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276 posts (286 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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Male Human Massage therapist / 5

Going with the circle Mage background
2d6 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9 Constitution (Stamina)
2d6 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4 Willpower (Self-Discipline)

Male Human Massage therapist / 5

So, discussion time, what are other people playing?

Male Human Massage therapist / 5

I'm thinking circle Mage
Haven't decided what specialization yet, but might go blood Mage

Just wondering if it's worth it to focus on Electricity as a wizard? I know the first book has just come out, but I also know robots have a susceptibility to electricity. Is it likely to be worth it?

Am I it?

I sadly have to back out. My schedule is a little full and I got ahead of myself. So wizard/arcanist is back open :-(

PbP is play by post. Basically you post your actions and rolls and stuff like that on a forum like this.

Also, I don't know why there is a link in what I wrote earlier, so please ignore it

Sounds good! I'll get started on this. I claim Wizaard Archmaage!!!

Why do I get the feeling that as soon as this product is out the door (maybe before that), they'll be working on their first Mythic Adventure Path?

I'll hope on board for this. I've never played a PbP though

I cannot wait to get home to look at these new rules. I probably won't get a proper playtest done until this weekend though

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Interesting, and I'll be adding this to my next purchase list

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Is there anything you can tell us about this class. I assume its an 18th century detective style class.

I don't think mindless undead can be "willing" to do anything. They just mechanically follow whatever commands you give them. But the spell doesn't have "Mind-effecting" or anything, so I guess it still works

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am whole-heartedly excited for this product! I've been waiting for a collection of, and cleaning up of, all those subsystems for a while!

Kudos on the great new GM & Player aid!


Teiidae: I find that offensive! I am canadian, and I am practically a tyrant with races! I challenge you, sir, to a duel of politeness!

Eventually, what I would love to see is a sequel to WotW, either expanding their evil empire, or the forces of good fighting back. Either way, I would love to see an expansion on their world to possibly a full out Campaign Setting. But it would of course have the greatest impact if they delayed it a little bit, maybe finish another adventure path or 2

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your health will be in my thoughts. I wish you the best, and hope you feel better soon.

If you put dot in the title, I will buy it, and force all my friends to buy it on pain of dot!

Dotting for further investigation, and also because I love dots!

Ok cool, thanks!

2 quick questions about the Cloudburst armor ability

1: it only lists the cost of 5000gp if you make it yourself. I assume you pay the normal 10,000gp, but just want to make sure... sooooo is it?

2: does resistance apply before or after the takes place?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Defense is better if you're a support character than if you're DD. Obviously a tank wants good defence, and healers need to survive better.

Blackbloodtroll: what about gouda?

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And here's hoping for the same treatment of Throne of Night!

sieylianna wrote:
I have my concerns about the title. It is over the top and could bring another wave of anti D&D publicity if the wrong parent runs across it.

Most of those parents are too busy yelling at Mass Effect 3 for turning their children gay, but I suppose it's always a little bit of a concern

(ps. no trying to belittle your concern, because sadly it is valid, only the shortshighted kneejerk reaction of some of these anti-whatever groups)

Major Longhorn wrote:
Patrick Kropp wrote:

Has someone spelled out the three prayers the pc must recitate each day? I would love to have the pc at least twice (beginning of the ritual and the last time) say "something" other than just: "we perform the ritual and prayer".

I mean the Supplication to Darkness, the Cursing of the Light and the Call across the Void.

That would be sooooo cool ! May be not 222 times though ^^

I would absolutely love to see this too! It'd really get the players interested in the whole ritual

Just finished reading through the adventure for the 2nd time. Gotta say, it feels perfect. Epic in scale, satisfying encounters. The art is nice, and I've been meaning to say this for a while, but I love how the art adds your own personal touch to what the monsters look like!

I'd say you have outdone yourself, but something tells me I need to wait for the 6th book to say that

Only one of my players might get that, the rest of us didn't get into d20 until Pathfinder.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just messaged you guys! but I don't expect to see it until tomorrow, so don't rush out of bed or anything!

Also, the malefactor class is truely interesting, easily one of the best classes I've picked up here!

Huh, interesting, maybe I'll make him a half-elf or something then. Thanks for the heads up!

I still think 5 feats is a bit much. I might lower it to just 3 feats.


hmm, interesting, I never thought of binding the spirit. I like the idea of finding a way to do so from the trapped cultist. I'll think on that, thanks!

Kevin: I just assumed Human, what race do you think appropriate?

Gary, just reading over the Children of the Night pt. 2...

For the Vampire template, the suggestion of 5 feats seems a little steep, especially since they probably won't be getting access to vampirism until after level 13, at least as far as the story is written.

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Quick question to everyone here

So my players are really interested in Wrecker Island. I've decided to have it haunted by the ghost of the druid (7th level druid ghost basically) and guarded by a Shark-Eater Crab. The crab will probably be a straight up fight, but I'm trying to come up with a good way to get rid of the ghost.

The druid is going to of course make a request of the PCs, something like disrupting the fishing going on in the area, but I want to have another option for the PCs to be, well, dicks to him. I need to think of a way for them to get rid of the ghosts without helping him at all.

So, I ask you, oh great community, any ideas how they might be rid of this ghost?

So it turns out that Gary has a direct feed to my wallet or something, because money keeps disappearing from it every couple months or so, though to be fair, it's usually replaced by awesome

Why do you do this to me, Gary? Have I done something to offend you? Why do you choose to continue releasing products of such awesome, that I am powerless to resist them.

As soon as this comes out, I must purchase it, even though I am only starting the second book for WotW. And because of that, I am not only going to be running a great adventure, but chomping at the bit to run another great adventure. You really hate me having downtime, don't you?

Sweet!... though I don't have 42 strength yet :(

Sorry, they did update it. It's now 1 strength damage per 500 gold pieces.

Reading over the Blood Money spell, it allows you to pay expensive material components for spells. My question is, can I split the cost between diamond dust and the spell?

IE. If casting Wish, could I spend 4000gp and the rest in strength damage?

This is just plain great (I was gonna say awesome, but someone beat me too it)

Not buying it today, but definately sticking this in the old shopping cart. I've wanted to see more power components since they were first introduced

It's your game. If you want to allow it, I'd suggest going with Gary's idea (guy is a genius).

However, as written, no, it won't work. The players are required to do a lot of very bad for a very naughty god, things that will quickly loose them their Paladinhood.

*crosses fingers* please pick me!!!


So I ran my game last night, and the players did something that I should have seen coming, but didn't think of it until they mentioned something.

So they were sneaking around Balentyne last night, when the came across the baracks, full of sleeping guards. I assumed they were going to try and sneak past, since their original goal for that night was to kill the priests. But instead, our Infernal Blooded Sorcerer pulled out their brand new Wand of Fireballs that they had just acquired from killing the Magister, and proceeded to eliminate 60 guards in 3 rounds. Only 2 guards survived this initial onslaught, and they were quickly dispatched by the Ranger and Cleric.

I honestly think that's the most effective use of fireball in at least my history of gaming

Congrats! A well deserved acclaim indeed!

Asmodeus be praised! My prayers have been answered! Now I must clean up the the pentacle before the blood stains the stone...

I salivate over my laptop looking for news about it every day!

Fire Mountain Games wrote:

This book, "Way of the Wicked Book One: Knot of Thorns" has been nominated for an Ennie. We here at Fire Mountain Games are especially proud of this nomination since this is our very first release.

We are humbled and blown away by this announcement.

Thanks to everyone involved and enjoy being wicked.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

I'm a random gamer, and I approve of this!

Could you link it? I can't even find it

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