Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty Lalali and Neziana inspect the corpse, it appears to be shriveled as if all of the liquid was drained from its body. The body was that of a human male. Farther into the jungle to the east there are a handful of other graves, each corpse, was slain in this same fashion. That accounts for now four of the colonists, three slain in this horrific manner and Sylas, stabbed by whoever Rayland Arkley was or perhaps, is. Do you want to remain together to explore further areas of the settlement or break apart once more? ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty The poltergeist grimaces as he watches his body being moved, "Alright. I want to know why and what. Find out. Tell me or I will.. I will.. I will be back!" The spirits body expands and in a flash of light is gone, the items swirling about the room all drop to the floor with smaller and larger thuds. Your new companion Grym finds what appears to be a suitable place to bury Silas. However, as you dig, you find another corpse... ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty "The stab was too much, I tried to hide and then slink away but I passed out and then... and then... I... I don't know what happened to this place but I want to know. I have to know! Will you help me?" As Mak moves towards the body of Silas, the spirit of Silas swoops towards him, objects swirling in the room, "What are you doing!" I will assume that everyone has overcome their fright at this time and heads back to the Church to witness Mak being directly confronted. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty Grym, you open the door and see the spectral body of some undead thing! Make a Will Save DC 14 or be Frightened for 1d4 ⇒ 4 Rounds. "Rayland Arkley! He was my friend!" the figure screeches once more. "Who am I? I am I am... I'm Silas. Silas Weatherbee. Everyone began acting. Strange. Out of character for what I knew of them. So I sought out Rayland, he was my best friend in the Colony and then he... he stabbed me. Twice. But I got away". ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty Outside Grym looks familiar to those of you still outside, you never interacted with him but saw him around the ship. Darvan Frightened 1d4 ⇒ 1 Rounds
Inside Vigny Diplomacy Aid Another 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13 - Success!
Vigny speaks, "Help us help you!" Mak just shrugs, this is not something he expected to encounter and is unsure of what to really say. "He stabbed me, why would he stab me, we were friends!" the Poltergeist shrieks as the objects still swirl around the room in mid-air. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Grym: It takes you some time to find a way to get off of the ship undetected. You were not given the option to get off and investigate but you believe that this group, the first to hit land, knows something the rest of the crew does not.
Dripping wet you manage to swim to shire. A walk along the coast brings you to the settlement just as a few of the crewmen exit a building screaming... Business has picked up! ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty Caiden - Will save DC 14 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 Darvan, Neziana, Gnarok, and Caiden all exit the church, with haste! Mak stands his ground whil Lalali and Vigny back to the entrance, Lalali still dry heaving. The small objects begin to swirl around Mak. " Why! Why did he do it!" Make a Diplomacy check DC 25 to attempt to speak with this Poltergeist, it is clear that it is getting agitated and ready to be violent. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty Neziana moves to place the body back under the space beneath the altar but the pews do not stop moving! Above the altar appears an apparition! Small items in the church begin to rise and swirl around at high speeds. Everyone make a Will save DC 14 or be Frightened, I will roll individual results for any who fail the roll. Neziana: Your instincts are correct but likely this is not considered a satisfactory resting place by this spirit! ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Neziana Fentel wrote: I realize that with me planning to pick up at least 3 shield sphere talents besides my tradition, it would be better long term to trade away 5 feats for adept sphere of might progression. That would however mean one less talent at level 1. I would lose bashing shield, effectively putting me down 3 AC whenever I attack with my offhand. Though given I have a defensive stance already, that's probably not too bad... Would this be an ok trade to make, or is it too late? Basically I'll loose bashing shield for now, but gain it back next level. Proceed ;-) ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty While Lalali is... distracted, Darvan pulls the body from the small space. It does not appear to lead to anything below, just a space for hiding or storing items though there is a significant amount of pooled and dried blood within. The body appears to have died from a few stab wounds. As Darvan inspects the body, the pews that were stood back up begin to shudder and shake! Knowledge Religion DC 17: This may be a reaction to disturbing this body. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty The panel has no traps. Darvan kneels down next to Lalali and together they open it. The strong smell of a rotting corpse assaults your nostrils! Darvan and Lalali make a Fortitude save DC 10 or be Sickened for 1d4 ⇒ 3 Rounds. In the darkness it is hard to see exactly what it is but it appears to be the body of a human male, it seems the group has found their first corpse... ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Grym Slade wrote: Shadow, here is my character still a little to do but crunch complete I am going to have you stow off of the ship I decided. Having someone here that has any idea of what took place will hurt the flavor of the adventure. Will post a scene to get you off of the boat soon. You are also a Pathfinder but you found your way to the Expedition separately from the others, though you do not broadcast your ties to the organization as you also heard they were not taking anyone who had any such affiliations. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty Darvan figures that no one has entered here in at least a month. Either the Goblins were scared of the place or explored it some time ago. The piles of ashes were once books, the leather cover of one is still intact and bears the title, Parable of Erastil. As the group gets closer to the altar, the smell of rotting fish becomes pervasive. A glance at the long bow on the wall is not ornamental as you initially thought and is of excellent make and quality, carved into the handle is a holy symbol of Erastil. As the group inspects the altar, it becomes evident that it is not a table on four legs but is constructed more like a large box with religious carvings on the front face. A secret sliding panel may hold something within. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Neziana Fentel wrote: We're not too far into things. Isn't it easiest to just have him have been with us all along? Considering it but wan to think it through a bit. Might have him drop off of the side of the ship as if he was on the Peregrine the whole time or may have him be part of the original colony. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Grym Slade wrote: Shadow, here is my character still a little to do but crunch complete Looks good, need to think how I want to incorporate you into the game. Will shoot you a PM once I figure that out. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty Neziana and Mak bring the Goblin low before he can do them any damage. The other one though does get away. The two head back to camp and find the others binding the original Goblin detected, that one is injured as well. The Colony is still silent with plenty of daylight left to explore it. The now bound goblin is left in the Smithy. Going to assume you head back to the next most explored building, the Chapel next. This large building is durably built in a log cabin–style construction with a thatched pitched roof and three gables. Its several open windows are uncovered, and the sole entrance on the east side of the building is bereft of a door. A small porch covered by a gable shelters this door, though the porch has not been swept and dirt and dust have started to accumulate, while one end of the gable is starting to sag from neglect. The interior of this building suggests a modest place of worship—not quite a temple but more than a mere shrine. A table near the center of the west wall appears to serve as an altar, draped in a white but dusty cloth. Behind the table, a large wood carving of a humanoid figure with a stag’s head leans against the wall. Two rows of benches face the altar, although some have been knocked over and two piles of ashes are visible in the aisle between them. Scattered throughout the room are assorted objects related to public worship, such as a chalice and a ceremonial rod. An ornately carved longbow hangs on the wall near the altar, as if on display. Against the north wall is a smaller shrine. Nearby is a wooden statue roughly three feet tall that depicts a male half-human and half-avian creature. One carved wing hangs partially broken from the statue. Vigny notes that the wood carving behind the altar represents the deity Erastil. Assuming you enter, roll a... Survival Check DC 15: There was a struggle in this area and it was never straightened up afterward. Though it has faded, a line that looked to be some sort of paint at first glance is actually dried blood, it leads from the front door back towards the altar. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty Neziana:
No but you are more than 10' back as you were still moving towards the combat. I will keep an eye out for that in future combats though. The Action Neziana arrives winded and her strikes and not well placed enough to land a blow on the Goblin. Round 2 - The Goblin spins and attempts to strikes at Neziana with his spear but her defenses are far too strong to overcome. Neziana and Mak - GO! DM DE ONLY:
Attack Monkey Goblin vs. Mak 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 - Damage 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 HP = 13/13 --- The Smithy Darvan manages to stabilize the Goblin which hovers over death's door. No injuries to anyone at the Smithy. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty The Smithy Caiden enters the smithy meeting up with most of the rest of the group. In the open area where smith work took place lies a strange looking Goblin bleeding out on the floor. A search by Vigny reveals a few items of value, two masterwork machetes, a masterwork chain shirt, and a darkwood buckler of quite fine make. There are also 40 metal arrowheads. It appears that the reason why the living quarters are such a mess is that the Goblins were living in the place. Besides the mess made by the Goblins, it is not clear what else took place here. --- Where the Action Is Initiatove:
Makanaky - 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11 Neziana - 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14 Goblin - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16 Mak makes a move to shield bash the Goblin but the Goblin proves the quicker and attacks first! DM DE ONLY:
Attack Monkey Goblin vs. Mak 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 - Damage 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
HP = 13/13 The spear strikes true and Mak takes a wound on his oblique. 5 Damage Mak. Mak's shield slam misses as the Goblin sidesteps it. Round 1 -
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty Lalali Re and Vigny:
Vigny's attack puts the Goblin down. Lalali is about to strike once more when she realizes that it has perished. A moment later a shot goes off from outside of the Smithy. --- Gnarok considers whether to take another shot as Makanaky and Neziana give chase. Neziana Constitution Check #1 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 + 2 = 5
Of the two Goblins, one is able to get away while the other is just too slow. Makanay manages to get ahead and Neziana is behind having slowed down a bit due to a pain in her side from rushing through the jungle. The Goblin draws a spear and jabbers in its Goblin-like language. Goblin wrote: "You no belong here. You let go or I bleed you pink-faces!" --- Darvan, you trot back to the Smithy to find that the Goblin prisoner is now a corpse. --- Caiden as you pack up all of the gear you hear a shot go off from behind you, it seems that the other Pathfinders have entered combat! Do you still want to head to the next building and if so which one? ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Makanaky wrote:
Give me a second one as well. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty The Chase Gnarok takes a shot at the fleeing Goblins but it misses wide. Neziana and Makanaky charge after the Goblins! The Goblins, who look just a bit different here than the Goblins you are used to, are also at a Run moving 120'. They have a head start but not one that is impossible to overcome. Neziana and Makanaky give me two Constitution checks, you may add the +2 bonus from Encouraging Roar as a Circumstance Bonus. If you overcome their Constitution checks, they wear down and you are able to overtake them if not, you gas out adn they get away. Gnarok, two of your companions spring ahead while Darvan states, "Those goblins didn't do anything to me" and heads back to the Smithy. ---- Lalali, sure, we can go quotation for Goblin Speech. Lalali Re and Vigny:
Battle in the Smith Note that Encouraging Roar does not benefit either of you in this combat. Lalali's spear strike is devastating, the Goblin clutches at the wound that may well have punctured a lung. But Goblins are tough and it tries to stab back at her with his own spear. Lalali's studded leather blocks the spear from causing her any injury. [b] Round 1 - Vigny (You have a Flank) - GO! Round 2 - Lalali - GO!
Constitution Check Monkey Goblin 1 #1 - 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 Constitution Check Monkey Goblin 1 #2 - 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Constitution Check Monkey Goblin 2 #1 - 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18 Constitution Check Monkey Goblin 2 #2 - 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22 Attack Monkey Goblin vs. Lalali 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13 - Damage 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
------- The Search You use magic to discern what items are of the most value. The potions all register as conjuration magic, cure potions! The shirt is also magic, transmutation, a quick runner's shirt allowing extra movement. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty Neziana and Makanaky rush through the building while Darvan and Gnarok rush around the outside of the of the cover. Essentially N & M head west through the door while D & G head east through the open air area in an attempt to pincher them. Both groups can see two more of these Goblins running to the North. Neziana and Makanaky have line of sight on them while Darvan and Gnarok have part of the wall and a building A4 partially obstructing their view. They are about 100' away and running at top speed. --- Lalali Re and Vigny:
With the odds dropping from 6 to 1 to 2 to 1, the Goblin gets bold and moves to attack!
Initiative -
Round 1 - Lalali - GO!
--- Caiden you turn around and realize that Makanaky did not respond to your statement as he is chasing after two fleeing figures. Do you want to give chase or use a sack to gather the items you have found? ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty "Others yes. Yes they go! You leave me in pieces!" As you move towards the sound you surmise that it is his companions likely making a break for it! You would have to exit this room to see them. He brandishes his weapon though he is still shaking. It seems even he knows he cannot defeat you all by himself, smart for a Goblin! Peace I do not believe is a Goblin word :-) ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty The Goblin's spear wavers and he drops it to waist high height. He responds in Goblin which I assume will be translated, "Longshanks? The pink faces! They go crazy and fight. Rest leaves. We comes to get this place. Ours now...Ghosthaters now... you go". DM DE ONLY:
Darvan - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21 Gnarok - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21 Lalali - 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 +2 While Concealed Makanaky - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 Neziana - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20 Vigny - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 Darvan, Gnarok, and Neziana, you hear a sound from the part of the smithy that is "inside" the building. The section which was set up as a habitat. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Shades of grey. As far as I am concerned even Chaotic Evil has shades of grey as does Lawful Good. CE and LG are more consistent in their responses to "stimuli" than the other alignments but even they cannot be as predictable as a high precision watch. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty Most of the Pathfinders converge on the Smithy and the Goblin finds itself surrounded! It spins in a circle holding its spear out. Goblin:
"This is Ghosthater place! You go!" --- Caiden:
You assume that the rest of the group can handle a single Goblin and start to search the tents.
The tents are salvageable, though one had some small animal nesting in it for a time and reeks of musk. Oddly enough, many of the tents still have common mundane personal items in their folds, such as clothing, mementos, cooking pots, and waterskins. Some of these items are ruined, but much of the mundane gear can be cleaned or repaired. Among these common goods you also find four potions and a quite well crafted shirt. --- Vigny: The wood carving behind the altar represents the deity Erastil. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Neziana Fentel wrote: I could have sworn I have Neziana goblin as a language, but I see now that my languages are empty... Is it to late to fix that? I want to have common, abyssal, infernal, draconic, goblin and orc since I get 4 extra languages... Proceed. As they are partially inside (part of the building is canopied) you cannot hear exactly what is said but do recognize the Goblin language. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() OK, looks like we have a split up based on the posts from when I was away. No one group is more than 80' from one another though a few of you did enter buildings. At this rate, the whole place will be explored pretty quickly :-) ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty Gnarok and Darvan head to the first building that looks significant. Caiden and Mak stop at the pavilion tents to investigate. Vigny heads to the nuilding just to the south of where Gnarok and Darvan head. Lalali pads a bit farther into the "walls" of the settlement looking around. Neziana stays to the right of the first building keeping one eye on Lalali, one eye the group headed to the pavilions and an ear out for Darvan and Gnarok and the other ear out for Vigny as they enter building in the settlement. That is one busy Tiefling! Gnarok and Darvan:
This L-shaped building is constructed of mud bricks on a wooden frame. The western portion is of the structure is enclosed by four walls. This section has a single open window on the south side, with a canvas curtain hung across the opening. The single entrance is a wooden door, standing slightly ajar, on the southern end of the eastern face of the building. Inside the smithy building, the space is divided between personal living quarters and an indoor tool storage and work area. A pungent animal smell lingers in the air and a tussled pile of blankets on the wooden cot is soiled. The room is in a state of disarray, with tools such as tin snips, pliers, and files carelessly strewn all over. A few Medium weapons and pieces of armor are strewn among the debris. You ignore this area to explore the smith area proper. A ten-foot extension connects to the building on the east side. This extension has only a northern wall and is otherwise just a roof sheltering the space below, which is open to the outside. Underneath this cover is a forge with an exhaust flue directly above it, a worktable covered in metal scraps, a small tub of black water, and a partially sheltered anvil. The actual anvil and forge are outside the smithy under the shade of a roof extension. The outdoor worktable is covered with a few blacksmithing tools and pieces of metalwork, such as weapons, tools, or farming implements abandoned halfway through being forged or repaired. Standing on the far side of the worktable is a groggy Goblin! He holds out a spear with a red feathered butt end. He speaks to you in Goblin, or a dialect of which sounds like gibberish. Caiden and Makanaky:
Seven canvas pavilion tents were set up here, all of which are large enough to shelter two to three people each. All but two tents have collapsed due to wind, rain, and lack of maintenance. The two that remain standing lean haphazardly and do not appear to have been entered for a long time. Grass has begun to grow around them. Do you want to explore each tent individually.
You pad into the walled area proper though with so much light if someone looks out the window they will see you, your soft footfalls ensure that hearing you won't be a reason they look. At the center of the colony, in front of a large house, is a public well. Just southwest of the well is a wooden scaffold with a set of steps. It looks suitable for use as a platform to address a large crowd, though it would take minimal effort to convert it into a gallows. North of the scaffold is the remnant of a well-used community fire pit surrounded by stones, large enough for a reasonably sized bonfire. Most of the ashes in the central fire pit have been rained on repeatedly and are now mixed in with the soil. It is clear that no fire has been lit here for weeks.
This large building is durably built in a log cabin–style construction with a thatched pitched roof and three gables. Its several open windows are uncovered, and the sole entrance on the east side of the building is bereft of a door. A small porch covered by a gable shelters this door, though the porch has not been swept and dirt and dust have started to accumulate, while one end of the gable is starting to sag from neglect. The interior of this building suggests a modest place of worship—not quite a temple but more than a mere shrine. A table near the center of the west wall appears to serve as an altar, draped in a white but dusty cloth. Behind the table, a large wood carving of a humanoid figure with a stag’s head leans against the wall. Two rows of benches face the altar, although some have been knocked over and two piles of ashes are visible in the aisle between them. Scattered throughout the room are assorted objects related to public worship, such as a chalice and a ceremonial rod. An ornately carved longbow hangs on the wall near the altar, as if on display. Against the north wall is a smaller shrine. Nearby is a wooden statue roughly three feet tall that depicts a male half-human and half-avian creature. One carved wing hangs partially broken from the statue. ]ooc]Give me a Knowledge Religion check DC 15. Do you wish to enter further and explore?[/ooc]
Neziana: As you attempt to watch everyone and scan the area, you hear a muffled sound from inside the building entered by Gnarok and Darvan. That is NOT the common language! ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty The creature hisses at Darvan and heads out to sea, once again, compelled to obey. That leaves the Pathfinders alone on the beach as the Peregrine continues to sail out of sight. The canoe floats up to the surface now that it has been pulled up from the surf though it will need to be fixed to be usable as there is a hole in the bottom of the hull. The hole was created from the inside, not the outside and was punctured by a tool. Strange. Is there a particular marching order you want to investigate the colony in or do you all want to split up to save time? It's not a terribly large settlement.The map is now up. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty DM DC:
Will DC 13 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 Clearly trying to resist, the creature emerges from the water. Lalali, you see it emerge as well. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty Darvan surfaces, "There is some sort of creature down here, it went under the dock!" Lalali-Re: You dive as Darvan resurfaces. The creature either moves very fast or shifted into the shadows under the dock. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Waiting for Darvan to post. I am moving next week so my posting rate will be slow until next Thursday. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty Darvan flips the canoe and this action throws up sand into the water making it even more murky than it already was. Makanaky and Caiden see that Darvan found something underneath and its not the welcoming committee of Talmandor's Bounty! Darvan:
You flip the canoe with his trident and a waterlogged gremlin has lobster claws for hands and an almost canine face with webbed ears hisses at you!
Darvan - 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
The creature swims under the dock and into darkness of its shade. Your action! Knowledge Nature DC 15:
This is a Fuath, a wicked gremlin found in the sea. DM DC ONLY: Caiden - 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21 Gnarok - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18 Lalali - 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 +2 While Concealed Makanaky - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26 Neziana - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 Vigny - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Talmandor's Bounty Neziana scans the settlement but sees nothing moving and hears no sounds but the waves lapping on the beach and the wind. Darvan dives and finds the canoe submerged 10' down. It is upside down pressed into the sand and there is a hole in it. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Having a hard time getting the map of the colony up, will need to tackle that later when I have more time. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() AZLANT - LAND HO! As the creatures burst from the water, the Pathfinders are ready! Vigny stabs at one with her longsword, gutting the thing like a fish. Lalali's strike comes before her foe can ever burst from the water. One strike, one kill. Neziana looks at the now two corpses and recognizes them, Grindylows. With a large head and numerous teeth, this unsightly creature resembles a goblin from the waist up and a greasy octopus below. Wicked sadistic creatures, essentially they are what they appear to be the goblins of the sea. Darvan pushes the boat past the now floating corpses of the threats. Knowledge Nature is the roll. NO map for this combat. The Sailors on the Peregrine watching the battle let out a cry as you easily dispatch of the threat! Soon enough, the Druid gets the group to shore. --- Talmandor's Bounty A solitary dock extends from the beach into the bay. The construction is solid and looks recent, suitable for tying off a small boat, although no watercraft are visible. The beach inclines to the east before giving way to grass and trees. Further on in that direction, buildings and a palisade wall stand on the rise. As the group disembarks, you all see a well-worn path in the grass rises up a slope toward a cluster of buildings to the east. The buildings are arranged in a rough triangle, with each point ending in a wooden circular enclosure with rectangular notches cut intermittently, like battlements. These round enclosures are clearly meant to be three points of a wooden palisade fence, which would enclose this first group of buildings once completed. The palisade fence, however, is complete only along the southeastern side of the triangle and is obviously unfinished elsewhere. The grass around the settlement looks like it was cropped at one point, and many paths exist between locations in the settlement, but in less well-trafficked spots, the grass has started to regrow. All the buildings are constructed of either rough timber or mud bricks set in a wooden frame, and have pitched thatch roofs. Many have open window frames, but only a few have actual shutters or even a canvas curtain for privacy. Doors are basic, wooden affairs, too simple for locks, and some buildings lack them entirely. The construction is new, quite rough and unfinished. The entire settlement is dead quiet. DM DE ONLY:
Caiden - 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Darvan - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26 Gnarok - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 Lalali - 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26 +2 While Concealed Makanaky - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 Neziana - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 Vigny - 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25 You all notice there are no tracks in the sand leading from the dock to the colony. Darvan and Lalali spot a canoe on the seafloor at a depth of 10 feet off of the western end of the dock. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() AZLANT - LAND HO! Darvan guides the boat around the sandbar and the shapes adjust their trajectory to head towards the boat. As they get closer it is clear that they wield some sort of weapons and are projecting forward with tentacles. They get close enough and the Pathfinders strike first! Round 1 -
Remember everyone gets +2 morale bonus to attack and +2 morale bonus to damage for three rounds from Encouraging Roar. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Neziana Fentel wrote: Ah, maybe you're allowed to craft them ahead of us starting the adventure? The DC is fairly low and that would give us 3 times as many flasks for the same price (or the ability to buy something else in addition). I'd allow three days of crafting as you only had so much lead time when you discovered this trip. Course you could have crafted on the ship but I doubt any Captain in their right mind would want you crafting acid out in the open sea! ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() AZLANT - LAND HO! The ship is turning about to head north towards the emergency evacuation site. The seawater is murky from your vantage point but it is clear that something is coming towards you all as you close in on the colony. Up ahead is a sandbar, do you want to row to that or row around it? The shapes appear small though tough to identify due to murkiness of the water. There are two distinct shapes. If you wish to declare a Readied Action go ahead and do so. DM DE ONLY: Initiative:
Foes - 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11 Caiden - 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 Darvan - 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20 Gnarok - 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 Lalali - 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13 Makanaky - 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9 Neziana - 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 Vigny - 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21 ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Neziana Fentel wrote: Sorry for phrasing my question badly. I did not understand what you meant by your answer. Is the +3 knowledge history instead of the normal skill rank? Correct, the +3 Knowledge History instead of the normal skill rank. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Neziana Fentel wrote:
Correct +3. When I designed these special items I knew that the only magic items the group would have for some time were the Wayfinders so I wanted to make sure PCs had a little something extra to start with. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() AZLANT - LAND HO! Ramona shakes her head no to Lalali-Re's question, "Exact coordinates are known only to myself, the Captain and the First Mate. My description will guide you there from the Settlement". Ramona nods at Neziana's question, "Certainly. We can provide you a weeks worth of rations, this way you will not need to hunt if you are forced to head to the secondary location". She purses her lips, "Absolutely Vigny, well, there was a rough estimate, an exact day could not be provided obviously as seafaring travel of this magnitude is not an exact science. At least, not yet". --- Darvan preps the dinghy and the Pathfinders are able to easily enough board and begin to guide the boat towards shore. The bay’s waters are calm, with only a gentle rocking of the ship’s boat. The shore is approximately three hundred feet to the east, where a lonely dock is built off a sandy beach. Perception DC 18: Once you are halfway to the dock, something under the water begins to approach the boat! ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Lalali-Re wrote: Wait a moment, do we get all the boni listed in the traits wayfinder section? If you mean do you get the Pathfinder Society Scion Trait and the accompanying Bonuses as well as the Ioun Stone inserted into your Wayfinder then the answer is yes. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() Neziana Fentel wrote: @shadow: What caster level is a level 2 savant? 1 or 2? Caster Level 1. ![]()
Shadow's Status
![]() I sent the Druid a PM to check in I/C. If he does not appear, I might toss the group an extra wand for free as I was expecting that 7th character to be able to heal a bit considering the class selection.