Dan Turek |
Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play wrote:
Additional Equipment Rules
For ease of play in Pathfinder Society, a masterwork item
can always be upgraded to a +1 item without paying for
the masterwork cost again. In essence, you’re paying the
difference. This applies to upgrading from a +1 item to a
+2 item and so on—you never have to repay the original
cost or sell your current item for half to upgrade to the
next step. Note that this only applies to the same item—
you can’t, for example, turn your masterwork rapier into
a +1 greatsword.
This covers all the weapons, armor, and many miscellaneous items, but leaves a few questions.
Can a Belt of (Str, Dex, or Con) be made into one of Physical Might or Physical Pefection?
Can a Belt of Physical Might be made into one of Physical Perfection?
It seems you should be able to upgrade in the first case, but the Physical Might says "bonuses are chosen when ... created and cannot be changed". Does that mean the bonus cannot be increased, or you cannot change the physical stats it modifies, or both? Does that mean it also cannot be upgraded to apply to all three, or it can since it will be become one of Perfection?
Same question for the Headbands.