
Darbius Maximus's page

Organized Play Member. 151 posts (153 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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Having some World of Warcraft nostalgia and potential plans for a future campaign; Since the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse have been statted, how difficult would a fight against all 4 be? Should all party members be level 20? Could it be done with 4 members or would 5 or even more be needed? Would they need Mythic abilities? What is the best class/build setup to fight all 4 Horsemen with 4 party members; same question but 5 party members? What are the worst party compositions that have less than average chance of success in this fight? Anything else I should know?

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khadgar567 wrote:
Darbius Maximus wrote:
khadgar567 wrote:
To be honest we need to improve the damage die of explosive stake launchers of 40k universe d6 and d8 i think does not give proper respect to emperiums finest idiots
I couldn't tell whether you were making a statement or a "katanas are udnerpwoered" joke expy. However I would like to hear what damage dice you would give them. I will mention if I have failed before this is meant to be simialr to the human-sized bolter, not the Space Marine size.
at least 1d20 damage this thing kills any one with out sufficient dr to ressist

The fact it can gib most people instantly if they're average is part of why I gave the pistol 2d6. Most first level adventurers and CR 1 creatures can be killed instantly or at least rendered "dying" by 1d12/2d6 damage weapons if you roll well with one swing, even without your strength mod or other modifiers. 2d8 is even more impressive than this potential in that regard and makes sense since unlike the bolt psitol there is no loss in velocity from more gasses escaping since the bolt is fired from a rifle-like aparratus instead of a pistol.

However I have considered just outright dropping the crit to x2 for all Bolt weapons and cranking the damage up to 2d8 for the Bolt pistol, 2d10 for the Bolter and 3d8 for the Heavy Bolter.

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quibblemuch wrote:

Racial heritage (duergar) plus the Gray Dwarf Magic feat gives you access to duergar SLAs. Invisibility or ironskin once per day at 1st level? Yes please...

And speaking of creeps from below, if grandma liked derro and your Charisma is 20, you can take the Derro Magister feat to get SR=10+CL and several nifty SLAs including at-will levitation.

The number of options open to a kobold are pretty darn cool. I won't enumerate them here, but as the good people at Syrinscape might say: "Yark! Yark!"

A stenchy ogre-man can also get a disgusting breath weapon. But I can't in good conscience encourage such shenanigans, so I leave the research to the reader.


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Azten wrote:

Those fire bonuses can be awesome for a Sorcerer with Profession(Anthropology) that studied Goblins so extensively they copied some of their abilities without realizing it.

If you wanna get really crazy with options, then play a half-elf and take Racial Heritage(pick a race) and grab the Orc Bloodline. That's four different races mixing in one character.

I explained something like that to a friend once because they wanted to be a catgirl drow...

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Tacticslion wrote:

As a GM in a home-game you could.

As a player, you could not, unless a home-game GM allowed it.

So just a GM-ruling. I'll ask. Thank you.

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DominusMegadeus wrote:
Darbius Maximus wrote:
DominusMegadeus wrote:

Vanara, Catfolk, Kitsune, Gnoll, Ratfolk. Things like Kobolds and Tengu don't really count, but the same sort of people seem to gravitate to animal races of all kinds. It's tasteful fantasy on Paizo's side, but the creepiness can start to bleed through when players get a hold of them.

Just my experience in this wasteland we call the internet.

Oh yeah forgot about those and I completely agree. Of course I have an eye for keeping the creepers out of my games and to not be creepy myself but I have had my fair share of experiences. I never intended for this to enable creepers.

Kinda off topic but do you have an experience to share? You read up the story of the infamous furry D&D player North as well?

Never heard of him, but I'm always up for a chronicle of humanity's failure. Got a link?

Hell to the yeah. Here you go sir: http://imgur.com/hpgwFY2

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DominusMegadeus wrote:

Vanara, Catfolk, Kitsune, Gnoll, Ratfolk. Things like Kobolds and Tengu don't really count, but the same sort of people seem to gravitate to animal races of all kinds. It's tasteful fantasy on Paizo's side, but the creepiness can start to bleed through when players get a hold of them.

Just my experience in this wasteland we call the internet.

Oh yeah forgot about those and I completely agree. Of course I have an eye for keeping the creepers out of my games and to not be creepy myself but I have had my fair share of experiences. I never intended for this to enable creepers.

Kinda off topic but do you have an experience to share? You read up the story of the infamous furry D&D player North as well?

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To make a long story short, I found a race Paizo created stats for when they originally published Dragon Magazine for Wizards of the Coast (and the stats, fluff, ect exist in the Paizo published book Dragon Compendium http://paizo.com/products/btpy8xa2?Dungeons-Dragons-The-Dragon-Compendium-V olume-1-Hardcover ); this race was the Lupin, a wolf-like species somewhat akin to Cat-Folk. Coming into Pathfinder as a serious player who could explore my options I was sad to have found that even in the Advanced Race Guide there was no inclusion of anything based on things Paizo had made long ago. As of such I have taken to the race maker in the Advanced Race Guide, albeit with a few tweaks, and have made a comprehensive Pathfinder version of the race, and hopefully if enough people come to enjoy this, people will not shy away at the idea of playing this race because of it (at least at the moment) being homebrew.

Since I don't know if Paizo has the rights to the name Lupin still or any of the content in the book they come from, I am not supplying their original stats or originally printed lore, and I am changing the race's name from "Lupin" to "Lupine".

Note I have not supplied very much of my own fluff for this race at all besides that there were isolated from most of the standard races for quite a long time and only recently have they begun to integrate into civilized society, however the effects of civilization on their kind are apparent.

This Draft of the race is a WIP despite it's comprehensive state. It does not contain original approximations or similar "work notes". If you'd like to see that draft with my work notes, please PM me.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/w4rm124rnq0jv6l/Pathfinder%20Lupine%20-%20Alpha%2 0Draft.rtf?dl=0

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Male Lupin Fighter 2, Cleric 3

It's late where I'm at but I'd just like to say i doubt I'd have crew members as a cleric. Also i find it ironic the nodachi is a Martial weapon here while an equivalent weapon in 3.5 is exotic. Oh well, culture shock.