Darkenn's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 11 Organized Play characters.


Shadow Lodge

I had a Fighter that I dumped points into Heal, ride, and survival and I called him a Knight Hospitaler. He was acually pretty usefull in Downtime it saved the cleric resourcess and was a huge help when the cleric got downed.

Shadow Lodge

Both the front and back covers fell off my PF1 book I get so many wierd looks when I pull out this big floppy book at games, I really hope they get that worked out by the time PF2 goes to print

Shadow Lodge

I forgot where I saw it but it was posted in her buy one of the paizo employees that due to hygene issues at cons you did NOT have to be wearing your shirt to get the reroll, Ill try to find the post.

Shadow Lodge

AHAH This was the problem i originally put it in 07/28/13 this didnt work so i tried 07-28-2013 once i tried 07/28/2013 it worked like a charm! thank you all very much for your help! (and yes I am using chrome)

Shadow Lodge

Same Prob with 1 and 2 my venture capt said it was okay for me to run it for credit but i cant report it or add it.

Shadow Lodge

This acually has me confused a little becouse every other spell I have seen that has a expensive material component (1gm or more) has the price listed next to the component, This one does not. So I would have to expect its price to be negligable.

Shadow Lodge

Archtypes are meant to add flavor to a character or to empahasize a certain aspect I play a elven rogue acrobat and i have pulled off some very stupid stuff that has saved the party, you just need to know how to play your choice!

Shadow Lodge

I just finished hosting my my first event (First Steps) and I went to report I had everything filled out but it still told me missing one or more fields even though everything was indeed filled out, anyone else have this problem, know about it or know how to fix it?

Shadow Lodge

any idea yet on when this will be available again?