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Daniel Roy's page

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Mapforge Kickstarter by Heruca went live today and has earned 80% of it's funding goal in under 10 hours.

Mapforge is, on the surface, a replacement for Dundjinni. However it is a different interface with a different software base.
It's largest user base will initially be people who want to quickly build a cool looking map for their gaming needs. They will
do this using map tiles they can stitch together. But it will also allow users with higher levels of mapping skills to created
custom maps using imported artwork.
Even more important, Mapforge will grow and develop and become even more powerful over time.

If you would like to check out the Kickstarter copy this link and paste it in your browser: ion-software-for-tabletop

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Tome of Painful Exercise

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Prismatic Spear

Mordenkainen's Disfunction

Power Word, Kill Bill

Energy Braiiinnnnzzz

Astral Smell

Bigby's Crushing Band


Mind Yank

Incendiary Clown

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YES, I belong to the FLEETWOOD MAC Air Corps. Our uniforms are MOODY BLUES and the DOOBIE BROTHERS and I fly around in our LED ZEPPELINS dropping CSNY explosives on those disco freaks in CHICAGO before we land in BOSTON. My commanding officers are colonels EMERSON, LAKE AND PALMER who take their orders from General SANTANA. He reports to President JETHRO TUL who is on a mission from CLAPTON!

Mark, you are banned for getting me started.

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Taco Bell Customer

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Granted, but you didn't specify which J.C. Do I really have to explain how that is going to go?

I wish I could finish the map I'm working on.

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Zylphryx is banned for forgetting that I am not obligated to Charles's proclamations, so you are toast. BAN!

Gruumash is banned for being almost right, I was not raised in Boston, I only went to school there.
( Note to those of you who were raised south of Philly: Maine is NOT part of Boston. )

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DJEternalDarkness is banned for trying to interfere with Zylphryx's defense of the one true sausage.

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Spanky is banned for not getting me a drink from the cantina while he was stalking zylphryx the sorority girl.

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A friend of mine has 2 favorite sayings:
Vegetables are what real food eats.
Bacon is your friend.