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Mapforge Kickstarter by Heruca went live today and has earned 80% of it's funding goal in under 10 hours.

Mapforge is, on the surface, a replacement for Dundjinni. However it is a different interface with a different software base.
It's largest user base will initially be people who want to quickly build a cool looking map for their gaming needs. They will
do this using map tiles they can stitch together. But it will also allow users with higher levels of mapping skills to created
custom maps using imported artwork.
Even more important, Mapforge will grow and develop and become even more powerful over time.

If you would like to check out the Kickstarter copy this link and paste it in your browser: ion-software-for-tabletop

Battlemap Layers is a Peel & Stick dungeon tile system that can be used to quickly make battlemaps for face to face RPG games like Pathfinder.

These high res map tiles and objects are printed on a durable peel and stick material that is reusable, full color, wet/dry marker erasable, making layerable tiles and objects.

As a contributing artist I made or re-purposed dozens of my mapping objects for this project. You may also recognize a few other objects that were gathered from DundJinni Forums and other mapping sites that were posted as free to use for commercial purposes.
You can check out this Kickstarter by clicking on the link below.


Great story, love these 2 characters. The thornbeast artwork is terrific, even though it doesn't match the verbal description.