Mon–Fri, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific
5 posts. Alias of Kyle Baird.
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Care Baird wrote: We need this guy to come and lock this thread. Who IS that guy?
We need this guy to come and lock this thread.
It's Mike Brock from when he played that detective on Law & Order SVU.
stands behinds Dave with a big stick
Why do you have a stick back there?
Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome wrote: The Gold Goblin wrote: Gravy? Where?! In your face Settle down Gnome!
The Gold Goblin wrote: Gravy? Where?! In your face
Gravy? Where?!
Silence imposter!
*wipe bunny nose on Doug's sleeve*
Glad I dodged that one!
jjaamm wrote:Was overly stunned and JOYED, to see Dave as one of the GM's. I qiuckly swiched my Sunday games, so as to experiance THE GM. I feel threatened by this Dave guy. Bob, can you point him out at the convention so I can slash his tires?
Was overly stunned and JOYED, to see Dave as one of the GM's. I qiuckly swiched my Sunday games, so as to experiance THE GM.
No need for Bob to point me out, I'll come to you. You're going down!
- 5-star GM, DAVE Miles