I want to make an old-fashioned rumor table for Skull & Shackles, to provide the PCs with some foreshadowing (and some outright incorrect information) early in the game. Doling these rumors out could serve as additional incentive for the PCs to mingle with the rest of the Wormwood's crew during nighttime ship actions. Ideally I shouldn't have more than twenty, so they can all be "on the table" by the end of Chapter 1. (Fishguts has probably heard them all, when he's sober enough to share.)
I might also include an achievement to unlock: once the PCs have heard all the rumors, they can attempt Knowledge (local) checks about the Shackles untrained.
The "Mysteries of the Shackles" section of Chapter 4, and the items from the inside back covers, are good, but I'd like to keep my focus specifically on things that will come up in the Adventure Path itself.
My initial thought is to have five categories of rumors:
- NPCs
- Places
- Treasures
- Ships
- Monsters
I'll share them as I come up with them, and gladly welcome any contributions or other ideas anyone else can provide.