Dan Turek's page

Organized Play Member. 37 posts (44 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play wrote:

Additional Equipment Rules
For ease of play in Pathfinder Society, a masterwork item
can always be upgraded to a +1 item without paying for
the masterwork cost again. In essence, you’re paying the
difference. This applies to upgrading from a +1 item to a
+2 item and so on—you never have to repay the original
cost or sell your current item for half to upgrade to the
next step. Note that this only applies to the same item—
you can’t, for example, turn your masterwork rapier into
a +1 greatsword.

This covers all the weapons, armor, and many miscellaneous items, but leaves a few questions.

Can a Belt of (Str, Dex, or Con) be made into one of Physical Might or Physical Pefection?
Can a Belt of Physical Might be made into one of Physical Perfection?

It seems you should be able to upgrade in the first case, but the Physical Might says "bonuses are chosen when ... created and cannot be changed". Does that mean the bonus cannot be increased, or you cannot change the physical stats it modifies, or both? Does that mean it also cannot be upgraded to apply to all three, or it can since it will be become one of Perfection?

Same question for the Headbands.

Can a character using a 2 handed weapon make an off-hand attack with armor spikes?

If you make the spikes on armor or a shield magical would the total cost of the armor/shield and spikes count as one item or two separate items for organized play?

"by hitting them with a sneak attack"

As written this means even a non-lethal attack with a sap, one that does no damage due to DR, etc. could still do Bleed. I was looking at it to make sure it worked for blunt weapons; I guess the bleeding is internal sometimes.

Does the Bite Attack mean the Barbarian now threatens adjacent squares? It would be nice if the rules explicitly said it was a Natural Attack. The group's barbarian uses a glaive.

This year the highest level will be about 12.
There will be about 40-50 adventures out (counting last season).
If I get to the highest level, do the adventure, then let myself die to lose one or two levels, I can then do the rest.
While I would lose some money, my PA would still go up and I'd get to be overequipped compared to some others.
Or would I be forced to remove the negative levels as an existing condition if I had the money? It seems that Restoration can now give you back the levels you lose from dying.

Shatter Defenses is a free action with every attack that lets subsequent attacks be against a flat-footed target, or does every hit, including the first on a qualified target count as flat-footed if you have the feat?

From what I've read so far, I assume only Feint defeats Uncanny Dodge.
Shatter Defenses does not supersede Uncanny Dodge or affect those that are Immune to Fear.
Catch Off Guard doesn't work against Uncanny Dodge.
Impromptu Sneak Attack (Arcane Trickster) doesn't.
Want to make sure.

What is your "bonus in that skill"? Is it just skill ranks + class skill bonus, or is it everything: Charisma modifier instead of regular stat modifier, any feat, competence, circumstance, insight, racial, etc. bonuses?

Shield Slam as a prereq seems excessive. Now that my opinion is out of the way...

Does Shield Slam remove the penalties for all attacks if you are using a non-shield weapon and a shield, remove only the penalties for the shield attack, and does it work with exotic versions (Tower Shields)?

I think it is supposed to remove all penalties from TWF, so it really should be worded that you gain a +2 on your attack rolls when using a shield and another weapon. Literally I think it is saying you have no penalty when attacking with your shield (which cannot be done with a Tower Shield, at least not currently).

What is the difference? It seems both affect all opponents within 30'. Is Intimidate supposed to be worded to affect only one?

If a TWF person with rapier & magic shortsword out moves and attacks with the shortsword in the off-hand, it seems there would be no attack penalty (but the off-hand damage for Str would apply). There doesn't seem to be an action for switching the weapons to the other hands. Since it is less than Drawing a Weapon would it be a free action?

Can you use the concealment granted by the feat to Stealth on your move action?

Pages 154-155 book.

Do you halve the weight of the item before or after you price it by weight? It seems like it would be after (since that is the order it is written in) but that would make a masterwork mithral dagger (or spiked gauntlet) cost +250gp. Then again not halving the weight first makes short swords through greatswords more expensive than they are probably worth.

The Exchange

I hope in the future the miscellaneous stuff is offered by the Pathfinder society (rings of protection, +2 and higher items, those cure moderate items you always find) for your PA, and maybe your Pathfinder PA also includes your level (since higher level characters should be more valuable to them).

This also would allow characters to sometimes choose either their Faction or the Pathfinder society for miscellaneous stuff that gets found. In my last adventure I was told to smash some cool magical lens for my faction. I couldn't bring myself to do it, so I took it and delivered it to them intact. Did I get a bonus? No! I wish I could have given it to the Pathfinder Society instead.

I was trying to put my character online and totally screwed it up. Somehow I made two characters incorrectly and incompletely, but I don't see how to delete them. Any advice? I don't see it in the FAQ. I just played my first adventures today.