Danzibe1989's page

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@LordKailas That's pretty dang neat I have to admit.

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Darksol the Painbringer wrote:

Welcome to trap options.

I suggest you invest in at-will Deeper Darkness to keep the archetype more palatable.

Right?? lol

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not bad of a trait

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@Gisher I completely overlooked that feat.

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Gisher wrote:
lareman wrote:
By taking 4 levels of fighter.
No need. Staff Magi get Quarterstaff Master for free.


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A player is playing Thunder Caller bard. He begins playing Inspiring Courage. He casts Virtuoso Performance and adds Thunder call. Next turn he casts Shadow bard and hands Inspiring Courage to it, and starts up a different Performance. Next turn he casts Exquisite Accompaniment to attempts to hand Thunder call to it to start up a 2nd Thunder Call. This is not legal to do correct? As Bardic Performance states: A bard cannot have more than one bardic performance in effect at one time.

Virtuoso lets him run 2.
Shadow Bard lets him play 1.
Exquisite Accompaniment could play 1.
But playing TWO Thunder calls is not possible. Right?

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ChaiGuy wrote:
Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Sorcerer can do it on the fly. Wizard does it faster. It depends on what your priority is.

As a note a sorcerer with the arcane bloodline can gets metamagic adept at level 3, allowing them to apply a metamagic feat to a spell without increasing the casting time 1/day. This increases in uses by one every 4 levels after this, so 2/day at level 7.

The Arcane blooded sorcerer also increases the DC by 1 when they apply a metamagic feat to a spell with their bloodline arcana.

A blood arcanist could choose the arcane bloodline, that would be very versitile for metamagic.

generally I choose that anytime i play a Sorcerer, i just don't like the way they use Metamagic's normally without that bloodline.

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0o0o0 O 0o0o0 wrote:

Can someone please make a build for this jabbing, outslug brawler?

I only really play casters, all the combat styles and feats and their interactions are too complicated for my head while spells are discrete. Much easier.

However, I'd love to play Mike Tyson and this thread suggests a pure boxing style can be effective.

I just did a mockup. it'd take 15 levels plus all bonus feats to finish out both styles, it's not effective or efficient to do this idea, best to stick to 1 or the other. Jabbing needs Dodge and Mobility. Outslug needs Weapon Focus, and Lunge.

Human - weapon focus
1st: Power Attack
2nd Bonus: Outslug Style
3rd: Lunge
5th: Outslug Sprints
5th Bonus: Dodge
7th: Step up
8th Bonus: Mobility
9th: Jabbing Style
11th: Weapon Style Mastery
11th Bonus: Improved (whatever CMB)
13th: Jabbing Dancer
14th Bonus: Jabbing Master
15th: anything you want

this is not taking into account Martial Flexibility, which could free up feats to take however doing so prevents Weapon Style Mastery from being taken as a feat, unless you blew one on Jabbing Style. If you really wanted, you could take the base requirements of each, and swap your versatility around, bobbing and weaving with Outslug one round and hitting them hard with Jabbing the next.

Step up with Outslug Sprints allows a free 10' which is good to keep up with the opponent. Likewise, you can keep people are arms length by using Lunge from 5' away and then back up 10' While this means so they can charge you, it does mean they only get 1 attack whether they charge or not.

Jabbing Style isn't even needed tbh, as Power Attack will provide plenty of extra damage, and Jabbing relies on landing punches, which might prove difficult later on unless you keep up on bonuses to aid hit. I'd say Jabbing would be a good Dex build but my Build is Strength.

Stats: 20 point buy
Str 20
Dex 14
Con 15
Int 10 (13 for feats)
Wis 12
Cha 8

level up Boost
4th: Str
8th: Str
12th: Con

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side note: Jabbing Dance triggers Outslug Style. This might end up becoming an unarmed brawler at this rate...

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And, amazingly.enough, you can take Step Up and trigger Outslug Sprints 10' move with it instead of Follow Up.

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Baval wrote:
Danzibe1989 wrote:

The Situation:

Me (Tyrant Antipaladin 5/Red Mantis Assassin4), and the rest of the party are in battle with the foes of the Glorious Reclamation in a Hell's Vengenace game (Non PFS because the majority does not play PFS). We are all huddled beneath a drawbridge at a castles entrance. The head guard who rides an Alicorn (Pegasus unicorn. s$&&s beefy yo) and a normal Knight of the Inheritor Soldier (on a gryphon) have landed in the courtyard. Having seen Lances on them, I assume they are going to charge members of my party. KNOWING they need vision of us to charge (as per rules), I run up to cast Obscuring Mist since its centered on me. I have cast it in such a way as to not catch my allies in it, but merely place it between us and them, thus letting us attack if they go through it all the way without penalty problems. The session ended there. In Character, I do not know they will charge us. Given the distance they landed from us and the fact that they have lances, I am assuming they will charge us. Out of Character I also don't know they will charge us, but assumed the same way.
So yes, your entire turn/strategy was based around the rules working the way they should. You definitely had the right to be upset about this sudden ruling

I wasn't upset at all. I was surprised by it for sure but not upset. Even if he chooses to still charge the square with a 50% to hit me I don't expect to instantly die. And if i do, then oh well, i'll make a new guy, it happens lol. I only wanted clarity on the question, not a who's right and who's wrong war.

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Captain Yesterday Smurf wrote:

The Diabolist or Demoniac prestige classes.

I'm personally partial to Demoniac. :-)

after reading up on both, Demoniac seems more fun and the easiest to do

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Captain Yesterday Smurf wrote:

The Diabolist or Demoniac prestige classes.

I'm personally partial to Demoniac. :-)

I'll have to look those up

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ericthecleric wrote:
I don't know if you are interested, or if the following helps, but Purple Duck Games created a half-cyclops race. You can click the link to see how they compare if you wish.

This has me so intimidated now. its 10x better than what i have. All my work just got invalidated T_T