DarkSpooder's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 56 Organized Play characters.


Some reference before the question: Sprite's Spark is a 1st level ancestry feat for Sprites that gives a ranged unarmed attack. "The damage type and name of the unarmed attack depends on your heritage, described below; most sprite heritages not presented in this book also use luminous spark."

Now my question is, If I choose a versatile heritage for my Sprite, does it default to luminous spark, is it up to GM discretion on which unarmed attack you get, or perhaps paizo intends to list more unarmed attacks in the future?

Thank you, I'll to be more careful in the future!

I went to order the Pathfinder Lost Omens: Ancestry Guide PDF however when I went to place order who didn't move to a new page after the loading icon disappeared so I ended up pressing the button to place an order a couple more times before stopping in order to make sure there isn't an issue somewhere. the item is still in my cart and not in my downloadable content but I have 3 pending transactions on my bank account.

I am going to be the guy who defends black tentacles.
One, the cmb be check is not the PC making the check it is the tentacles making the check which is an effect of black tectancles.
Two, this is NOT summoning it is creation, so it isn't summoned creature, and it does not have a creature type or any subtypes, it has an ambitious strength and size bonus.
Three, an attack roll is not an opposed check or a saving throw
An opposed check is where one creature is trying to beat another roll.