Damian Hacking's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


dragonhunterq wrote:

Turn it on it's side and see how it works horizontally.

If I understand you right,
How much of the fighter can the cleric see or, more relevantly, if there was a character positioned in the bottom left square of the ogre.

That's a clever solution

Hi, In the last game I was GMing I had my PCs assault an NPC character who was standing on top of and in the centre of a 3x3x3 (15ft) cube. The rogue was standing at the very base of the cube and therefore argued that he was hidden from view of the NPC, which I allowed. This then brought up the question of how far away from the cube could the rogue move before coming into line of sight/effect of the NPC spellcaster? At the time I ruled that it was only the direct 5ft at the base of the cube, until I could find out the exact rule, but I can't find anywhere discussing this? From a real world perspective I would say for every 5ft away from the edge that the NPC spellcaster was, that is how many feet below he is unable to see, up to a maximum of the height of the cube? But obviously if there is an already existing rule that would be better.