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![]() Hi - I'm trying to order the Deskari case incentive (from Wrath of the Righteous) and it says I have to buy a case to get it (which I do not want to do). I thought that once a new set was released (Reign of Winter) that one no longer had to buy a case to get the case incentive from a previous set. Has this practice changed? Thanks! ![]()
![]() I know it's been said before, but I wanted to say, once again, *thank you* to Ryan Dancey for the OGL. I was thumbing through the Slumbering Tsar epic adventure book as well as Rappan Athuk - two of the better adventures, well, ever - and reflecting on the fact that if it weren't for Ryan's vision that neither of these would have been possible. So, thank you again, Ryan! ![]()
![]() Hi all. I'm playing an elven wizard that just went from level 3 to level 4 and I added 1 point of Intelligence (from 17 to 18). Does he get an extra skill point retroactive for each of the levels 1-3 when his Int was only 17? Thanks! (And if so, can someone point me to a source where this is officially confirmed?) ![]()
![]() One suggestion I've been thinking about is Wizards automatically gaining Item Creation feats at the appropriate levels (as they do Scribe Scroll) since there is really no affect on the character per se by having such a feat, but would allow that character to make items without having to spend a precious feat slot. So wizards would get: Craft Wondrous Item (3rd level)
They would not automatically get Craft Construct since that does not have a level-based pre-requisite. (If they want Craft Construct, they have to use a feat slot.) I really don't see an impact on game play, and I think it spices up the wizard even more (without affecting gameplay) - especially considering there will be new magic item creation rules. ![]()
![]() I like a lot of the alpha changes, but glancing over the rules, I noticed you haven't tackled epic levels. Since (IMO) some of the best things James Jacobs and others have created are epic level challenges, I hope there will be an epic component to the ruleset, and I would like to see it included in the Pathfinder RPG. What are the thoughts of the Pazio staff on this as it stands today? Thanks! ![]()
![]() When WotC announced 3E, what was your insider perception of how the community reacted? Were you connected enough to the fans to have good feedback? Also, four months after the announcement, did you see more and more people being convinced that 3E was something to be excited about, or were there still a lot of doubters? And finally, at what point did you realize you had a hit on your hands? Was it before release, after release, before or after sales figures were known? Thanks! |