwin acted like a complete idiot. I can't believe I was ever a big enough fan of The Crocodile Hunter to watch this film.

Also, in regards to BladeMaster, why was the dungeon completely made of gunpowder in the first place? I know I'm probably giving more thought to this movie than the filmmakers did, but did they at least tryto say why?