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Name: Sebastian Salt
Background: Human Circle Mage
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7
Weight: 157lbs

Class: Mage

FOCUS (Stamina)
FOCUS (Arcane Lore)
FOCUS (Self-Discipline)

SPEED (11)
HEALTH (28/28)
MANA (20/20)

Armour Type:
Armour Rating:
Armour Penalty:


Attack Roll: Dexterity
Damage: 1d6 +1


Arcane Lance:
Attack Roll - Magic (Arcane Lance):
Damage - 1d6 + Magic:
Short Range: 16 yards
Long Range: 32 yards
Reload Time: N/A
Special - requires staff:


Primary Abilities: Cunning, Magic, Willpower
Secondary Abilities: Communication, Constitution, Dexterity, Perception, Strength
Weapon Groups: Brawling, Staves


< X>Novice: Learn one additional language
< >Journeyman: Learn one additional language, mimic dialect with Communication (Performance) check
< >Master: Learn 2 additional languages, pick one language known, that is now considered native


Drain Life
School: Entropy
Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 4mp
Casting Time: Major Action
TN: 12
Test: Constitution (Stamina) vs Spellpower
Description: Deal 1d6 + Magic penetrating damage, and heal same damage. Only deal 1D6 penetrating damage on successful test

Arcane Bolt
School: Spirit
Type: Attack
ManaCost: 2mp
Casting Time: Major Action
TN: 10
Test: Dexterity (Acrobatics) vs Spellpower
Description: deal 2d6 + dragon die to target within 30 yards. Only deal 1d6 on successful test

School: Entropy
Type: Attack
ManaCost: 3mp
Casting Time: Major Action
TN: 11
Test: Magic (Spirit) vs Spellpower
Description: Target within 20 yards suffers -1 to strength and dexterity, -5 to speed, for (magic) in rounds. Only suffers speed penalty on successful test

LANGUAGES: Trade, Ancient Tevene (read only), Elven


Traveling Clothes
Mages Robe (6sp)
Bedroll (10 sp)
Tin Cup (10 cp)
Dining Utensils (2 sp)
Plate (7 cp)
Iron Frying Pan (5 sp)
Belt Pouch (1 sp)
Metal Flask (50 cp)
39 silver
33 cp


A determined man, he will always do what is necessary to achieve his goals. He generally believes in doing "what is right", but he is willing to use whatever tools he needs to achieve that.

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Interesting, and I'll be adding this to my next purchase list

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Is there anything you can tell us about this class. I assume its an 18th century detective style class.

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I am whole-heartedly excited for this product! I've been waiting for a collection of, and cleaning up of, all those subsystems for a while!

Kudos on the great new GM & Player aid!

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Your health will be in my thoughts. I wish you the best, and hope you feel better soon.

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Defense is better if you're a support character than if you're DD. Obviously a tank wants good defence, and healers need to survive better.

Blackbloodtroll: what about gouda?

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And here's hoping for the same treatment of Throne of Night!

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Just messaged you guys! but I don't expect to see it until tomorrow, so don't rush out of bed or anything!

Also, the malefactor class is truely interesting, easily one of the best classes I've picked up here!

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Quick question to everyone here

So my players are really interested in Wrecker Island. I've decided to have it haunted by the ghost of the druid (7th level druid ghost basically) and guarded by a Shark-Eater Crab. The crab will probably be a straight up fight, but I'm trying to come up with a good way to get rid of the ghost.

The druid is going to of course make a request of the PCs, something like disrupting the fishing going on in the area, but I want to have another option for the PCs to be, well, dicks to him. I need to think of a way for them to get rid of the ghosts without helping him at all.

So, I ask you, oh great community, any ideas how they might be rid of this ghost?

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A while ago, Paizo released a $10 Adventurers Armory, with some nice equipment that was released again in other books, and the concept of "Equipment Tricks".

Sadly, they only released a few, and then we never heard from them again. So, I propose

Bullet Points: Equipment Tricks!

Basically feats that let you use items, weapons, and armor in interesting and fun ways

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Ahem, ah, yes, I think I might be interested in this product

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I am reading over the Knowledge Pool Magus ability, and I was basically wondering if it let's you add spells to your spellbook.

It basically let's you memorize a spell for the day as if you knew it. If I take the Scribe Scroll feat, would I then be able to scribe the spell onto a scroll, then scribe it into my spellbook?

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Hi all

My friends and I have just started a PF game, and it's going good so far.

However, one of my friends is a little annoyed with the "Spells Per Day" system, and wants to move over to a "Spell Point" system. Now, I have the Unearthed Arcana, so I have the basic system, but I know a few of the classes have changed a little with their spells per day (I'm looking at the Bard mainly) so I have tried doing a straight conversion of spells per day to spell points.

The first question I have to ask is has anyone else done this for PF? And if so, how did it work?

The Second question is how have people found the spell points in the past, before pathfinder, and do you have any advice?

Thanks in advance, and good gaming all!