
Da Goblin's page

58 posts. Organized Play character for nosig.


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I think I'll just leave this link here and move on...

Kids? how about teens?.

so many possibilities...

Dark Archive

you might consider modeling him on Wednesday Addams.

Maybe even give him the feat "Childlike" (yeah, I know he's a Gnome and not a Halfling, but he's an NPC...). Children (and things that look like children) can be ... really creepy.

This guy does seem to cry out for levels of Vigilante to me though. Not totally, but a few levels just to get some of the "alter-ego" persona.

Dark Archive

Crossbows should be a 2 handed weapon. By that I mean that they should do 1.5 times damage. Many/most crossbows are "drawn" ("cocked") with the use of both hands/arms (or with leg muscles in the case of a "goats-foot" level or "hook and stirrup" as in the picture linked above), and so should do damage as if a 2 handed weapon.

But then I think that when using a 2 handed weapon the welder should use some multiple of their strength... either one and a third, or one and a quarter... so if a Goblin has a strength of 9 he does + strength (which would be -1 for a Strength of 9) with a one handed weapon, but he does + Strength and a third (or a Strength of 12, for a +1) with a two handed weapon.

So a goblin (Strength of 9) with a crossbow would use a crossbow with a Strength rating of 12 (one and a third his strength).

I ran this for a while in a home game (both in 3.0/3.5 and in PFS) and it worked fine.

Dark Archive

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I remember playing in a home game long ago where there was a little mountain country (picture Tibet) where it was common practice to Animate Dead on your ancestors. At that time (back in 1st edition D&D days) this spell was not automatically "evil"... Anyway, a party of adventurers, on arriving in town from another (more "advanced" civilization/culture) found a Zombie chasing children is a fenced in yard. And did what adventurers do, only to be arrested for chopping up "Great Aunt Magrat". They had to pay to have her put back together and pay for the trauma caused to the children who had been playing Zombie Tag with her (a local game often played with your Elders). Real culture shock. Different cultures, different customs. Clearly that wouldn't work in Pathfinder.

Dark Archive

Perhaps the OP is looking for something like the spell Illusion of Calm - that with a good bluff skill check might be able to pull this off.

Shoot the target - then duck you head and look behind you, like the missile came past you to hit them. Even say something like "where the heck...?" After all, they saw you NOT throwing anything at them, so they know it must not have been you right?

Dark Archive 5/5

Dan Armstrong wrote:
waltero wrote:

In addition to dimensions, it would also be helpful to put ceiling height on the map.

A symbol indicating if a door is locked would also be helpful. You could even put that in the text of the scenario. Maybe a little padlock symbol by the room number?

Ceiling height would be nice.

...default ceiling height is 3' unless otherwise posted.

message care of Society for Equal Hieghts

Dark Archive

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Who plays short humans....

well, I'm told they are often...


Dark Archive

BigNorseWolf wrote:
DRD1812 wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Humans on the start and end of the watch demi humans in the middle

You go by race rather than class? What's the rationale there?

At the start of the watch its still light/dusk.

At the end of the watch it's starting to get light/dawn

Humans can't see in the dark. Everyone else can. Since the primary job of the lookout is to see something and yell "WAKE UP", which isn't really a class dependent ability, you maximize the parties ability to see stuff by putting the humans on watch when it's light out.

are you counting Halflings in with the Humans, or in the Demi Humans?

Dark Archive

ColbyMunro wrote:
Da Goblin wrote:
Dervish Dance feat to add DEX to damage maybe?
One less feat is really nice compared to the fencing grace route, but I tanked INT to 5 so those two ranks in dance are really gonna hurt me.

I have just started a Dawnflower Dervish ... and it kind of shocked me.

With battle dance, my little halfling was doing a d4 + 6 at 1st level, and critting on 18s...

It turned the party bard into the front liner...

Dark Archive

Dervish Dance feat to add DEX to damage maybe?

Dark Archive

I actually do Detective
Bard Detective.

it gains Trapfinding abilities... and some other cool abilities.

Careful Teamwork (Su) is a nice buff... and I've even got True Confession (Su) to work in one scenario.

and most of the "normal" bardic uses of Performance aren't available... so it has them for use as attacks.

Dark Archive 5/5

Matthew Downie wrote:
Why shouldn't large creatures have a disadvantage? They usually get lots of advantages over smaller creatures - bonuses to strength, longer reach, CMB and CMD increases, natural armor... If your Large tiger companion needs more expensive armor than my Medium bear companion, than that makes things more balanced, not less.


Why shouldn't medium creatures have a disadvantage? They usually get lots of advantages over smaller creatures - bonuses to strength, bigger weapons, CMB and CMD increases, natural armor... If your medium cat companion needs more expensive armor than my small badger companion, than that makes things more balanced, not less.

Small peoples of Golarian unite! Throw off the chains of Big Guy oppression! Freedom! Equality! "Equal Standing Before the Law!"

the above message was paid for by the Committee for Equal Heights

Dark Archive 5/5

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burkoJames wrote:

Ive pointed out before, and I will point it out again, any time someone says this makes sence due to "more material' being used or some such nonsense.

A large adamantine [light edged] weapon costs significantly more than a medium [one handed edged] weapon, but from a rules standpoint are equivalent weapons with the same statistics, with only the suitability of their grip being a concern. Adamantine pricing, based on small/medium pricing and the above comparison has nothing to do with the size of the item and everything to do with a really weird desire to punish those with the need or desire to use large sized equipment.

and yet small sized equipment is not discounted in price right?

I mean, my (small) Cold Iron Bastard Sword costs the same thing as a Human sized (medium) Cold Iron Bastard Sword - even though it weighs half as much...

and come to think of it, why do I have to pay the same cost for trail rations - even though my (small) trail rations weigh 1/4 what that human pays for his? I'm paying four times the price to eat! I figure that in the back of the bakery there is a machine that takes those Iron Ration Biscuits and splits them into 4 parts, which they then sell to smaller customers - and for this "service" we halflings & gnomes are charged a "service fee" of 300%! It's outrageous!

It's SIZE discrimination I tell you! We need to protest! Organize! Picket the merchants shops! Block traffic in the streets! Put up H.A.L.T stations! (H.A.L.T. aka. Halfling Army of Liberation Tollbooth)...

the above message was paid for by the Committee for Equal Heights

Dark Archive

Klorox wrote:
Rogue... that's what I've used them mostly for up to now, but if I were to play one again, I might want to try an alchemist or investigator...

Detective bard. Kind of like a cross between Bard and Rogue...

Dark Archive

depending on how often (and how long) you need it, you might look into Potions...(maybe a wand of it if you have a good UMD)

Potion would cost 150 gp and last 3 hours.

Dark Archive 5/5

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The choice is clear...

The Dark Archive.

Strong influence of Law. (the Cheliax roots coming thru) and has a strong female leader.

from the OP: " lawful neutral... but she is not into the whole religion thing, she is more scientifically minded.... faced this same dilemma..."

yeah - The Dark Archive has a place for you!

"Come to the Dark Side - We have cookies!"

Dark Archive 5/5

on a different thread about how/what you could get a charmed NPC to do, I posted the following...

the Original post went something like...
"If the charming creature commands his minion to do something that the influenced character would be violently opposed to, the subject may attempt a new saving throw to break free of the influence altogether. - So, if you ask the charmed person to fight his/her allies, you must first win an opposed Charisma check, and then they get a new save to break the spell completely."

"what, you think I should swing on George? He's my buddy! He's my pal... I mean, why would I do that? ...Wait...he took all the bacon this morning at breakfast. He snores & farts... he NEVER PUTS OUT THE TRASH! HE'S SO DEADDDDDD! ARGGGGG!!!!"

My point is, just because he's "an ally" is no sign he's "a friend"...

I mean, do you have anyone at work you'd just love to whack - as long as you could claim "the wizard charmed me!"? I can see someone saying to their Ally, "heck - the enemy wizard thru a spell on me, everyone saw it! and that made me do it! It's not my fault!" ;) [ooc]heck, I've even seen players do this at the table. "Not my fault! I was Confused!"

Dark Archive 5/5

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I'm a good "Switch Hitter" too.

I can do Diplomacy OR Stealth....


Dark Archive

Claxon wrote:
Da Goblin wrote:
Knowledge Local can be used for Gather Information checks.

That's diplomacy to gather information, not knowledge local.

Knowledge local would indicate you already knew whatever the information was, not that you had to gather it.

Normally (often) in PFS scenarios/Mods/APs Gather Information checks can be done with either. (IMHO)The reasoning (I guess) would be that you have the Knowledge of "where/who/what" to get the information from.

PC1: "Who owns this building anyway?"
PC2 using Knowledge Local to gather Info: "If we go to the town hall and check the tax rolls, it'll tell us that info".
GM: "It takes you 1d4 hours to locate that information in town hall records."

Dark Archive

Knowledge Local can be used for Gather Information checks.

Dark Archive 5/5

deusvult wrote:
I'd go with scrolls. You'll likely hit lvl 12 and retirement before you go thru 50 uses of any given utility spell (that isn't a healing spell).

I actually have burned thru my first wand of lucky number before I was level 6, and am more than half way thru the second one...

I do offer the spell to the other PCs - so it often burns thru 4-6 charges (sometimes more) a day.

Dark Archive

Stuf wrote:

On the contrary, that is a solution.

Righty, could you please escort in Ms. Da Goblin's bodyguard

"Oh that is unnecessary. I'll call him."

Then in a whisper "Percy, Code Green, stand down. Kat, could you find an excuse to send Percy to my location? And do try not to get yourself in trouble while we are distracted. I need his assistance for a few moment. B Fourty Seven."

Addressing Stuf again. "Will we need to modify his memory? Or would a paladin's Oath be enough?"

Dark Archive

Stuf wrote:

Stuf inhales.

** spoiler omitted **

We are only interested in whether you have membership in one specific group. Do you carry a "compass"?

His intonation implying compass might be referring to something else.

She reachs into a small belt pouch - up to her elbow (deeper the the bottom of the pouch) and pulls out a Jade Wayfinder.

"Something like this? It doesn't shed light though..."

Sense Motive is (take 10) +10 for a 20

"I am a member of the Pathfinders, a part time Expedition Manager, though currently my field team is assigned to a dig in the Charn Lands just outside of town. I like to keep them close so I can easily review what the turn up."

Knowledge Local ?25? But being a Pathfinder would give you a +5:
Her current FAME is 50, she is a high level Detective/Sound Striker Bard, specializing in Infiltration tasks - though not a Venture Officer herself. Has been seen to associate with the Paracountess, and often speaks Common with a slight Cheliax accent

And in a whisper "Is this a problem?"

Then in a normal voice, "Perhaps Percy would be the better choice for your task? The 'Bait' could easily send him in here to (finger quotes) check on the maid (end finger quotes) if you would like. And I can assure you he is trustworthy - much more so than me. (Big little girl smile again)".

Dark Archive

Stuf wrote:

He then uprights himself and turns his attention to "Da Goblin", his eyes still temporaily glowing like ultra-violet lamps.

And what about you?

"Goodness me...." Once out of sight of the crowd in the common room, the 'little girl' appears to undergo a bit of a transformation. Though to all outward appearances she is the same creature, dressed in the same clothing, she now appears to be a halfling woman of surprising presence. (CHA 28)

What is your name?
"I am not currently at liberty to reveal that information. On my current assignment I go by several names and titles. Lady Da' Goblin is most common at this time, in this location.

Have you been drinking?
Not in the fashion you are suggesting. Especially not while on assignment. It would likely react badly with several of the protective drugs I currently have in my system.

Please tell me what societies, factions or guilds you are a member of.
That information is not currently releaseable to the general public. Would you be willing to undergo a modify memory spell to remove it from your memory if I were to tell you?

Will you keep secret regarding what you might see within the armor which kneels before you?
More than likely, as long as it does not pertain to my current assignment. I would also be willing to cast and/or undergo a modify memory spell to remove anything I learned while in there from my memory. Though I will say, that procedure is likely to cause questions to be asked later, when it is discovered that I have cast it on myself.

"But perhaps it would be better if we just called my bodyguard in? Percy would certainly be willing to undertake this task - and as a Silver Crusade Paladin he is much more likely to be trustworthy to you than myself.

"Would you like me to call him in? He is right outside in the common room, likely worried as to my current condition".

With a sharp smile that shows her dimples off well, and a slight tilt of her head she seems to again become "the little grey girl" she was in the common room. Disguise DC40

[ooc]edit: drat! Forgot to talk about the Detect thoughts.... Let's see. Will Save would be roll 12+11, so a 23? Do you crack thru her shield?[ooc]

Dark Archive

Giving an elaborate sigh, that anyone who has raised children will recognize, the "child" hands Katisha the small rag doll she has been holding, "Mrs. Patterson, you stay with the Kat until I get back, and behave now." She then trudges over to "Snuf Wheeler".

"So, what is it you need me to do? fit in someplace too small for grown ups?" she asks the construct.

Dark Archive

Marlowe Blood wrote:

"You haven't seen a woman in a cloak before? This may be the Prime, but truly .. My compliments on the lady's statement, indeed you brighten the evening."

Her companion, though:
[dice=Knowledge (planes) maybe?]1d20+7

Revealed by the magical flame's light, above the upturned collar of a sturdy coat, the speaker shows the classically regular bone structure almost of a sculpted angel, though after a moment, his skin is a bit too pale, his black hair too coarse, his eyes definitely too red and those spiky black iron bits adorning his skin - they aren't piercings. They're growing out of him. His hand rests on the base of a goblet of red wine. Probably.

The "Ladies Maid" gazes at Marlowe and notices the scrutiny he turns to her. She glances to the ragdoll on her arm and smiles a little shy grin behind her scuffed oversized glasses. She mutters to the doll, "See Mrs. Peterson, not everyone is a moth, blinded by the fire...". For just an instant - Marlowe sees thru the disguise (she winked at you) to realize all is not as it seems. The tiny creature is a Halfling woman, not a human child Childlike, and a very good disguise skill. Clearly she is enjoying having someone else on the inside of the deception.

Dark Archive 5/5

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In my area we have a saying, often heard at tables I play at (or judge) - "Don't kill them! They're worth more alive!". Sometimes this results in the Lib.Edge faction PCs swinging with renewed vigor, trying to kill the NPCs before the D.A./Exchange/S.S factions can turn them over to the guard to be sold into slavery.

Have I stabilized monsters? Sure! lots. after all, "they're worth more alive". Where do you think all that fiendish blood comes from? Dead fiends only give up blood once. And Monstrous guards are not cheap!

And if my PC gets a reputation as someone who ALWAYS captures enemies - maybe "what goes around, comes around". Some day that might be my girl bleeding out there.

Dark Archive 5/5

Drogon wrote:
Da Goblin wrote:
Hmm wrote:

Yes, this was one of the few erratas that was a straight upgrade.


It's probably good for us to acknowledge that sometimes that happens. Not everything brought by the errata fairy is bad news.


I wouldn't call it an "upgrade" either.

I played my 'Striker pre- and post- errata. The post one is a little less effective, but MUCH easier to roll attacks. (Before I had a clear plastic button box with a cell for each level having a d20 and a d8. Shake the box (very noisy!) to roll a Wierd Words attack and see what the results were...)

Heh. That's awesome.

Reminds of a local player who ran a two weapon crit-based fighter during Seasons 1 and 2. He had a color-coded chart of all his attacks and damage rolls, and corresponding dice for them. He'd pick up about two dozen dice, roll them all, spend a minute sorting them, and start calling out numbers for the GM to work with.

Yeah, it was "rolled" with the same motion that a Tambourine would be played with. So "Perform(Percussion)" was the skill used. But it was VERY LOUD, so tried to do it very little... "Shake - Rattle and Roll!"

Dark Archive 5/5

Hmm wrote:

Yes, this was one of the few erratas that was a straight upgrade.


It's probably good for us to acknowledge that sometimes that happens. Not everything brought by the errata fairy is bad news.


I wouldn't call it an "upgrade" either.

I played my 'Striker pre- and post- errata. The post one is a little less effective, but MUCH easier to roll attacks. (Before I had a clear plastic button box with a cell for each level having a d20 and a d8. Shake the box (very noisy!) to roll a Wierd Words attack and see what the results were...)

Dark Archive 5/5

Meager Rolmug wrote:
I did, nothing about either...but I am sure I've heard the sound striker's weird words ability was whimpafied.

Actually, I wouldn't call it "whimpafied" - changed yes, but still very workable.

Dark Archive

Take the money you get for selling it... And cast Coin Shot!

Then you can throw your money around!

Dark Archive 5/5

John Compton wrote:

The answer to the original question is that they're not for sale, much as wayfinders are very hard to procure for non-Pathfinders. Chalk it up to limited supply and the Consortium taking countermeasures to change up the design to counter PCs taking badges and causing trouble.

Were the Aspis Consortium badge a completely innocuous piece of metal with no special connotations, I wouldn't mind people collecting them and waving them around; it makes an interesting bit of continuity. However, there are non-numeric benefits that accompany the possession of an Aspis badge, making the clever workaround of purchasing one as a masterwork tool for Bluff or Disguise deceptively potent—at least for an ongoing campaign in which the Aspis Consortium features regularly as a rival. Holding onto badges is a little like dragging around a corpse from a previous adventure for the purposes of animate dead; it's something that might make sense in a home game but throws off the expectations in the organized play environment.

There's at least one scenario that lends the PCs Aspis Consortium badges. The Pathfinder greatcoat is otherwise a unique source for pristine badges. PCs are welcome to keep defaced badges (e.g. a string of bullet-riddled badges, a bronze mace forged from badge copper, or a set of alchemical silver arrows tipped with sharpened badges) as trophies or other mementos.

I do have several PCs with masterwork tools for Bluff or Disguise that I present as Aspis Consortium badges - should I not be using those? I am normally careful to point out to the judge that the ones I have are FAKES (hopefully good ones at 50 gp each), and I'm only using them as Masterwork tools for my skill rolls. I've got them for both Bluff & Disguise (costed as 50gp + 50gp) and I've been planning to pick one up for Diplomacy (for use in Gather Information checks) and maybe for Intimidate...

Dark Archive 5/5

Last mission I was on where we needed to sneak in, I turned to the Hellknight in the party and offered him my Elixer of Hiding. He looked it over and asked the judge if he could buy one in the market on the way - so between that and the invisibility I cast on him (and the fact that he just needed to ride in the back of a wagon) we got him into the area un-noticed.

Dark Archive 5/5

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Robert Reine wrote:
KingOfAnything wrote:
A pinch is a pinch, by the common meaning. As much bat guano as you can grab between your thumb and forefinger.
So is a halfling's pinch the same as an giant's pinch?
Until you get the boon for playing a giant pathfindeer, it's a moot point. A hafling's pinch can assumed to be the same price as a human's.

same price, but only 1/4 the amount. Like rations and everything else for halflings (small creatures).

Dark Archive 5/5

I keep getting visions of a Goblin Alchemist slapping bottles, a keg and "items" together, wrapping them with duct tape, all while on the back of an Obsidian Fly in flight... with a streamer or two of tape flapping in the wind and a mad gleam in his eyes!

Yeah! Crafting on "the FLY"!

"Bombs away! - crud, I've taped it to my foot..."

Dark Archive 5/5

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Paul Jackson wrote:
Kahel Stormbender wrote:

As such, IMO the story being told should be the most important thing.

That's a perfectly valid opinion. But it is just one opinion.

Other equally valid opinions are that the most important thing is the roleplaying, the story is just the backdrop that allows the roleplaying.

Or the combat is the most important thing.

Or the solving of the intellectual puzzles.

Or the in and out of character joking.

Or ....

This should be a thread all it's own.

How to finish this sentence "the most important thing is..."

The laughs.
The friends.
The gold.
The Paracountess.
The llama...

Dark Archive 5/5

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"Don't kill 'em, they're worth more alive."

Dark Archive 5/5

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

What is kind of neat during this discussion is a recollection I had of a WBG I'd played (can't remember if was Too! or Free!) and Poog was a freaking tactical genius with his placements of AoE.

C'mon, if goblins (who have no reason to get along all the time) can do it, members of the Society can, right?

wait - you mean Poog was able to place the AoE where he got all the Longshanks and the other Goblins too?


Dark Archive 5/5

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Would it be too much to ask for a 'Master Handbook to the PFS' with all this in one spot?

but that would only give you a +2 circumstance bonus to find the rule, right? (that's what Masterwork Tools give...)

Dark Archive 5/5

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waltero wrote:
LF = looking for

AH! thanks. (sorry - just an "old guy" here...)

Dark Archive 5/5

sorry I am missing something here... but what's a "LF Goblin"?




PM me if it's not suitable for the board...Thanks!

Dark Archive 5/5

Nefreet wrote:
You can Take 20 in the morning when nobody's looking, too.

heck, get everyone else in your party to look the disguise over and give you pointers... You know, "aid another" in your attempt.


(fellow adventurers helping the Tengu with his human disguise)

"I'm guessing that you might need to add some shoes to your disguise. Those three toed feet might clue them in that you aren't all human."

"And maybe pants. Yeah, wear some pants. Humans almost always wear SOMETHING below the waist."

Dark Archive 5/5

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Nefreet wrote:
You can Take 20 in the morning when nobody's looking, too.

I'm not sure about this one... Each attempt takes 1d3x10minutes, so an average of 20 minutes... 20x20 minutes would be 400 minutes, or almost 7 hours... And possibly 10 hours.

And a lot of judges aren't going to let you try 20 times on it... YMMV.

Dark Archive 5/5

An interesting side note:
In a PFS game not to long ago, my PC used vanish on an elephant... because she could not cast invisibility (the elephant weighed to much for her to effect with the invisibility...but vanish has no weight limit)

Dark Archive 5/5

The Sword wrote:
Is it that hard to learn their languages? One skill point buys you a language + the bonus languages for higher Int. Considering that you can choose the creatures you call it doesnt seem an unreasonable expectation to learn the lingo?

Depends - I've seen a Sorcerer with an INT of 8, who seemed to specialize in summon spells (but that was back before Summoners come into being).

Dark Archive 5/5

Fendel, CSI: Absalom wrote:
How about you carry a wand of Comprehend Languages to cast on them, or a wand of Tongues to throw it on yourself? Do it at the beginning of a dungeon when you go in and you have fifty (50) minutes to talk to whatever intelligent beastie you summon. That is good for a few encounters in most cases.

Comp. Languages is a personal only spell, so you couldn't cast it on another creature. Maybe a Potion? then you might be able to get them to drink it in the round they appear - but how would you tell them to do that? Maybe an Oil? Then when the creature appears you could oil them up first thing... Nope! darn it - personal only spell again, so not available in Potions!

Dark Archive 5/5

what about a "Translator" Boon?

I have one, though I don't think it is going to apply for me (Unless there is a spell something like summon Varissian Noble).

Dark Archive

10 feet of thread with a weight on the end.

Twirl it around you -this works best if you are a halfling.

Dark Archive 5/5

Ascalaphus wrote:
I suddenly have the urge to make a "shrieker" character. Time to take another look at the Sound Striker bard...

ear piercing scream?

Dark Archive 5/5

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Just a silly question...
But HOW did the judge kill the scholar? I mean it doesn't even have HP, or anything... Or an AC.

My Translator has DR 300/plot, and 1600 HP...


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