
Dagda's page

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As to the Fiend Folio monsters. I didn't mind them too much, but as I don't own the Fiend Folio, and don't want to buy it just to run these adventures, I would like just a bit more description of the monsters added to the magazine if they are used. Just including the monster's stats left me struggling sometimes to know how the creatures should respond, and what their special abilities really were.

Just last weekend I had a player who played really foolishly. He had bluffed his way into the Crater Ridge Mines (Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil) all by himself. He started just wandering around. Worked fine until he wandered into a green dragon's lair. One round later, the dragon had him at 1 hp and was standing over him with a claw on his chest.

I guess sometimes I'm a soft DM because I let the player plead with the dragon. He gave up all his magical items, over 6000gp worth of coin and gems (which was all he had on him except for his clothes). The PC was last seen running away down the tunnel to the sound of a laughing dragon. 8-)

I thought it fit to have the dragon enjoy to taunting the cultists in the mines to show his superiority.

Long story short. A few times of letting the characters live like this, and they do trust that although they die occasionally, I'm not trying (too hard) to kill them off.

The first few adventures I ran were pre-written (like from Dungeon ) and I'd just say "It's not me, that's what it says here in the adventure." That kind of let me be on their side. From then on, my group has never questioned if I'm being to hard on them. They may think it, but they don't complain.

My players just finished Life's Bazzaar last week and will be moving into Flood Season. They thoroughly enjoyed the adventure. I do appriciate any tips on characters to bring into the game earlier since I haven't had time to read the entire adventure yet (well, the entire adventure that's availabe right now anyway ;)

I really appriciate that the magazine is more than just adventures as well. It really feels much more like a magazine for dungeon masters now.

Since the authors might think this is a lot of effort added, and Paizo may not want to pay their staff to create it, we could do it as a fan run item. If I go through and create this for an adventure I'm about to run, I could just post it for all of you to use.

Maybe a message board just for these items.

Just a thought.

Same here. I've been wanting these boards for a long time.

One thing I really like is the readability of the new format. My eyes are getting a little older, and reading text that is run overtop of background images is tough. The new format seems cleaner that way.

I also prefer the simpler cover. I like to see the cover image without all the text over it. The new logo is fine with me too.

I take them out and save them. I've used a few, but not often mostly because I don't remember what's there and finding what I wnat in the stack of folded maps and such takes a little time (more than I want to spend in-game for sure).

I trash things that aren't maps (and I keep some posters).

It's extreemly time prohibative to remove all that stuff, but if they commision the artist to supply them both the "dm map" and a "player's map" it would be simple. The artist is most likely working with layers, so its a matter of a few moments to create the player's map.

This might not be the case, but worth checking. Then again, the artist may want a larger paycheck which Paizo wouldn't like.

So far, I love everything about the new Dungeon. No complaints at all.

I'd also be happy with FR or Greyhawk adventures with good guidelines on how to adapt them to Eberron specific. These could even be web enhasements. But I'll prefer Eberron adventures in the first place.