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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 387 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What do people think that Pathfinder 2 official online tool. Pathfinder nexus?

It is maybe similar to D&D beyond. Not sure if it is a virtual table top like roll 20 or Foundry.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I should have 3 books in the order. 1 Grand Bazaar and 2 Guns and Gears. The order says complete and 3 items. I only got 1 Guns and Gears. I still need 1 Grand Bazar and 1 Guns and Gears. Can this please get resolved ASAP.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

At the D&D celebration Ray Witanger Announced redoing the core book for the 50th year of D&D. Some statements were more surveys coming out and there will be ways for customers to provide input to make it the game they want. I do not think at this time they know how extensive changes will be. Many think something like 5.5.

What this might do since new edition announced is PF 2 to close the gap some. I think Pathfinder caught and passed 4th Ed D&D around time 5th was announced.Several things are different. D&D 5th is the best selling rpg all time. D&D 4 th did not sell as well as Wizards wanted. There is not as much discontent as there was with 4th. But, what I do think sales of D&D 5th core books will slow down. Especially at local game stores where the set is 150. Selling this at local store may be hard since need to replace 3 years. You can get them on Amazon much cheaper.

I do think there is some room for PF2 to capture some players looking for more player options and even new players. With guns and gears around the corner allot of favorite classes have shown up with PF2. If you wanted swing for fenced you could even try to approach Critical Roll about PF2 streaming show. They started with PF2

Should be interesting 3 years.

I do think when D&D 5.5/6 hits it will sell a bunch. There are 3
years till then

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

One of the many concerns this week was the low pay of staff. Being a game developer is not the highest paying job out there. There are also a limited number of these jobs. This can be compounded by many companies be based in expensive areas to live. Paizo is in Seattle.

As COVID 19 hit many companies went to virtual work. I wonder if Paizo could not use that with the majority of their staff. With Microsoft Teams or Zooms files can be shared and edited by groups. Is their a need for staff to be in the office or even live in the Seattle Area. Certain higher level staff and warehouse maybe. But customer service, editing, design, and development could be done virtually.

What this does is allow staff to be in different parts of the country and have their salary go farther. 60, 0000 in New Mexico may go allot farther than Seattle. It could be a good salary in New Mexico, but near the poverty level in Seattle.

It also saves staff gas on driving to and from work.

Staff could work from home and customize their work environment.

It could possibly could cut down on child or day cost staff may

What it does for Paizo is potentially expand pool of applicants due to not being required to live in Seattle.

Help retain staff that do move due to family getting different jobs.

Lower cost of building maintenance and upkeep. Could move the smaller amount of staff to different building.

Warehouse would remain the same.

Would need an IT person to coordinate IT services for people not at the main office and set up IT contracts for computer trouble shooting and getting staff technology they need.

HR to set up direct deposit. Beyond that full time HR could look at Benefits like insurance and 401k things

It is just food for thought. It is benefit for staff with changing the structure some. Paizo staff or working from home now.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This order has been pending since Monday. As it stands I will get the order past the street date of the 25th. What is going on with the order?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I was at Gen Con this year and was talking with staff. Very nice group. I saw that Pathfinder 2 core book did not sell out at Gen
Con like Starfinder. It is a best seller on Amazon US which is a good sign. Also allot of people may have Pre Ordered/Subscribed and got them sent to the house. I really do like it and think it is great game. I hope it sells very well for them. Just was curious about initial sales.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

We have had in-depth discussion of Champions, Monks, Barbarians, Sorcerers, Wizards, and brief discussion of healing and Clerics. Many host and cast have talked about there favorite characters. What has not come up is the fighter. I believe Jason talked about how the fighter was one of the more important and iconic classes. To be fair these classes were discussed more related to issues they may have had in the playtest. They all seem to have gotten some kind of buff. Did the fighter get one to keep pace. It seems the Barbarian got some class abilities and damage increases through weapon expertise. Did the fighter get this? One would assume since they are supposedly the best at using weapons. In 5e the fighter keeps pace with multiple attacks that most classes do not get and action surge. 13th age adds I die per level. In Pathfinder 2e what is the ability the fighter gets that separates them from other Martials. All the martials its seems eventually get Legendary. Legendary with more weapons groups to me is quite bland I hope that is not it. Are they able to do special attacks with weapons that others cannot do and adds damage dice and or other effects. The playtest had some extra attacks. That may not work as well since there is the cumulative -5. It works in 5e because there is no such penalty. 3 extra attacks can lead to more damage. In pathfinder 2 that is not the case as much with -5 -10 -15. So that is my long winded way of saying that until the core book comes out and I can dive in and see what is different and new from the playtest I will not know.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Streamlined combat with depth of character choice.

This would be my tag line for Pathfinder 2.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I think Pathfinder does have a design that lends itself to streaming. I think the streaming of things like the action economy helps with the ease of running, playing, and watching
the stream. Adding level plus professioncy if trained and nothing if not easy to follow. It is easy to understand where bonus comes from. It is similar to D&D 5e to where if you are trained/proficent you add your bonus from proficiency. Then with Pathfinder 2 and D&D 5e you add the appropriate stat bonus.

I think these factors along with the fact that there are not that many Pathfinder streams going make it one of the more attractive games to stream with. There are numerous D&D 5e streams. I went to tablestory to watch a Judge Dredd stream and they had 4 or so D&D 5e streams. Encounter roll play has 3 or so. Just about every major rpg streaming group has multiple D&D 5e streams. Allot of the streamers have come from different areas of streaming. Allot have done video game streams. So they are polished streamers already. They may not have that much Rpg experience prior to the stream. I think the ease of D&D 5e has been attractive.

I think with Pathfinder 2 coming out and streamlined play the time is right for more Pathfinder streams.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I wanted to say just a few things.

As far as Pathfinder goes I believe it falls into the category of a self realized game. What I mean by that is it is a complete system. You have a multitude of classes, mythic level play, multiple monster manuals, and optional rules. It was to the point where NPC books were being done. There is a life time of adventure paths and rule books for Pathfinder. So, unless you do organized play you can stick with Pathfinder and have a complete system. It is the best version of the 3/3.5 rules set.

That being said from a publishing standpoint and planning publications it is not too surprising that Pathfinder 2 is coming out. It would become increasingly difficult to publish hardcover rule books for pathfinder which is over 10 years old. So new system opens the publishing schedule up again with new books for the new system.

Finally I remember the Pathfinder playtest and the playtest rules were allot different than the finale rules set. I think the finale version of Pathfinder 2 will have some major changes from the playtest. They have announced some already such as the skills. Legendary is +8. So I am very interested to see the Pathfinder 2 when it comes out.

just a few ramblings.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Starfinder would be the first. I think the core book did a very good job. It stacks up very well compared to the Pathfinder core book. I liked the classes, archetypes, abilities, and feats. A really liked the Starship Combat. I also think the damage system with stamina, hit points, and resolve is very interesting. I like the idea of item level and weapon damage scaling. It can make massive damage relevant even at high levels. It also has an inclusive nature which is great in my book.

Blue Rose Age is next for me. Liked this much better than Fantasy Age and it replaced it for me. Like the bonds and setting is great. Also think magic system is very interesting. Also of course is an inclusive game. Which once again great my book.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Is there any other news coming from Paizo.con other than how stamina and hit points are determined differently. I did notice from the pre gen that EAC was lower than KAC. I thought that may be correct. Some of the weapons had penetrating. I am curious how that works.

If there is a Q&A. I would be curious if there are any effects to taking hit point damage other than slower healing rate. This may seem mundane but could have an impact on game play. Most characters will suffer from hit point damage at some point. To be honest I thought there is not any additional effects other than slower healing. However, staff could have come in and easily said there are no additional effects like they did with medium armor (which is removed from Starfinder). This leads me to believe there may be something more to it and want to preview it. Not sure what happens but something may.

The next thing would be iterative attacks and how they are simpler and different from Pathfinder.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

We getting class preview this week? So far just an iconic.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I am little curious as to why there is still such limited flow of information about the game. I understood get the book done. My understanding was the book is done. I would think there could be at least a blog about possible preview schedule other than races.

I think Starfinder will be a different enough game to where you would want to get as much preview information out as possible so customers can make an informed choice about buying it.

You could answer the repeated questions about does weapon damage scales. Are there going to be accuracy bonuses if you are proficient with weapon.

Give some other cool previews about cybernetics and power armor.

Is there any wrinkle to damage. You have the stamina hit point dynamic. Does anything happen when you take hit point damage? Then preview playtest would indicate no. However, that was awhile ago and was pretty vanilla. I do believe a condition was applied unbalanced to one of the PC. Is it possible to apply conditions in combat.

How does the attack action work. There is indication it is different.

What are some of the cool things classes can do. Can they use resolve to boost abilities or feats.

Give some more details on magic.

I think one of the advantages of giving extensive previews is your customers know what they are buying largely. You do not have to give everything away, but provide enough information to where your customers can make an educated purchase.

There are some benefits to this. Your customers know what they are buying and are happy. You also do not get customers buying the book then being disappointed in it because it is not what they are hoping for. Or if there is a blog or preview closer to release and the customer does not like what they see. Then you as Paizo avoids cancelled pre-orders.

I really do not believe you could give the customer too much information. That just makes for a happier customer. They are aware of what they are buying. Even if you gave 90 percent of the information on how weapon damage scales. Show exactly how damage works and critical hits work there would still be enough surprises.

As I have said before the more informed the customer has about Starfinder the happier they will be about the purchase. Also as I have said before Starfinder is different enough it is not simply Pathfinder.
in space

Just my two cents.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

For me the list was

1 A Savage Rifts
1 B Shadowrun Anarchy.

2 A Was Starfinder.

I think for me after some of the rules information coming out think it has moved up to 1 C.

I like the 2 AC energy and kinetic, the break down of stamina, hit points, and resolve. Curious if resolve will allow you to boost feats and abilities.

Couple things wondering about. Will critical hits bypass stamina and go to hit point damage like the old wound vitality systems. Will there be critical feat's that allow for effects like stunned or bleeding.

Either way liked what I have seen so far.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I am curious to see what rules changes were made. There was statement, I believe in the Game Informer Interview where a charging Barbarian could be cut down by laser fire. The team looked at accuracy and the math behind game.

To me that was very interesting statement. I do think that the laser and plasma weapons will do more damage. The question lies with the looking at the math and accuracy part. You could have a 20th level Barbarian charge group of Orks. You could even give them some class levels of Fighter. Lets say 2. They would still have very hard time hitting the Barbarian.

So how will the changes if any be implemented. Bounded accuracy where the ac and hit bonuses flattened? I would be surprised if that was done.
Maybe there is something like an accuracy bonuses for the weapons if you are trained to use them? They could go the armor absorbs damage route. Or a combination of things.

Some things 5e that could work might be slot magic where you can cast spells at higher slots for increased effect.

I do like advantage and disadvantage.

I also like the idea that your attack bonus stays the same weather it is the 1st or 4th attack. Have the class determine the number of attacks. I think this one is less likely to be used.

I also wonder what optional rules made it? Wounds vitality. Armor absorbs damage or a called shot system. Wound levels. All of these have been introduced as optional rules in various Pathfinder books.

I am curious to see the finale product. I look forward to it great deal. Already pre-ordered two and get the 3rd core book when it appears on Amazon


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Was wondering if this order is shipping out today? Has been in the shipping que for 2 days. Just curious if it is indeed shipping today 8-14-08. thanks Dave