
Dancing Deinonychus's page

128 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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I'm loving the ideas in this thread.

But since I'm fairly new to pathfinder, perhaps somone can answer a nagging question; What are the names of the iconics?

Invisible post problem?

Hello all. How has everyones day been? MIne was relatively peaceful, kids well behaved today.

Been a very long day. G'nite folks.

Moorluck wrote:
Can't be fooled by dinosaurs post.

What is that supposed to mean?

Dire animals would make sense as they represent a gentetic mutation that breeds larger and more ferocious animals.

For those of you that missed it...

Verse One: Humpty Hump (Shock G)
All right!
Stop whatcha doin'
'cause I'm about to ruin
the image and the style that ya used to.
I look funny
but yo I'm makin' money see
so yo world I hope you're ready for me.
Now gather round
I'm the new fool in town
and my sound's laid down by the Underground.
I drink up all the Hennessey ya got on ya shelf
so just let me introduce myself
My name is Humpty, pronounced with a Umpty.
Yo ladies, oh how I like to hump thee.
And all the rappers in the top ten--please allow me to bump thee.
I'm steppin' tall, y'all,
and just like Humpty Dumpty
you're gonna fall when the stereos pump me.
I like to rhyme,
I like my beats funky,
I'm spunky. I like my oatmeal lumpy.
I'm sick wit dis, straight gangsta mack
but sometimes I get ridiculous
I'll eat up all your crackers and your licorice
hey yo fat girl, c'mere--are ya ticklish?
Yeah, I called ya fat.
Look at me, I'm skinny
It never stopped me from gettin' busy
I'm a freak
I like the girls with the boom
I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom
I'm crazy.
Allow me to amaze thee.
They say I'm ugly but it just don't faze me.
I'm still gettin' in the girls' pants
and I even got my own dance
The Humpty Dance is your chance to do the hump
Do the Humpty Hump, come on and do the Humpty Hump
Do the Humpty Hump, just watch me do the Humpty Hump
Do ya know what I'm doin', doin' the Humpty Hump
Do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump
Verse Two:
People say "Yo, Humpty, you're really funny lookin'"
that's all right 'cause I get things cookin'
Ya stare, ya glare, ya constantly try to compare me
but ya can't get near me
I give 'em more, see, and on the floor, B,
all the girls they adore me
Oh yes, ladies, I'm really bein' sincere
'cause in a 69 my humpty nose will tickle ya rear.
My nose is big, uh-uh I'm not ashamed
Big like a pickle, I'm still gettin' paid
I get laid by the ladies, ya know I'm in charge,
both how I'm livin' and my nose is large
I get stoopid, I shoot an arrow like Cupid,
I use a word that don't mean nothin', like looptid
I sang on Doowhutchalike, and if ya missed it,
I'm the one who said just grab 'em in the biscuits
Also told ya that I like to bite
Well, yeah, I guess it's obvious, I also like to write.
All ya had to do was give Humpty a chance
and now I'm gonna do my dance.
Oh, yeah, that's the break, y'all
Let me hear a little bit of that bass groove right here
Oh, yeah!
Now that I told ya a little bit about myself
let me tell ya a little bit about this dance
It's real easy to do--check it out
Verse Three:
First I limp to the side like my leg was broken
Shakin' and twitchin' kinda like I was smokin'
Crazy wack funky
People say ya look like M.C. Hammer on crack, Humpty
That's all right 'cause my body's in motion
It's supposed to look like a fit or a convulsion
Anyone can play this game
This is my dance, y'all, Humpty Hump's my name
No two people will do it the same
Ya got it down when ya appear to be in pain
Humpin', funkin', jumpin',
jig around, shakin' ya rump,
and when the dude a chump pump points a finger like a stump
tell him step off, I'm doin' the Hump.
Black people, do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump
White people, do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump
Puerto Ricans, do the Humpty Hump, just keep on doin' the hump
Samoans, do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump
Let's get stoopid!
Oh, yeah, come on and break it down
Once again, the Underground is in the house
I'd like to send a shout out to the whole world,
keep on doin' the Humpty Dance,
and to the ladies,
peace and humptiness forever
{Music and fade}

Verse One: Humpty Hump (Shock G)
All right!
Stop whatcha doin'
'cause I'm about to ruin
the image and the style that ya used to.
I look funny
but yo I'm makin' money see
so yo world I hope you're ready for me.
Now gather round
I'm the new fool in town
and my sound's laid down by the Underground.
I drink up all the Hennessey ya got on ya shelf
so just let me introduce myself
My name is Humpty, pronounced with a Umpty.
Yo ladies, oh how I like to hump thee.
And all the rappers in the top ten--please allow me to bump thee.
I'm steppin' tall, y'all,
and just like Humpty Dumpty
you're gonna fall when the stereos pump me.
I like to rhyme,
I like my beats funky,
I'm spunky. I like my oatmeal lumpy.
I'm sick wit dis, straight gangsta mack
but sometimes I get ridiculous
I'll eat up all your crackers and your licorice
hey yo fat girl, c'mere--are ya ticklish?
Yeah, I called ya fat.
Look at me, I'm skinny
It never stopped me from gettin' busy
I'm a freak
I like the girls with the boom
I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom
I'm crazy.
Allow me to amaze thee.
They say I'm ugly but it just don't faze me.
I'm still gettin' in the girls' pants
and I even got my own dance
The Humpty Dance is your chance to do the hump
Do the Humpty Hump, come on and do the Humpty Hump
Do the Humpty Hump, just watch me do the Humpty Hump
Do ya know what I'm doin', doin' the Humpty Hump
Do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump
Verse Two:
People say "Yo, Humpty, you're really funny lookin'"
that's all right 'cause I get things cookin'
Ya stare, ya glare, ya constantly try to compare me
but ya can't get near me
I give 'em more, see, and on the floor, B,
all the girls they adore me
Oh yes, ladies, I'm really bein' sincere
'cause in a 69 my humpty nose will tickle ya rear.
My nose is big, uh-uh I'm not ashamed
Big like a pickle, I'm still gettin' paid
I get laid by the ladies, ya know I'm in charge,
both how I'm livin' and my nose is large
I get stoopid, I shoot an arrow like Cupid,
I use a word that don't mean nothin', like looptid
I sang on Doowhutchalike, and if ya missed it,
I'm the one who said just grab 'em in the biscuits
Also told ya that I like to bite
Well, yeah, I guess it's obvious, I also like to write.
All ya had to do was give Humpty a chance
and now I'm gonna do my dance.
Oh, yeah, that's the break, y'all
Let me hear a little bit of that bass groove right here
Oh, yeah!
Now that I told ya a little bit about myself
let me tell ya a little bit about this dance
It's real easy to do--check it out
Verse Three:
First I limp to the side like my leg was broken
Shakin' and twitchin' kinda like I was smokin'
Crazy wack funky
People say ya look like M.C. Hammer on crack, Humpty
That's all right 'cause my body's in motion
It's supposed to look like a fit or a convulsion
Anyone can play this game
This is my dance, y'all, Humpty Hump's my name
No two people will do it the same
Ya got it down when ya appear to be in pain
Humpin', funkin', jumpin',
jig around, shakin' ya rump,
and when the dude a chump pump points a finger like a stump
tell him step off, I'm doin' the Hump.
Black people, do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump
White people, do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump
Puerto Ricans, do the Humpty Hump, just keep on doin' the hump
Samoans, do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump
Let's get stoopid!
Oh, yeah, come on and break it down
Once again, the Underground is in the house
I'd like to send a shout out to the whole world,
keep on doin' the Humpty Dance,
and to the ladies,
peace and humptiness forever
{Music and fade}

Anyone remember The Humpty Song?

ambigously gendered post

Damn, all thais talk of garlic bread is making me hungry. Going to go heat up my dinner.

Female Human

All righht nightflier. Working around concepts, I've settled upon the Half-Ogre race from Savage Species, and I am going to apply the half-doppelganger template, which will leave me with being able to take 1 class level, which will be expert.

Half-Ogres get the following stat modifiers;
STR +6
DEX -2
CON +2
INT -2
CHA -2

To bring up to Pathfinder, one of the -2s should be eliminated. Would it be allright to eliminate the -2 penalty to Intelligence?

Heathansson wrote:
Not me. I'll eat a whole loaf of that mess.

Ditto. I can easily make a meal out of garlic bread and tomato sauce.

Solnes wrote:
I like certain flavors. Tonight we had the stroganoff, I like that one. We have it with biscuts or garlic bread and it makes a good meal that the kids eat with excitement. :)

I loves me some garlic bread. I'd be really ticked off if someone turned me into a vampire.

Having chicken parmigiana with spaghetti for dinner tonight.

Out of all the regions in Golariion, Alkenstar intrigues me the most. So when the heck is the Companion series going to go into more detail in this area?

taig wrote:

Hello, DD! How's it going?

Did you stay out of the rain today?

I stayed mostly dry. Went to the supermarket again earlier.

Talked to an old friend this morning, took a nap and now I'm listening to some Christmas tunes and sipping coffee.

Moorluck wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Oopps, gotta go, just got a group of college kids. :\
Any of them cute? Will they fit under the tree? ;)

Inquirirng minds want to know.

Just woke up from a nap. Feel really refreshed now. The problem is that I might have to pull all all nighter and then teach a bunch of rouwdy kids tomorrow morning up through 3pm. I can't remember the last time I stayed awake for 24 hours.

T minus 98 minutes to next striptease.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Say what?

It's Dutch for Happy Holidays!

Since humans have no racial hit dice, does that mean that if the Half-Dragon template is applied to them that they do not get a breath weapon? Or is it that they do get a breath weapon and it is based on their class hit dice?

Solnes wrote:
Dancing Deinonychus wrote:
Kruelaid wrote:
Leeds looking for lap dance researcher. Apply now!.
If I wasn't teaching elementary school, I'd apply.
Wow, teaching before you are 21? Did you graduate early?

I skipped three grades and graduated from high school in 3 years by taking summer school every year. I was 14 when I graduated High School, and immediately went to college and got my B.A. in three years by working my butt off, then got my certification in three months time.

I've been teaching for nearly a year a half years now. This coming summer I'm going back to school to start working on my Master's Degree.

It's nearly 3 am here, so I'm really calling it a night now.

Cripe. I've had enough.

Nite, folks.

Kruelaid wrote:
Leeds looking for lap dance researcher. Apply now!.

If I wasn't teaching elementary school, I'd apply.

Heathansson wrote:

Cmon! I gotta lotta space to fill up here....

it's 20 hours and 37 minutes til the next pole dance!

I actaually was an exotic dancer for three months last year. Made a nice little bit of extra cash on my summer vacation.

Wake me when it's over.

Heathansson wrote:


Crimson Jester wrote:


What is with you people and this mine stuff?

Crimson Jester wrote:
Dancing Deinonychus wrote:

No, as a matter of fact the first mvie of his I saw oin the theater was Ned Kelly.
Oh it was horrid.

I liked it well enough.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Tell Jennifer that!

Obsess much?

Crimson Jester wrote:
Dancing Deinonychus wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
taig wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Us magazine said Jennifer Aniston's gettin back wit' Brad Pitt. I gotta up my game.

I didn't know you were interested in Brad Pitt.

Not with that little scraggly wino beard.

Bradd Pitt is okay.

Orlando Bloom makes me all aquiver.

Ever see him just before he got the job as Legolas?

Mohawk and missing teeth boy looked like he was just outta the woods in Alabama.

No, as a matter of fact the first mvie of his I saw oin the theater was Ned Kelly.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Dancing Deinonychus wrote:

Boars Head, I'll accept no substitute.
Well good food is fine.

Good to know.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
taig wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Us magazine said Jennifer Aniston's gettin back wit' Brad Pitt. I gotta up my game.

I didn't know you were interested in Brad Pitt.

Not with that little scraggly wino beard.

Brad Pitt is okay.

Orlando Bloom makes me all aquiver.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Dancing Deinonychus wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Dancing Deinonychus wrote:
Sachiye wrote:
Sebastian's Ugly Stepsister wrote:

And, Sachiye, hon, you are freeeeeeaky!

I'll take that as a compliment ^^ thanks.

<starts pre-heating pan and chopping lettuce and tomatoes for BLT's>

Who wants a BLT?

I'll take a TLT.
TLT? dare I ask.
Turkey, lettuce and tomato.
Got it more healthy food. Yuck.

Boars Head, I'll accept no substitute.

taig wrote:

sleep well.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Dancing Deinonychus wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Good luck to you on that.


Crimson Jester wrote:
Dancing Deinonychus wrote:
Sachiye wrote:
Sebastian's Ugly Stepsister wrote:

And, Sachiye, hon, you are freeeeeeaky!

I'll take that as a compliment ^^ thanks.

<starts pre-heating pan and chopping lettuce and tomatoes for BLT's>

Who wants a BLT?

I'll take a TLT.
TLT? dare I ask.

Turkey, lettuce and tomato.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Good luck to you on that.


Crimson Jester wrote:



Sorry folks, that's the end of the show.

I'll put on another one in 19 hours and 45 minutes.

Sachiye wrote:
Sebastian's Ugly Stepsister wrote:

And, Sachiye, hon, you are freeeeeeaky!

I'll take that as a compliment ^^ thanks.

<starts pre-heating pan and chopping lettuce and tomatoes for BLT's>

Who wants a BLT?

I'll take a TLT.

lynora wrote:
taig wrote:
Dancing Deinonychus wrote:

*puts a pole in the middle of the thread*

*does a striptease to Butterfly*


Alrighty then. Too bad Moorluck's missing this...

Indeed. But it looks like I got here just in time. :)

*Winks at lynora and throws her a kiss*

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Give her a dollar or she'll disembowel you with her dew claw.

I wouldn't do that.

taig wrote:
Dancing Deinonychus wrote:

*puts a pole in the middle of the thread*

*does a striptease to Butterfly*


Alrighty then. Too bad Moorluck's missing this...

*shakes her can in taig's face*

Crimson Jester wrote:
Dancing Deinonychus wrote:
Carrots dipped in home-made salsa. Healthy and tasty!
But if it is healthy is really worth it?

If you want to stay healthy and not pack on the pounds, yes!

*puts a pole in the middle of the thread*

*does a striptease to Butterfly*

Carrots dipped in home-made salsa. Healthy and tasty!

It's been a while since I've ben in a face-to-face game though.

Gelukkige Vakantie!

Andrew Turner wrote:
Dancing Deinonychus wrote:
My parents have a fallout shelter big enough to support 10 people for up to 25 years. It's well stocked.

Wow! That's something on the order of 100,000 cans of beans!

My grandfather had a fallout shelter in Phoenix that was supposedly stocked for six people up to a year. I've only seen pictures, but it was pretty big. Reverse fan system, overpressure, lead-lined water reservoirs, hermetically-sealing door--my mom once told me that the shelter cost him more than the house did!

My dad has been paranoid about an international incident sparking WWIII for the last 15 years. With what's going on now, he making sure that everything is in top condition.

How about a lizardfolk that looks more like a humanoid descendant of a tyrannosaur?

Make it a tracker (possibly with levels in druid or ranger) and keep it as primal and lightly clothed and unencumbered as possible.

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