Allar Westdorp |
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GM Tasks On Creature Identification
#Determine Skill or Lore used for DC and determine DC
Typically use specific Skill (based on Creature type and using Table 10-7) or can use another highly relevant Skill/Lore. Use Creature Level to find Base DC, Adjust for Rarity and if using Lore adjust for ease.
-Base DC by Level of Creature (Table 10-5)
-DC Adjust if using applicable Lore (Table 10-6)
Very Easy: -5
Easy: -2
-DC Adjust for Rarity of Creature (Table 10-6):
Common: -2 or -5
Uncommon: +2
Rare: +5
Unique: +10
Identify DC = Base Creature LVL +/- Rarity Adjustment - Lore Bonus
# Use Secret d20 Roll (adjust for Fortune or Misfortune) add relevant player Lore or Skill bonus and compare to DC calculated above.
#On success, provide one piece of useful information, on Critical Success, provide two pieces of useful information.