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Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Can I get a clarification on what this exactly means for pathfinder infinite products in a scenario like I describe below?

They design an adventure and it is 95% their own work, they design battlemaps in a tool like dungeondraft and write the story and stats themselves. Because they are not an artist and cannot afford to commision an artist, they use an AI image generator to generate an image of the town the adventure is set in, or maybe an important NPC's portrait. Maybe they also used a language model in the brainstorming process to come up with ideas, or get feedback. Everything not made by the person is referenced.

I feel like this is a completely valid use of AI as a copilot in making creation more accessible. It seems very elitist to say this person isn't good enough because they didn't spend years learning to draw or aren't wealthy enough, and would discourage quite a few creators.

I have no issue banning things like having AI write an entire statblock and publishing it with minimal editing, or banning token packs wholly generated by AI without tweaking, but there are absolutely ways to use AI well that it seems like you are ignoring because it threatens jobs. I don't think anyone would have an issue with Paizo choosing not to use AI in their own products, I would encourage it, but I really hope you guys have a more nuanced policy for pathfinder infinite.