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Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

So, as it reads, the Raging Absorption feat only seems possible to make any use of assuming you have multiclassed between Bloodrager and some other class that gives evasion.

Raging Absorption's effect is as follows:
"While you are bloodraging, if you successfully save against a damaging arcane spell that either targets you or includes you in its area, and you take no damage from that spell, you can absorb a portion of its arcane energy to replenish your bloodrage. You regain 1 round of bloodrage for every 2 levels of the spell you successfully saved against. You cannot use this feat to regain more rounds of bloodrage than your daily maximum number of rounds."

So, am I missing something? Because this seems like it would literally never become active without energy resistance or from evasion. It might be designed specifically for the resistances bloodrage sometimes offers, of course.

So I know that slashing grace both allows slashing weapons to be used as piercing, while allowing dex to be used for damage increase. My question is, is there any kind of feat like this for piercing weapons? Specifically that allow dex for damage, as I really don't care about using slashing damage with a spear.