Daniel36's page
9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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Scott Betts wrote: I know it's tempting to accuse me of some self-interested motivation in this criticism, because it would undermine the legitimacy of that criticism if it were true, but I'm coming from a position of supporting features that would make the game successful. I mean, after all, forcing everyone to have good names would make the overall play experience better for me. It's because your posts kind of give off that vibe. I wouldn't have been accusing you of something if your posts hadn't given me the feeling you were doing that to me as well. Your posts are a bit too fiery. I appreciate passion, but not if it burns down the house.
You see, I am merely throwing around poorly conceived ideas simply to give the developers some food for thought. I will be the first to admit I am not in any way versed in the language of programming, so I have no idea which of my ideas are possible or not, but that's not even the reason I am throwing them around. I am merely giving the developers something to think about.
And honestly, my experiences with Ultima Online show me that there is a lot more possible than whatever has been the norm for years in MMOs, because for its age, it has some features that I haven't seen in other MMOs afterwards which are all really cool.
For one, and I think they want to implement a comparable feature, is the ability to build whatever you want, and to hire NPC vendors to sell stuff you make. The latter may be implemented in one way or another in some MMOs, but player built houses (cities even) isn't something high on the list of most MMOs these days.
And hey, maybe you're right, maybe some of the things are bad ideas, but at least they give the developers something to think about, because if many people think all those "standard" features detract from their experiences, maybe there should be something done about them, even though they are standard. But I am deviating again.
Player built cities would be great!
Scott Betts wrote:
Imagine, however, if someone liked the name "Varian." That's a fantasy name, shared by both King Varian Wrynn of Stormwind (from the Warcraft universe), and Count Varian Jeggare of the Pathfinder novel line. Would that name be allowed? You'd have to say no, in order to be consistent - otherwise you are arbitrarily disallowing names based on personal preference, and that's no way to moderate a game. But what if someone wasn't familiar with either of those characters, and just thought "Varian" sounded like a cool name? Now they can't use it. What if someone thought...
Well, fine, you have a point. But let me then re-choose examples of names I would like singled out then. "Septhiroth666", "Squall94", "VariantehAwesome", stuff like that. But you already knew exactly what I meant, you just like to get on other people's cases. :) Which is fine by me too.
But hey, this is a wish-list thread, right? I can wish all I want, for things both realistic and unrealistic. But please, don't shoot down other people's wishes just because they don't fit in YOUR ideal MMO either, because you are doing pretty much the same I was doing.
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Hey Scott, just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean you have to call me an elitist driveler, especially when you reply to everything I say like an elitist yourself. You're being unnecesarily unfriendly.
I don't have a deep seated hatred towards FF, I love those games. I just don't like to run into Sephiroth666 because people are too lazy to come up with something more interesting. Just my opinion. But that's the only point I am going to reply to, because honestly it isn't worth entering a discussion with you.
Instead I am going to add a bit to my personal wishlist that perhaps Goblinworks will get some inspiration from.
I was thinking some more about things, and with combat, the thing that bugs me about many games is how they think excitement comes from large numbers. A giant spider is awesome if you run into one in the wild and have to fight for your life if it spots you. Not so awesome when there are 50 running around and you just go about hopping from one to the next, every now and then seeing another one spawn just for you to repeat the process.
And with things like dragons, it's way cooler when they appear somewhere in the sky all of a sudden, not some pre-determined spawn place.
So I see that people from Goblinworks are actually listening to the things being said in this topic.
That is an automatic +5 modifier to my "Respect" stat.
Since this is the case, I will say some more things than just my last post (though I stand by it!)
So, aside from the roleplay server, here's what I suggest to Goblinworks.
Forget everything every other MMO has ever done. Treat this game like it's the first ever MMO and not for a single moment look to any of the others. I have grown incredibly sick of all those clones out there that bring absolutely NOTHING new to the table bar a different skin. And while I am at it... Honestly, how those people have the audacity to label their games as MMORPGs is beyond me. There is zero role playing going on in most of them.
If you want this game to feel like Pathfinder, make it so that you can do pretty much the same things a player can do in the tabletop version of Pathfinder... which is quite a lot. Give players the opportunity to do anything they like, and not just grinding Dire Wolves for EXP.
Honestly, the only MMORPG I ever truly enjoyed was a pure RP server for Ultima Online. One of my most memorable scenes was when I was playing a young orphaned drunk that was disturbing the peace during an important ceremony by bathing in the fountain naked, after which he was thrown into jail. When later I was abducted by a cult of Blood Mages who suspected I knew something about an enemy of theirs, my character went insane and nobody believed him because he was usually drunk. A friendly passerby even gave me some money for some new clothes. Not a single monster was slain. All of this was player and moderator interaction. None of this was scripted.
Not suggesting you copy that, it's quite a niche audience that enjoys it but I suspect you didn't choose the Pathfinder license to make "WoW Golarion Edition".
It is my understanding there will be kingdom building involved. Good tidings indeed! But take that to the next level. Give people the opportunity to make it to the top of the ladder and become king. Perhaps introduce a system where whoever makes it to become a king also has NPC guards under his command so that people who won't accept other players as their king can actually be apprehended or something.
Give other people the opportunity to be a vital part of the kingdom. Give other players who want to make it as guard captains privileges as well. Give people who want to be entrepeneurs buildings and blacksmith/baker/item shop owner/etc. NPCs, because I am pretty sure they don't want to be doing all the selling themselves.
In fact, let those be the only NPCs present in the game world. Let the players create the story. In most MMOs players aren't really a part of the world. They are merely spectators, puppets doing whatever NPCs tell them to do, without anything ever having any impact on the gameworld whatsoever. Hey, defeat this evil wizard you killed 10 times already because this group wants you to tank for them... Guhh... And slaying a million Dire Wolves does NOTHING to their population. You would think they'd be extinct after a while.
I still stand by my previous comment of a forced name generator. We didn't get to pick our own names, so why should our characters? And that nonsense about unique names... Come on! I went to school with two other Daniels. I didn't get an error message saying the name was taken already. Usernames can be unique, but let player names be available at all times. Just prohibit names like Sephiroth or Squall, and we'll be fine. And if you happen to have the same last name as another player, let those characters be family. And if you hate the other guy, there is some good grounds for some hefty RPing!
I hope my suggestions bring you some food for thought.
For the love of all that is holy in the world of Golarion, either create a roleplay server or randomize character names.
I will not play a game where I can run into Sephiroth666 or a minotaur character called Beef Steak. I just won't.
Hey guys,
Haven't posted anything in an age and a half.
I have a bunch of cards that I have no use for any longer, and there are others that I would like to have. I also have a couple of those shiny ones (tin foil you call them, right?) that I don't particularly care for.
However, I have no idea how to find out what series my cards are from. If I remember correctly I bought the first set, don't remember what it's called, and I have the Dragon's Trove set, as well as several boosters, some of which could be Relics of War. Is that an older set?
Anyways, I basically have all of my weapons, body armour, shields, rods and staffs up for trade, and I am looking for rings, wands, scrolls and all of the miscellaneous equipment, like bracers, pendants, gauntlets, that kind of stuff.
Let me know how I can find out and if anyone is interested in weapons and body armour.
I always had a great fondness of the Game Mastery cards, and have a couple of decks lying about. After a long hiatus my friends and I recently decided to get into RPG-ing again, and the first thing I had to do was find some faces for my NPCs. I am truly hoping I get an opportunity real soon to go to the store in Amsterdam that sells your product, because this is one deck I will make real good use of!
Erik Mona, it is funny (and an honor) that you replied to my idea. I happened to be reading something from an older Dungeon Magazine, and lo and behold, it was written by you!
"As Paizo's publisher, I've been tasked with managing the business... ... and to integrate the magazines with the other exciting developments going on at Paizo Publishing" from "From the Editor" - Dungeon 137 - August 2006
Wouldn't adding Dungeon adventure specific Item Cards to the magazine be exactly just that? Integrating the magazine with another (incredibly good) development?
A couple of weeks ago I had an interesting idea.
Many adventures published in Dungeon Magazine feature magic items specific to the adventure. Take, for example, the Tooth of Ahazu in the Savage Tide adventure path. Often these items are accompanied by a very nice picture of said item.
Wouldn't it be great if these items were printed on a card to be given with the magazine? That way you have a very important item you can actually hand out to your players, just as you hand out the Item Cards already out.
Just a random thought I thought was worth considering.
Greetings to everyone, and keep on gaming! :D
PS: If this idea had already been discussed, my apologies. You can delete this little rant of mine ^_^