DaliCezzane |
Near TPK
Names: Moriko, Maelyn, Folkor
Race/Class/Level: Kitsune Bard 4, Dhampir Brawler 4, Human Wizard 4
Adventure: Wrath of Thrune
Catalyst: Random encounter with a Phase Spider
The party, which consisted of 5 members (the two not mentioned above were an Antipaladin and a Vindictive Bastard) were traveling from Kantaria to the Blooming Caves via the carriage that the Brawler had paid for. Moriko, if I remember correctly, was driving the carriage when a Phase Spider appeared next to her and bit her. She failed her initial fortitude save against the poison, and called for her allies. As the fight continued, the other two members mentioned also failed their saves. By the time the Antipaladin and the Vindictive Bastard had succeeded in dispatching the creature, Folkor had fallen, Maelyn was bleeding and dying, and Moriko was on her last legs. With no way to stop the poison and no successful saves or skill checks to do so, Maelyn and Moriko both perished. Archbaron Fex sent new agents to the group to continue their usurping of the Glorious Reclamation's hold on the city.