
Dalton Barrowwheel's page

2,094 posts. Alias of Stratos.


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The idea of a frontier-pushing freewheeler is enticing to me. I've a few questions about the setting and crunch which would help me better tailor a submission for your realm though:

1. Not a world apart from Groundhog and Gavmania above, what is the level of technology in the world? I'm not strictly talking about guns. Consider this line from the source material: "A pair of cutters detach from the whole and glide over to your would-be salvage pile, blinking out a friendly signal, since your comms are clearly shot." Downfall of the empire's factories and experts in mind, there would be more than just comms and signals unless we're referring to Numenara-style technology. I ask not to be difficult on you, but rather to not put a scribe in a game where a block printing press is not only commonplace, but already going obsolete.

2. Perhaps I missed it, but the Northeast does not seem as fleshed-out in the guidebook as the Northwest. Places such as Hub and Summit are detailed well enough for me to have an idea of a character's roots were I to place them there (and a water-boss in the latter sounded like a swell idea!), yet I'm at a loss for elsewhere in this domain of land in the sky. Is there a map you could provide? What are the climate, flora, & fauna like in this region?

3. The vessel on which the party is to be is listed as having a complement of 6 - 36. I understand an escape isn't exactly meant to uphold every code, but would there be NPCs with the party initially to make sure we have at least most of the bones in the skeletal crew?

4. Speaking of crew, how many players are you looking to recruit? For daily posting?

5. How would control weather of the weather sphere interact with the unique atmospheric conditions of this setting?

6. Which themes are you looking/willing to explore in your game, and how deep do you like to go? Some prefer running a game which is strict "adventure", while others (myself included) prefer to see some type of developmental nature of the pieces surrounding the main story - dynamic characters, world politics, love & loss, etc. How does your preference point?

Many thanks for your attention to detail!

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

Thanks, I can see the ships now. Blueprints are easy to read!

Tomorrow, I'll be finishing Ellion's sheet. I did mean to say he would be a Mystic, not a Solarion as I mistakenly wrote (and was caught!). Right now, the largest expense looks to be armor.

GM, please give the Mystic's Walk the Void power a look and state what you believe it covered by it. There doesn't seem to be consensus out there, so I want to be sure I'm not over-(or under-)assuming.

Spell list for those interested in what's probably available:

Detect Affliction, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Psychokinetic Hand, Stabilize, Token Spell

Command, Detect Thoughts, Life Bubble, Magic Missile, Mystic Cure, Wisp Ally

Darkvision, Hold Person, Hurl Forcedisk, Lesser Restoration, Mystic Cure, Shield Other

Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic, Irradiate, Remove Affliction, Slow

Reincarnate, Remove Radioactivity, Restoration

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

Like Goddity, I'm thrilled to see the party assembling (and Ellion be part of it!) yet won't be able to take a deeper look until later this evening. A skim regarding the ships tells me there's nothing make/break for Ellion in particular. We should probably decide the ship around how we'd handle it. Would we plan to use it more offensively? Scout & out? Heavy industry? Ellion would lean more toward the second option - which Desna's ship (and some others) can meet.

For classes and whatnot: Ellion would fit the Solarion role nicely. It's in his nature to be a healer. He would take ranks in science skills to make him an appropriate officer for such a capacity in starship encounters.

Thanks for your reply!

You're right: More polish is needed. I wanted to at least put a substantial chunk up in one post for review! The background was to provide insight as to what made Ellion himself. Additional narrative not included in what was posted above includes:

    The happenings during each of Ellion's "awakenings"
  • The circumstances in which he found himself upon each "awakening"
  • His service & testing of mettle in the present day
  • His existential ecumenism between the churches of Ibra and Weylan

That said, let me address your points!

By "first era", I am taking the liberty to assume at this point in the future, this may simply refer to a wider swatch of pre-spacefaring time for Golarion. I am not intending to cause actual historical conflict with Ellion in Pathfinder cannon. I can alter the diction there if you prefer.

Ellion may not have been on Golarion at all during the Gap. As he was in stasis, his body may have been taken aboard some vessel for safekeeping in a museum, only to have been inadvertently jettisoned when pirates struck. One thing I like about the Gap is how much unknown it provides. It provides the GM a great deal of flexibility in how to nudge characters to/from certain avenues which may conflict with their stories. It's correct to say the planet vanished with everything as far as anyone could tell. Did everything truly vanish though? There isn't an independently-verifiable account of that. And I'm not speaking in meta-game terms; as Ellion doesn't actually know his whereabouts during that time, he simply assumes his alchemy kept him alive during what he assumes was his time floating in space. In the back of his mind though, he knows it is likelier he was on the planet. If so, why was he left? And why did his stasis technique fail to be reapplied after the Gap? These questions are all things going through Ellion's head which motivates him in his quest for greater understanding of the cosmos. Depending on the resolution of these events (and the difficulty of determining the information in the first place), you have a great deal of pull in shaping Ellion's development with the party. I generally like giving the GM those ties to bind their story with the character's.

Those anomalies surrounding the Gap and Ellion are what drives industry trust for him. His actual life was spent serving various governments as an advisor, and given his only long-term motivating ties relate to discovering answers to the mysteries they would want him to find anyway, it's a safe bet he's not going to run off with some rogue terrorist organization. As you mentioned in the beginning, your setting might be considered comparable to Star Trek. With nothing else for him here and a penchant for problem-solving, Ellion certainly has the foundation of an explorer within him. I didn't write out the additional time he'd spent as a crew member aboard the ship with Mark investigating the alien DNA more than a few sentences, but it's a longer period of time than it seemed. The service would give him the experience with a ship necessary to trust him not to have it crash into the nearest asteroid, even if the vessel's creditors would want there to be veterans on the bridge.

I do think a very plausible explanation for Ellion's drifting in space in stasis is for him to have "become little more than a curio or a tourist attraction" like you pointed-out and I mentioned above. Having him awake though, especially on Absalom station, poses a greater level of interaction as Ellion represents a wealth of firsthand knowledge that is priceless. With the aid of some magic, inhabitants can see into the past at their ancestors' homelands - roots that were robbed from them by an incomprehensible cosmic event. On earth, it would be as if the old world simply collapsed into the sea and non-native new worlders had only one person who could allow them a glimpse into that piece of history. His ancient alchemy book verifies the authenticity of Ellion's accounts - as would his older genetic fingerprint. As he was in stasis during the acquisition of spaceflight and through the time of the Gap, this vista should not cause any conflicts with that anomaly.

If you'd like vignettes on his starside service between the time he was found and the onset of your story that would give him his stripes, so-to-speak, I can write those. There was only so much I wanted to put in the one post!

Goddity wrote:
Dalton Barrowwheel wrote:

Here's the post I mentioned from earlier! Critiques welcome from GM and applicants alike!

** spoiler omitted **...

Simply brilliant. The idea of playing a pregap character is so left field. I love it.

Thanks, and I'm glad you didn't find it off-putting! It's an idea I've been toying with for a while, brought-on by the internal alchemist's breath mastery ability. Gives the character a sort of pensive outlook, reflective and romantic.

While Ellion wouldn't be as ferocious as most in the party (or in your case, more mechanically lethal), I think he'd provide an introspective counterpoint - if so fortunate as to be chosen.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Here's the post I mentioned from earlier! Critiques welcome from GM and applicants alike!

Background for Ellion Hesoni:
Endless space.

Much to the discomfort of the shuttle pilot, Ellion stood in his usual near-naked state staring into the reaches of Golarion. The scientist’s thoughts were not about arriving at his destination, but rather the step closer to his goal the transit achieved him. If it’s still possible.

“We’re approaching the port, Mr. Hesoni.”

“Doctor”, reminded the reflective elf. Port. A port was a place where ships docked. Nowadays, that meant airtight vessels with rockets or the like, electronics and automated processes aplenty. To Ellion, it also meant something quite different.

On Golarion, his homeworld, Ellion had been born in the first era. The events of this time were but footnotes in all but the most extensive historical annals now, but to him, they were his youth. He remembered his first canoe, the birch hull and oak oar providing him with plenty safe passages across rivers and lakes. He remembered the port of Greengold, where he sold his daily catch for a profit each evening. He remembered opening his remedy shop, the start of his pursuit of the yet-unnamed field of science. Though millennia old, the memories coursed with lightning speed through his unparalleled mind. They were as clear as images on the ship’s high resolution displays, yet with the inimitable warmth of sentimentality.

A sharp turn by the pilot was too much for the modest gravity stabilizers on the craft to handle, and the barefooted standing man leaned to counter it.

“Is this your first go in this ship, boy?” The tone was likely mistaken as chastisement, though Hesoni meant it out of curiosity.

“I’ve only been at this shuttle a few days, sir. It’s my first assignment.”

Such a short time, even for him.

As a fisherman in his youth, Ellion noticed patterns with the behaviors of the fish. He studied their movements, noticing how the differing types – later called species – would interact with their environment. His astute observations led him to better predict where the best catches could be had.
The profit he accrued led him to be able to purchase books and pay for the mouths and ears of the learned. Having come from commoners, this upshift in social status was quite an achievement. At a time when magic was still young, even among elves, the few nobles that wielded it in the wizarding way saw potential in the young man so interested in learning. They agreed to make an exception and teach a commoner, but Ellion threw a wrench into their plans.

The wizards were not used to failure in such affairs. They divined the magical potential of a subject before committing to him or her, and instruction was given with the implicit understanding service would be rendered to the monarch upon completion – indentured servitude by etiquette. The positions were honors to hold, and though some candidates developed better than others, all were capable of spellcraft. Except Ellion – at least in the ways the mages saw as capable.

Ellion was exceptionally bright, but he did not care to apply his mind to the particular outcomes the instructors had intoned. Instead, he dreamt about how the substances of the world interacted with the nature of magic. In his downtime, he experimented with various combinations of substances and spellspawn, determining a link between matter and magic. The basics of this were obviously known to his instructors as they knew what components were necessary to cast spells, but apparently they’d never investigated why those particular materials were required. When time came for his seasonal review, Ellion’s teachers were expecting a show of fire and force, not a scroll detailing the use of seasonal pinecones in white necromancy. Choosing to cut their losses, they cut young Ellion from the program. However, they’d already given the boy the catalyst he needed excel.

On the vessel, the pilot shot a glance at the elf. “Aren’t you cold?”

“Surely not. My nipples haven’t even hardened!” Ellion knew the doublespeak that came with the statement, but he wanted a bit of amusement. The youth swallowed and turned his head back to the dash. He’s blushing. Ellion grinned.

In truth, Ellion should have been cold. Adjusting his metabolism slightly nullified the discomfort though. It turned-out, through study of various substances in what would later be known as the pursuit of alchemy, Ellion’s interests lay even more biologically-centered than most alchemists. He became an expert of anatomy, using his funds from fishing to open a store for potions and poultices which ensued feedback used to improve his skill. Though he did not “cast” magic, he did use the innate magical power within himself – common for his kind – to imbue his elixirs with an extra boost of energy. The port came to hail him as a healer and civil hero. The local nobility didn’t care for this dilution of reliance on their wealth and power though, and accused him of “heresy”, martialing forces to execute him.

Though the despots’ plan was harsh, it was predictable, and Ellion had planned an exit strategy. He had a close friend dig a small chamber under his house for Ellion to lay. The entrepreneur had been experimenting with a new form of body alteration, one which would essentially stop all metabolic processes – breathing, consciousness, heartbeat, etc. He would be defenseless during this time, but he would have no maintenance. The military scoured the town for a week, checking in every conceivable location. The town resented this treatment though, and they rose up to overthrow their ruler. In the process, however, Ellion’s friend, Dalenane, was slain.

Unfortunately, Ellion was not skilled with this technique at the time he used it in this incident, and as a result, the only trigger for his revival was a splash of water across his face. Generations later, another family inhabiting the house happened to find his body while replacing the floorboards. As was custom, they attempted to dispose of his body by throwing it into the lake. The floundering mess of a “resurrection” caught the attention of the entire city. While the archers were ready to put down the “undead”, Ellion noticed a business running where his used to be on the waterfront – and people were leaving it with some of the telltale pink potions he’d made in years past.

My work lived on?

There was precisely one way Ellion’s studies could have borne fruit in this manner, and he requested the guards one chance to prove his identity: If the formulae book’s text the shopkeeper had used matched his handwriting, he was to be set free; otherwise, to death. Of course, he was right; Dalenane had preserved the fundamentals of alchemy which Ellion had written centuries prior. He made a deal with the owner to teach him in return for his shop, which the owner accepted; after all, he could well start his own elsewhere.

Hailed as a sort of demi-god, Ellion spent years trying to lead a life of his own, but he no longer seemed to fit-in with society. His fame and other-era genesis made him unable to connect on an intimate level easily. As a result, he had few friends and no lasting romantic relationships. The blessing of life he wrought for himself had turned-out to be a curse long in the tooth and slow in the bite. Not wishing to spread that devastating long-term disability, he kept the information for those particular paths of research to himself. In his depression, he eventually sealed himself off from society, telling them he was going into a “deep sleep” once more, and he was only to be awoken in time of great need or peril. The immensely wealthy associate who’d profited a hundred-fold off Ellion’s knowledge agreed to appoint a curator for the soon-to-be hibernating Hesoni, and the two selected an individual to check for vermin or thieves in his shop once in a blue moon. The town’s respect was so great for him, though, thieves were no concern though. Quite the opposite, the town built a temple around the sleeping scientist, and he was not called upon for many years.

Each time he was awoken every generation or so for the same reason: Rulers sought knowledge of some import for a war they were fighting. Ellion felt used as a pawn often, and he was amusingly summoned by one king and then his evidently-victorious opponent months later. His knowledge was not that of battles, but of bottles. Each time, he would provide his counsel, take in the changes of society since his last consciousness, and then return to his slumber. This pattern continued for millennia – until spacefaring began. For me, at least.

He awoke floating in a sea of blackness dotted by stars, his formulae book in his hands his only possession. A sterile cold reminded him there was a severe temperature difference in … wherever he was, yet his weightlessness made him feel as if he were in a dream. Recognizing the larger planets he could see, Ellion surmised before too long he was in a place where Golarion should have been, yet it was nowhere to be found. Instead, the nearest item of note seemed to be a large, metallic building in the stars. He urged himself to swim to it. Hunger began to strike him though, the distance remaining beyond what he could reach before he starved. The elf knew this situation was no dream now and sought to preserve himself by entering his state of stasis once again. However, he couldn’t. Panic set in. Then resignation.

As he stayed in space for what had to have been days, he lost weight. Ribs visible through his flesh, the ancient alchemist awaited the afterlife as calmly as once could while succumbing to famine. It was then a point of light began approaching his position, far closer than any star. Closer and closer it came, and after a mere few hours, he could see some sort of vessel was attached to it, blotting out stars as its enlarging silhouette passed in front of them. It seemed the craft would have passed by him, yet when all his hopes seemed to be dashed, its course changed. Diverting toward him, a bay was opened, and sailors with heavily-modified firearms awaited him.

They filled Ellion out on the Gap. Apparently, he was foundnear the space Golarion would have been had it still existed. He later found-out a human lieutenant by the name of Mark Nallas had been paying the keen attention to the bioscans that revealed his presence. More than stealing him from the jaws of death, Mark had stolen into a spot as Ellion’s confidant. The displaced drifter recounted his story to the man, and he returned to what he learned was Absalom Station to much acclaim from the few who knew of him. His story had become something of a mythic footnote over the years.


Marveling at the development of technology, Ellion stayed in the makeshift ark of refugees, learning what he could of the advancements in now-commonplace science. The acceleration of learning was breathtaking, but Ellion possessed the acuity needed to wrangle with the plethora of changes. He took the time to do things as people of that day did, spending time in lectures with the professors to be considered a doctor. His field, naturally, was biology. Dr. Hesoni looked back into his old formulae book, preserved via magic as it was considered a holy text. Joining with his colleagues, Ellion helped to expand the knowledge base as best he could, though he had more historical and cultural insights than medicinal ones now.

With the advent of robots, the elves had assigned one to help him acclimate to life in the modern day, but Ellion made a special request for Lieutenant Nallas. It normally wouldn’t have been an approved assignment, but Ellion noted Mark was to be sent to Bretheda, and someone with an extensive history of experience in biology would be perfect to bring along and study the mercurial Brethedans. The pair bonded quickly during their time together there.

Though somewhat analogous to a warrant officer, Ellion quickly proved his value with deciphering anomalies. It was during one of these attempts he heard a shipmate utter a prayer to Ibra. Having not heard of this god before, he was treated to an earful. Yet it wasn’t until the man produced an amulet with the god’s symbol on it that Ellion was truly struck; the scene – sans constellation – was exactly what he saw before the craft detoured to rescue him. After hearing about the portfolio, it seemed aligned to what his job now was. The doctor had no interest in joining a church though. However, this didn’t deter those who heard of the serendipity of his rescue’s symbolism from hailing him as a conduit for discovery.

A demigod again. How many times must I nearly die before they understand it isn’t so?

Regardless, he felt he had purpose again, connected to a pursuit from his original “life”. Helpful as the day-to-day work was for facilitating daily going-ons, it did not dispel his one-of-a-kind loneliness. The length of time that spanned between now and his original time on Golarion was staggering, but Ellion felt the need to have some longer-term goal to keep away the loneliness. Maybe it wouldn’t be completed for centuries, but he would have a goal, a life’s work. He settled on deciphering why Golarion disappeared in the first place. What caused the Gap?


As the man adjusted the controls, Ellion noticed a ring on his finger.

“You are married?”

“Engaged! My fiancé and I are getting married in a month. It’s going to be a great time – all of my friends, family, and my favorite musicians will be there. We’re heading to a little resort moon, and –“ the youth noticed he’d said something to upset the elf.

Not upset. Saddened. The pilot’s experience was one the alchemist would never have. No matter his life was now reduced a similar scope of time as others – society had changed so much, he couldn’t hope to connect in a deep, intimate way with his past experiences. Even Mark, conscientious as he was, could not assuage the nostalgia and wistfulness of the venerable Ellion. For as much education as he’d obtained, he did not have a stoic face to hold back his sorrow.

“Sorry, sir. We’re docking in a moment…”

Scenario ties:
Ellion would ideally be a Mystic with the Star Shaman connection - that's how he survived in space until his rescue. His longing for the answers of what happened to his home drive him toward action and away from despair, and coupled with the body of historical perspective he brings, he is desirable as both a solver of mysteries and a diplomat.

Mark Nallas is his NPC connection, and he could have well been sent along with Ellion on an expedition into the unknown.

TarkXT wrote:
No. Still open.

Alrighty. I'll compose a submission tonight!

TarkXT wrote:

As a quick update I have 5 complete submissions so far though I'd like a bit more from some of them.

A vesk, two human, and 2 lamashtu.

Are you closing recruitment then? I was mulling over how best to expand upon my idea and submit, but I will hold off if the door is closed.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

"There is also one other thing to consider: What is an acceptable stance for this nation after we're done with the ordeal?"

Dalton was specifically omitting the name of the country, for he realized it would be fundamentally a different system of rulership afterward. There was also the diction chosen such that the acceptor in this situation was without antecedent. The council are not the only people with choices to make.

While you may be correct in the "sensible" sense, Omen, Takaral could be sent back to the other plane and recalled at Dalton's command. I - and Dalton - would expect that to cause a spot of chaos and a power vacuum though. Personality-wise, Takaral would greatly enjoy this task though.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)
Heff wrote:
"Oh yes, we can handle the details."

"Then I will confer with Ninnec later about his willingness. Which of the eleven factions do you think Takaral would be best used to infiltrate? Where do you feel he should penetrate their organization?"

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

"He's willing. It beats sitting in a cell for eternity."

Dalton asked of Heff in particular: "I imagine the Aestherics can take care of crafting the gravitas behind Ninnec if I can arrange his cooperation in this matter?"

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

Dalton shrugged. "He's a kolyarut. Longer than you? Longer than the other merchants will live?"

He carried the conjecture another step. "It might also be possible to accomplish the same effect another time in a different way. It would not be entirely untrue to say Ninnec has the pulse of Akropash's dealings. We could sell the merchants the idea of him representing Akropash and capitulating that region into their fold without conflict - for a seat on the council and a contingent of mercenaries. He'd not have as much leverage with the others then, but we'd lnow Akropash wouldn't be invaded and have additional forces to posture with."

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

It's okay. I can't write very deeply from the convention anyway. I'm headed back tomorrow.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

Dalton rubbed his chins, carefully considering how the Aestherics would react to his idea. It was time for a choice to be made though.

"How difficult would it be to remove one of the merchant leaders? The individual person. From what I gather, Takaral is an expert at impersonating others, and his kind is very skilled in the way of speechcraft. If the replacement is done without the faction's knowledge, we could simply have an eleventh of their forces not working against ua. Maybe for us, if we're lucky."

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)
Dalton Barrowwheel wrote:
Dalton's question in the gameplay thread stands.

I move to proceed with the conversation in gameplay. Dalton is awaiting a reply to his inquiry.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

Dalton's question in the gameplay thread stands.

Given the statements of what we're to assume above, Omen, that would mean the Aestherics (or at least the council) is struggling to grapple with 2nd and 3rd degree diplomatic interdependencies here.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

I will be heading to GenCon this week, so my posting windows will likely be restricted to the evenings, yet that shouldn't be horrible here, for I believe this conversation will continue for a while. Dalton is not convinced the plan is truthful in aim or mechanism at this point, and there will need to be a back-and-forth to get him on board.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

Dalton was glad Toramin responded to Krokar's obliviousness so he didn't have to. Actions always speak louder than words.

"If there are 11 termini of this creature, supposing they are roughly of equal strength, how many heads'-worth is the monarchy's forces presently?" The mage had to abstract the situation to make good sense of it, but as it stood, he did not see Heff's plan as viable.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

"It will always be the aim of businessmen to gain the highest profits though. If the road to wealth is through war, so be it. Pushing the pendulum of power back to the monarchy will just delay its inevitable swing to the other side."

Dalton cleared his throat. Some more tea would be lovely. "How many heads are there to this mercantile hydra?"

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

It didn't take a spymaster to understand the former part of Krokar's reply to Dalton was not at all the main reason the Aestherics had declined to let that path work itself out.

"Technically matters little when a trio of angry neighbors bashes down on your doorstep for perceived responsibilities. If you simply must handle the problem internally though, why not just buy them out? Merchants respond to money if nothing else."

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

Dalton had already spoken his bit to Pazeek and would not revisit a quarrel with the avian. Instead, he enjoyed a good night of sleep and a succulent scone the next morning. With tea.

Ah, Heff. All business. How much bluffing or blustering will we hear today?

The information the leader gave seemed accurate though; Dalton, being a shopkeeper, had to keep orders of various supplies coming, and Brumik was a major point of origin for many of them. It did not surprise him entirely the merchant class had such power, though the manner of approach in remedying this status suggested by Heff did.

"Why not let them reap what they sowed? Enough people in the pockets of the dark merchants to hand the government over? Let them go to this war and oppose them on the fields. Once the tides turn against them, the motivation for profit will be extinguished and the direction of investment - if not the power of the investors - will be changed."

Being a centrally-located country, Brumik did not have the luxury of holding one front. Even a simpleton of war like Dalton knew that. The Aestherics were pushing the boundaries of guiding the people in the countries and making their decisions for them.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)
Malthazir wrote:
Arcanist is an abomination that I refuse to perpetuate.

What's the issue with it? I haven't looked into it so much.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

Too incensed to say much else without causing more of a scene, Dalton opted for silence as his reply to the tengu.

Tea, scones, and an omelet all really would be great now. His tummy rumbled. Maybe Ianna does know such a spell...

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)
DM Omen wrote:

the party bickering among themselves.

Makes for the best games.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

At Pazeek's mention of the "whole molten rock thing" Dalton did, the man looked like he was about to burst.

"Well, it's a damned shame I'm not here to impress people then, isn't it?! Lunch sounds lovely, but living sounded better. Did it look like I came out of a lamp? I'm not a genie; I can't just grant wishes." His jowls were jiggling as he spoke, gesturing wildy with his arms. "So glad you're happy to be working with us! Sometimes things get lost between translation in cultures. Things like patience."

Dalton whipped out his spellbook, licked his thumb, and began flipping through the pages rapidly, humming a half-baked tune in obvious annoyance while he did. "Here! This spell?" He jabbed a finger down at the page after he turned the book around the face the tengu, his beak between the covers. "You probably can't read the inscriptions, but this is stone shape. I can only imagine what it might do. This rather slipshod spellchirper just didn't have the sense to study it this morning."

An idea came to the mage. "But you know what, Pazeek? In my old age, I forgot I do have a way to deal with the obsidian!" Dalton became happy in his visage, although clearly in sarcasm. "It's your lucky day, my feathered friend! This won't have quite as much finesse than I've we'd waited a day, but evidently, pastries are higher on your list."

Pointing a finger at the warrior as if he was to continue talking, Dalton thought better of speaking insults. He turned the finger to point at the center of the obsidian circle, and uttered a cryptic word. A green ray shot from his finger towards the circle, and then it - and some of the stone beneath it - were gone, only a trace of dust remaining.

"That's the sort of magic any sensible traveler would love to have." Dalton exhaled. "The next trip to the bakery's on me."

The angry wizard turned to Rilka. "What's our next course of business here, Miss Featherfeet?!" Though Dalton's voice was still loud, he wasn't yelling at the halfling. Rather, she was a clear pivot from him away from the cause of his ire.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

Dalon sighed. He's quite the talker, but perhaps his lack of spellken is cause for setting aside this brash chat.

The mage pointed to the obsidian disk, now part of the ceiling. "Of all the elements, earth magic is my specialty. A single earthen spell set me on my current path and kept me alive long enough to be part of one of the earth kin's rescue." He jabbed a thumb back towards Ianna. "You might find a sorcerer of stone more talented among the dwarves, but other than that, I'm it for a fortnight in any direction."

Dalton was visibly more animated now. "That disk is only inches thick. Do you really think I'd scuttle our whole purpose for being here?" His cheeks began to turn red. "If your roof wasn't at least that deep, it wouldn't have held these giants in the first place! I'd say it was far safer to hinder their movement and thus aid in our success than to have us be corpses than they make omelets of your offspring at their leisure!" Exhaling forcefully and slowly, Dalton stopped himself from rambling.

I could do with a spot of eggs right now.

"If you want the stone removed, it will take time, just as the tea and scones."

Dalton was still angry, though more in control of himself now.

Sense motive DC 11:
Dalton was more angry at Pazeeks implication he was a poor mage than the chastisement of the obsidian flow.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)


Dalton allowed himself a deep laugh as the tengu tried-on the word.

"That whole exchange left you seeming anything but, Pazeek. I say, though I didn't care an ounce for an earl or a copper for a count my whole upbringing, you're making me think people willing to listen to squabbles like these actually deserve their hordes of coin and thrones." The ridiculous exchange had begun to give the mage a headache, though he'd blocked much of it out as he'd been busy inspecting the necklace Rilka found (information on that please, GM. Dalton has amazing spellcraft and is a jeweler, so it should be a breeze).

"You're welcome for the assistance in managing your flock's unfortunate circumstance. You're welcome for the evocation that protected your eggs from the giantess smashing them as you saw her move to do." The mage rolled his eyes. "I suppose I could get you tea and scones while I'm at it? Unfortunately, that particular cantrip has eclipsed my preparation for the day. Perhaps Ianna can help. Toramin could help you select a drink; I'm sure the two of you would love an ale together." On second thought, the idea of those two having to sit through a drink together was entertaining. He sighed, attempting to put the unrest behind him.

"The obsidian is a lasting fixture, unfortunately; it is not something I can simply dismiss out-of-hand. I would imagine it was a small price to pay for the security it provided. We have two dwarves here though; I'm sure they could instruct you on how best to remove it if need be."

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

Thinking back to his youth, the transmuter nodded. I can relate.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)
DM Omen wrote:
"I will lead you to my people, but we cannot return. We are earthbound now, outcasts. We will be killed on sight."

"Where did your people dwell before they came here? What brought them under the sway of this cloaked figure?" wondered the wizard.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

Seeing the giantess was beholden to Ianna, Dalton felt her the better implement for the suggestion he made to her telepathically: "Priestess, perhaps it would be helpful to see what these lot know about the incident in Grastle Hallow considering there was a giant there. My guess is little, but an adamantinemonger seems to be a motif in our journeys."

Gingerly walking to Pazeek, Dalton offered his aid. "If you wish to check on your fledglings, I can accompany you. Some magic I have prepared might provide meager aid." The mage then gestured towards the warrior's injured form. "If you'd like, I can conjure a platform to carry you or provide some form of magical flight. No reason to refresh your wounds with strained movement."

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

Appreciative of Ianna's channel mending some of his wounds, Dalton still felt pain in his right leg when he put weight on it. Worse outcomes could be had though...

While he sided with Pazeek over the priestess's overly-generous bestowing of boons, his quibbling over a floor irked an ally in this argument to silence. He wants to complain about aesthetics when his extended family hung in the balance? Hmmpf! At least his crafters will have a project to busy themselves with now.

Rilka seemed to be managing the practical work of seeing what the largefolk had on them of value. He left her do her business while approaching Toramin. "Your sister's talents would be deeply sought in any nation. She'll make a marvelous counselor if she ever bores of this path."

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

Using his helm, Dalton quickly sent the giant a message. We have no reason for further hostilities with you. If you leave this land peacefully, you may bury your kin unabated.

He then turned to Pazeek. Check your eggs while my evocation holds; mind the obsidian - it's sharp.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

Ianna is correct. With AoO and questionable reach though, Dalton may have taken a swing last round during his movement though. Not sure.

The tengu was victorious against his opponent! Bruised and bloodied, it must have been nonetheless quite satisfying for him to enact some measure of vengeance against the giants. Yet two more remained. Rilka was down on the floor, and ... wait, that's a good idea. Big and strong they are, but the bigger they are, the harder they fall!

Dalton dashed out from behind the pillar, the speed actually respectable due his chronomancy. Halting a bit to the North of Ianna (10' from her current position), he invoked a bit of transmutation not on himself or his enemies but the environment. He'd a good feel for the radii of his spells, and he pointed towards the Southern edge of the female giant to begin the alteration.20' burst from the point on the bottom of the female giant's portrait that is one unit from the right-hand side. For clarity, it will stop at the edge of the red carpet.

Rapidly, the top bit of the floor changed. What used to be a sort of amalgamation changed to igneous rock - obsidian. Yet this obsidian flow was not yet solid, instead superhot. The giant's feet sunk into the material (fire damage, reflex for half, DC 24. Subject is entangled if she fails the save), causing much pain but also hindering movement as the floor cooled into sharp, glassy rock. Area is permanently difficult terrain. See the link for details.

Obsidian Flow: 6d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 1, 4, 1, 6) = 19

Toramin and Bjorkus will have to be our bulwark. We just might see this through...

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

The wizard shuddered as he watched the carnage around him. Efficient butchers are we. He was concerned the giant would have broken through the erected barrier, but it held. Sadly, its weakness was something with no force at all: time.

We must hurry. An odd thought for one his size, but he had to focus on the quickest favorable end.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

Not Pazeek/Geoffry.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

The tengu wasn't quite as long-winded as Heff, but he made a good run of it.

Dalton was happy the eggs were protected but somewhat disappointed the giants knew there was protection about. He'd counted on them attempting to use them as leverage against the group.

"Use the swiftness I grant to your advantage!" shouted Dalton, the haste spell nearly a cantrip for him now. Invoking it with ease, he then dashed behind the pillar on the Eastern side of the room (Dalton moves to one square East of the ENE pillar).

Omen, unless I'm misunderstanding something, the eggs are in a pile on the Western edge of the room in the circle on the red carpet. Unless I disrecollect my earlier post regarding the placement of Wall of Force, it is to be 4 columns West of where you have it the rows are fine.

He caught his breath a moment. Considerations of using experimental new magic came to him as he watched the dire blows from the giants on Toramin and Pazeek. Direct harm was something Dalton strived to avoid from his earliest magery though. Changing someone into dust is severe, even for these...

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

Let's get crackin'!

No offense, Pazeek :)

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

Prior to combat, Dalton would cast fly on whomever accepted it but would default to Bjorkus. He would also cast Bull's Strength on Geoffrey since I believe he's the only one in need of the Enhancement bonus at this point. Up to two individuals desiring a particular Resist Elements would also have it prior to combat.

Dalton often deferred to protecting his allies as an immediate response to being put in danger, but this was a unique circumstance where doing so might just quash the hopes of the tengu village being amenable to their presence; the eggs seemed to be of priority tantamount to their own survival - at least that was the inference Dalton got from Pazeek.

So it was Dalton instead moved to the west an invoked a Wall of Force to protect the eggs, letting his allies quietly know on the way. "I'm protecting the eggs. The giants' downfall must be quick though!"

The mage's last act in preparation was to draw his accuracy wand. If they think they're going to foil us with clouds, they have another thing coming.

Wall of Force has 30 hardness and 220 HP. It will start 7' off the ground and continue to 27' above the ground. Its location is the 2nd column to the East of the red carpet on those 10 central tiles (this should leave one open on the top and bottom). It will last for 11 rounds. Note the wall is invisible, though I think a DC 40 perception allows enemies to notice a shimmer effect? I can't move Dalton for some reason, but he only needs a 5' step in order to cast the spell as intended.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)
Pazeek Splitbeak wrote:
Well, work before hobby, obviously.

Don't confuse him!

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)
Toramin Gearsmith wrote:
I believe you can make a dome with the wall of force.

Not per the spell description here.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)
Rilka Featherfeet wrote:
”Good point about the darkness spells and the webbing,” Rilka says. ”You too, Toramin. Thanks for reminding me about wall of force. Shall we do more scouting of the area?”

Using the communicative jewelry, Dalton felt the need to weigh-in on the suggestion being made presently. "While the wall is strong and invisible, it is of limited area and duration. The assault would need to be an ambush, perfectly timed to take advantage, and the wall would only cover a rectangle of the eggs' vulnerable side."

The talk of numbers and assault on gaints was making Dalton nervous. Headstrong Bjorkus thinks he can wrestle with them? Hope he has Desna on his side... At least the bird-warrior and Rilka were safe thus far.

What was more curious to him though was the Aestherics repeated disengagement with the situation - or to be specific, the seeming ambivalence of the council. They like others doing their bidding. Reminds me of the tales of gods and demigods. Always room for a noteworthy mortal or two as long as they serve...

"Don't forget I can scry if need be, though it takes roughly an hour to invoke."

Given the void of actable information from his position, there is not much for Dalton to add to the present situation.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)
DM Omen wrote:
I will be mostly unavailable this entire week. I am volunteering as a camp counselor and the only free time we get is a little bit in the late evening before we go to sleep. I may be able to slip in some small posts during that time, but I wouldn't count on much. Apologies for the short notice, and please DMPC me as needed.

DMPC the DM? Challenge accepted!

I'll be Heff.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

"Oh, Miss Featherfeet, I do understand completely. No hard feelings. one less bottle for bumbling old me to break anyway!"

Though Dalton was in good spirits about the elixirs, he was less so about the enigmatic headgear. He sighed. "Ah yes, another cover. Let's hope I can remember I'm disguised and not mistake my own identity's name..."

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)
Bjorkus wrote:

"I wouldn't mind a shield", Bjorkus admits.

"Sounds like you could open up a shop, Rilka!" chuckled Dalton. "Preparation is good. Should I assume there is simply no reasoning with these cloud giant overlords and focus on defensive cantrips? I have few in the way of direct harm." The mage preferred it that way. I am not some piece of battlefield artillery.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)
Pazeek Splitbeak wrote:

[dice=Untrained Bluff Check]1d20

"I believe we should focus more on a stealthy approach that locates and secures the eggs and fledglings the giants must be using to keep the others under control. Any obvious action would only serve to put the giants on their guard."

"Some of us are accustomed to being covert. Others of us are ... challenged in that area." Dalton really didn't feel like rehashing the history of Akropash with this newcomer, but the results were clear there.

He turned to Geoffrey. "Right on top? I don't exactly feel like being on one of their shoulders! Are you sure this isn't simply overeagerness after using a pen all day for many months?"

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)



CP 1-1: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (3, 2) - 4 = 1
CP 1-2: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (2, 1) - 4 = -1
CP 1-3: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (3, 1) - 4 = 0
CP 1-4: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (2, 1) - 4 = -1
CP 1-5: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (4, 2) - 4 = 2
CP 1-6: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (1, 3) - 4 = 0
CP 1-7: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (1, 2) - 4 = -1
CP 1-8: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (3, 4) - 4 = 3
CP 1-9: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (3, 2) - 4 = 1
CP 1-10: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (2, 1) - 4 = -1
CP 1-11: 1d4 - 4 ⇒ (1) - 4 = -3
CP 1-12: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (3, 3) - 4 = 2
CP 1-13: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (2, 3) - 4 = 1
CP 1-14: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (1, 4) - 4 = 1

CP 2-1: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (2, 3) - 3 = 2
CP 2-2: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (1, 4) - 3 = 2
CP 2-3: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (2, 1) - 3 = 0
CP 2-4: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (1, 1) - 3 = -1
CP 2-5: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (1, 1) - 3 = -1
CP 2-6: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (3, 3) - 3 = 3
CP 2-7: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (1, 2) - 3 = 0
CP 2-8: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (2, 1) - 3 = 0
CP 2-9: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (2, 2) - 3 = 1
CP 2-10: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (2, 1) - 3 = 0
CP 2-11: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (1, 1) - 3 = -1
CP 2-12: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (4, 1) - 3 = 2
CP 2-13: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (2, 2) - 3 = 1
CP 2-14: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (4, 4) - 3 = 5

CP 3-1: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (4, 4, 4) - 6 = 6
CP 3-2: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (2, 1, 2) - 6 = -1
CP 3-3: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (1, 3, 2) - 6 = 0
CP 3-4: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (3, 2, 2) - 6 = 1
CP 3-5: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (2, 3, 4) - 6 = 3
CP 3-6: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (3, 4, 3) - 6 = 4
CP 3-7: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (2, 1, 3) - 6 = 0
CP 3-8: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (2, 2, 1) - 6 = -1
CP 3-9: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (3, 1, 2) - 6 = 0
CP 3-10: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (2, 4, 1) - 6 = 1
CP 3-11: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (4, 1, 3) - 6 = 2
CP 3-12: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (1, 1, 3) - 6 = -1
CP 3-13: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (1, 4, 1) - 6 = 0
CP 3-14: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (4, 1, 3) - 6 = 2

CP 4-1: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (1, 4, 2) - 5 = 2
CP 4-2: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (3, 3, 4) - 5 = 5
CP 4-3: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (3, 3, 1) - 5 = 2
CP 4-4: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (1, 4, 1) - 5 = 1
CP 4-5: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (4, 1, 4) - 5 = 4
CP 4-6: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (2, 4, 3) - 5 = 4
CP 4-7: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (2, 1, 2) - 5 = 0
CP 4-8: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (4, 3, 2) - 5 = 4
CP 4-9: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (3, 4, 4) - 5 = 6
CP 4-10: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (2, 2, 1) - 5 = 0
CP 4-11: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (2, 1, 2) - 5 = 0
CP 4-12: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (3, 4, 4) - 5 = 6
CP 4-13: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (4, 2, 1) - 5 = 2
CP 4-14: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (3, 3, 2) - 5 = 3


CP 1-1: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (1, 2) - 4 = -1
CP 1-2: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (2, 4) - 4 = 2
CP 1-3: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (1, 4) - 4 = 1
CP 1-4: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (1, 1) - 4 = -2
CP 1-5: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (3, 3) - 4 = 2
CP 1-6: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (1, 1) - 4 = -2
CP 1-7: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (1, 4) - 4 = 1
CP 1-8: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (2, 4) - 4 = 2
CP 1-9: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (4, 3) - 4 = 3
CP 1-10: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (2, 4) - 4 = 2
CP 1-11: 1d4 - 4 ⇒ (1) - 4 = -3
CP 1-12: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (4, 3) - 4 = 3
CP 1-13: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (4, 1) - 4 = 1
CP 1-14: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (4, 4) - 4 = 4

CP 2-1: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (4, 3) - 3 = 4
CP 2-2: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (2, 2) - 3 = 1
CP 2-3: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (4, 1) - 3 = 2
CP 2-4: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (3, 2) - 3 = 2
CP 2-5: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (3, 3) - 3 = 3
CP 2-6: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (4, 1) - 3 = 2
CP 2-7: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (2, 2) - 3 = 1
CP 2-8: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (4, 1) - 3 = 2
CP 2-9: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (3, 1) - 3 = 1
CP 2-10: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (4, 1) - 3 = 2
CP 2-11: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (2, 1) - 3 = 0
CP 2-12: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (1, 1) - 3 = -1
CP 2-13: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (3, 4) - 3 = 4
CP 2-14: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (1, 1) - 3 = -1

CP 3-1: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (1, 1, 4) - 6 = 0
CP 3-2: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (4, 1, 4) - 6 = 3
CP 3-3: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (4, 3, 2) - 6 = 3
CP 3-4: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (4, 3, 4) - 6 = 5
CP 3-5: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (3, 3, 3) - 6 = 3
CP 3-6: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (4, 1, 2) - 6 = 1
CP 3-7: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (4, 1, 2) - 6 = 1
CP 3-8: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (2, 4, 2) - 6 = 2
CP 3-9: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (3, 2, 3) - 6 = 2
CP 3-10: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (1, 2, 4) - 6 = 1
CP 3-11: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (4, 4, 3) - 6 = 5
CP 3-12: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (1, 1, 1) - 6 = -3
CP 3-13: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1) - 6 = 1
CP 3-14: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (2, 2, 2) - 6 = 0

CP 4-1: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (1, 1, 4) - 5 = 1
CP 4-2: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (2, 3, 3) - 5 = 3
CP 4-3: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (1, 4, 4) - 5 = 4
CP 4-4: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (2, 2, 4) - 5 = 3
CP 4-5: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (2, 1, 4) - 5 = 2
CP 4-6: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (2, 2, 3) - 5 = 2
CP 4-7: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (1, 2, 4) - 5 = 2
CP 4-8: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (2, 2, 3) - 5 = 2
CP 4-9: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (2, 1, 2) - 5 = 0
CP 4-10: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (4, 4, 3) - 5 = 6
CP 4-11: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (1, 4, 4) - 5 = 4
CP 4-12: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (1, 3, 3) - 5 = 2
CP 4-13: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (4, 4, 4) - 5 = 7
CP 4-14: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (2, 1, 1) - 5 = -1


CP 1-1: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (3, 4) - 4 = 3
CP 1-2: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (3, 1) - 4 = 0
CP 1-3: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (2, 3) - 4 = 1
CP 1-4: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (4, 1) - 4 = 1
CP 1-5: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (1, 1) - 4 = -2
CP 1-6: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (2, 2) - 4 = 0
CP 1-7: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (4, 2) - 4 = 2
CP 1-8: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (3, 2) - 4 = 1
CP 1-9: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (1, 2) - 4 = -1
CP 1-10: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (1, 1) - 4 = -2
CP 1-11: 1d4 - 4 ⇒ (2) - 4 = -2
CP 1-12: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (1, 2) - 4 = -1
CP 1-13: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (2, 3) - 4 = 1
CP 1-14: 2d4 - 4 ⇒ (4, 2) - 4 = 2

CP 2-1: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (1, 3) - 3 = 1
CP 2-2: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (3, 2) - 3 = 2
CP 2-3: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (2, 2) - 3 = 1
CP 2-4: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (4, 2) - 3 = 3
CP 2-5: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (3, 3) - 3 = 3
CP 2-6: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (3, 3) - 3 = 3
CP 2-7: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (1, 3) - 3 = 1
CP 2-8: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (3, 4) - 3 = 4
CP 2-9: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (1, 3) - 3 = 1
CP 2-10: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (3, 1) - 3 = 1
CP 2-11: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (2, 2) - 3 = 1
CP 2-12: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (2, 3) - 3 = 2
CP 2-13: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (4, 2) - 3 = 3
CP 2-14: 2d4 - 3 ⇒ (2, 2) - 3 = 1

CP 3-1: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (2, 2, 4) - 6 = 2
CP 3-2: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (4, 1, 4) - 6 = 3
CP 3-3: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (4, 1, 3) - 6 = 2
CP 3-4: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (2, 1, 3) - 6 = 0
CP 3-5: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (1, 2, 3) - 6 = 0
CP 3-6: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4) - 6 = 1
CP 3-7: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (4, 4, 1) - 6 = 3
CP 3-8: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (3, 2, 2) - 6 = 1
CP 3-9: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (1, 3, 1) - 6 = -1
CP 3-10: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (3, 3, 2) - 6 = 2
CP 3-11: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (2, 4, 4) - 6 = 4
CP 3-12: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (4, 3, 1) - 6 = 2
CP 3-13: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (3, 4, 3) - 6 = 4
CP 3-14: 3d4 - 6 ⇒ (2, 4, 1) - 6 = 1

CP 4-1: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (4, 1, 2) - 5 = 2
CP 4-2: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (1, 1, 1) - 5 = -2
CP 4-3: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (2, 4, 3) - 5 = 4
CP 4-4: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (2, 3, 3) - 5 = 3
CP 4-5: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (2, 4, 3) - 5 = 4
CP 4-6: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (4, 2, 1) - 5 = 2
CP 4-7: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (2, 4, 2) - 5 = 3
CP 4-8: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (3, 2, 1) - 5 = 1
CP 4-9: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (2, 3, 1) - 5 = 1
CP 4-10: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (3, 4, 4) - 5 = 6
CP 4-11: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (3, 3, 1) - 5 = 2
CP 4-12: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (3, 3, 1) - 5 = 2
CP 4-13: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (3, 1, 2) - 5 = 1
CP 4-14: 3d4 - 5 ⇒ (2, 4, 4) - 5 = 5

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

"Not the time for that," chided Dalton to his companion.

He directed his next inquiry to Heff and Pazeek. "What do you feel the best way to find where these enemies' operations lay is?"

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)
Bjorkus wrote:

"But if it has to be a fight we should go in with a plan to win. "

"If there are truly but a few giants as it seems, disabling one would give us a strong position to parley with the others." Dalton nodded to Toramin. "But I wouldn't bet against a dwarf's instincts with giants. We must assume they have friends."

Dalton didn't usually care for violence, but here it seemed the surest and safest (for them) way to accomplish their goal.

[b]Takaral, it would be best if you stayed in their village. They might have a spotter of sorts in league with the giants there. You're better-suited than anyone but Splitbeak to find out, and he's a bit too close to this whole thing anyway.[b/]

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)
DM Omen wrote:
We're figuring out destinations still. English only so that does limit our options a bit.

English is the official language in the domain of the platypus.

Appraise +21, Bluff/Diplomacy +16, Fly +15, Know(Arcana/planes) +21, Know(other) +11, Perception +2, Sense Motive +0, Spellcraft +27
AC 11/11/10 HP 68/68 / F +6 R +5 W +9 (+2 vs. Enchantments) / Init. +2
DC = 17 + lvl. (+2 if transmutation) (+1 if on Druid list)

"Though it isn't the sword that is as deadly as the actions his bravery allows him to take with it," Dalton added to Toramin's lauding of Bjorkus. Even if they are a bit hasty sometimes.

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