
DarkMayhem's page

** Venture-Lieutenant, Croatia—Varaždin 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 17 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Dark Archive

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Davic The Grey wrote:

I had a thought last night on burn and an alternative way to show that you're pushing yourself without going into non lethal damage, which people seem apprehensive about for an understandable reason.

My thought was this: Burn is a pool, like with magus, 3+con mod, but at certain thresholds of taking points from that pool you have to shoulder certain debuffs. At 3/4 of a full pool you're sickened, 1/2 is fatigued, 1/4 is exhausted and at 0 you take nonlethal damage equal to twice your character level. Whether or not the sickened/fatigued/exhausted is curable I leave to better designing minds than myself, but even still it gets incrementally worse the more you use your points without completely hamstringing the character, but still keeps the design and flavor intent that Mark seemed to be going for.

I think it shouldn't be a pool