
DarklitEden's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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Still kinda new but i get the basic mechanics. My character is a half elf rouge and I just hit lvl2 and the GM suggested that i re-roll me character before I play with him again.
So far I made him a UC Rouge but I also plan on Multiclassing into a dragon bloodline Sorcerer(silver).
My stats so far are:
I have the Core,Advanced class,Ultimate Magic, and Unchained books.
The main ideas I have are, a rouge that starts at a distance with magic then sneaks an closes in for sneak or flank attack.
I'm looking for any advice on stat allocation, feats, traits, and starting spells when it gets to that point.

Ps:I really like the idea of using The icicle dagger and blurred movement spells
pss:Also wondering if prestieging into dragon disciple could be beneficial?