
Danielle Ackley-McPhail's page

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I'm certainly biased, but I have two fantasy novels Yesterday's Dreams (Mundania Press, 2006) and Tomorrow's Memories, Mundania Press, www.mundania.com, 2008). They are urban fantasy based on Irish mythology.

You can find out more at www.sidhenadaire.com/books.htm

I also have a novella coming up

The Halfling's Court: A Bad-A** Faerie Tale (Dark Quest Books, www.darkquestbooks.com, 9/2009) This is based on my biker faerie stories in the award-winning Bad-A** Faeries anthologies. (The anthologies, incidentally, will be re-released by Mundania Press sometime in 2009)

Breach the Hull (Dark Quest Books, www.darkquestbooks.com, May 2009) and So It Begins (Dark Quest Books, March 2009) both contain stories based on the Alliance Archives Military Role Playing System, which Dark Quest Games will be releasing in Fall of 2010.

The stories are, in Breach the Hull:
In the Dying Light, by Danielle Ackley-McPhail
Wayward Child, by Mike McPhail

In So It Begins:
First Line, by Danielle Ackley-McPhail
Cling Peaches, by Mike McPhail

You can find samples of all the stories, plus others based on this universe at www.mcp-concepts.com.

John has done a bunch of short fiction lately, his short stories
Peter Power Armor and Forgotten Causes can be found in Breach the Hull (formerly published by Marietta Publishing, to be re-released by Dark Quest, LLC in May 2009) and his story The Last Report on Unit 22 has just appeared in So It Begins, the sequel to Breach the Hull, which released in March 2009 from Dark Quest Books (www.darkquestbooks.com)

There is an older anthology, No Longer Dreams, published by Lite Circle Books, that has his stories The Kindred and Father's Monument.

Dear Aberzombie,

Admittedly, my opinion is biased, but forgive me for posting anyway. I wanted to thank you for posting your query and trying to find out more about the book.

Which of my relatives has been harrassing you so I can both thank them and tell them not to annoy you?

I hope that someone here might be able to give you more information about the book, but as it is small press, I will not rely on that. If you would like to see the information on my website, including review blurbs, you can go to www.sidhenadaire.com/books/YD.htm. Or, if you want to see the other books I am a part of, you can just go to www.sidhenadaire.com/books.htm and you will see everything. The military science fiction collection I am in, Breach the Hull, just won the 2007 Dream Realm award, so you might want to give that a look. Many of my books are anthologies and my website lists all the contributors of each one. At the moment, I don't have any excerpts from Yesterday's Dreams on the site, but a few of the other books (Space Pirates, Breach the Hull, and Bad-A** Faeries) do have pdf excerpts of the stories in those collections that you can download.

I am presuming, possibly incorrectly, that you are in the South Jersey area, or quite near it, in which case I will point out an opportunity for you to find out more about the book directly.

The weekend of November 21-23, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Cherry Hill, NJ the science fiction convention Philcon will take place. Not only will I be there, but I am in fact launching the sequel to Yesterday's Dreams at the convention. This would 1) give you an opportunity to meet and enjoy a wide variety of fantasy and science fiction authors, and 2) provide a chance for you to look at the book yourself, instead of depending on someone else's opintion. If nothing else, I throw a mean launch party with food and prizes. You can find more details about the launch and the sequel at www.sidhenadaire.com/promoTM.htm.

My very best,

Danielle Ackley-McPhail