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Male Human Sorcerer(Arcane)
![]() Alright, we're starting with book one. No posts about book 2 for now, that's when you went to the island, we're just covering book 1 for now, that's your time in riddleport, I'll edit this post as you guys respond to add more information, once it's good enough we'll go onto book 2. BOOK 1: Shadow in the Sky
Alexi, an avid gambler travels to riddleport to participate in the "chear the devil and take his gold" event. Sorin, who lives nearby decides to come along as he is rather attached to Dusk, Alexis companion. There's a strange shadow above the city of Riddleport but ![]()
Male Human Sorcerer(Arcane)
![]() Okay, so I won't be playing a Technomancer right off the bat. If my first character dies I will be making one as my second character, but I want to know the system better before I make one. I'm probably going to do a Solarian for my first character not sure on the race yet. ![]()
Male Human Sorcerer(Arcane)
![]() Okay, so we need to figure out what all has happened so far, I'll be digging around in my notes but in the mean time I'm going to invite my players to share what they remember. This is a small game, we had two players, one with a cohort, attempting to slog through the second darkness ap. ![]()
Male Human Sorcerer(Arcane)
![]() First Post Convert one of my tabletop Campaigns to PBP due to time constraints. Actual play likely wont start right away, just getting everything set up right now. Invite only. For now the discussion thread will likely be more active than the play thread, it's been awhile since we've abandoned this one and we likely need a few 'the story so far' posts to get going. ![]()
![]() SandroTheMaster wrote: Nice list, but you certainly underestimated boars. A boar is by far the best SMIII tank, since its ferocity and high CON means it has effectively 35 HP (43 with Aug. Summoning). Same for its dire counterpart. That's be great if it weren't for Quote: Summoning: a summoning spell instantly brings a creature or object to a place you designate. When the spell ends or is dispelled, a summoned creature is instantly sent back to where it came from, but a summoned object is not sent back unless the spell description specifically indicates this. A summoned creature also goes away if it is killed or if its hit points drop to 0 or lower, but it is not really dead. So Ferocity doesn't effect summoned creatures. ![]()
![]() Jean Whitemane wrote:
If they can handle a level 8 opponent I suggest I'd suggest sending a necromancer at them, who has spell focus, greater spell focus and mythic spell focus on necromancy. Max his casting stat and give him the mythic severance spell. That should pose a bit of a challenge to them, especially if he can hide and curse a few of them.if they can handle a level 15 opponent make him a arcane sorc and give him spell perfection mythic severance and persistent spell ![]()
![]() How would one bring a character back to life who has been turned into a yellow musk zombie? Would a scroll of raise dead work if they killed the creeper first? Serpent Skull Spoilers: I'm Dming a serpent skull game, one of the party members got separated and ran into the yellow musk creeper and ended up turned. The others have already found the treasure pit and have the identified the scroll of raise dead. They're heading in the direction of the creeper themselves and knowing them when they see their compodree they'll try to fix her. I wanna know what their options are for when they get there. ![]()
![]() DRedSand wrote: James, how do you think the evolution surge, lesser evolution surge and greater evolution surge should work as far as stacking with each other or even themselves? I'm arguing with a few friends on the issue, one of us thinks they shouldn't stack at all, you should only be able to use one at a time. Two of us think They should stack with each other but not themselves and the last of us thinks they should stack even with themselves as long as they're working within the rules of the spell. ![]()
![]() What no love from craft staffs? I know normally they're not great, but you've been pushing the arcane bloodline rather heavily and for arcane sorcerers staffs are amazing. Give a level 16 sorcerer of the arcane bloodline a robe of arcane heritage and he can use three levels of spell slots in place of spending a charge, staffs are essentially extra spells known. ![]()
![]() master_marshmallow wrote:
You can only turn a spell into acid, cold, electricity or fire, dosn't say anything about what you can change it from, the spells 'normal' damage could be negative energy damage and this feat would still work ![]()
![]() DRedSand wrote:
EDIT: +8 to DC with perfect spell ![]()
![]() Banalitybob wrote:
Animal companions get multiattack free at level nine, I'd say go with dodge and mobility, +4 vs AoO's can be vary useful for a mount ![]()
![]() I say go with an arcane caster to get some battlefield control, if you really want to heal go human sorcerer, take the alternate racial trait focused study and choose UMD for your free skill focus, at level 3 your UMD skill will be 9+chr (thus the reason for sorc, high chr) and it only take a 20 to activate a wand, so there's your heals, you can even use your other free skill focuses later on to grab the prereq for an arcane heritage and steal some powers from an alternate bloodline ![]()
![]() Check out Weapon of Awe one of my favorite level 2 buffs and you can always leave a slot open in case you wanna prepare something else later ![]()
![]() Moox wrote:
You asked for a memorable encounter, the idea of PCs scampering around as dragons are breathing ice at the non-immune to cold minions of the giantess(if there are any), and throwing lightning bolts at the giants as they're immune to all their frost spells, maybe one of the dragons cast invisibility as it goes in for a melee attack and all the players can see of it are the giant foot prints appearing in the debris created by the battle, maybe another casts Freezing fog, hampering visibility, greasing the floor and doing cold damage each round, all the while the giants are picking up large chunks of ruined ceiling and throwing them at the dragons, once the fog goes up their accuracy is hampered and rocks could begin landing all over, requiring reflex saves from the PCs to avoid, well that seems like a memorable encounter to me. ![]()
![]() Arbane the Terrible wrote:
Yeah, they just need to install a spell checker in the forum entry box so I can stop with the copying and pasting from word. ![]()
![]() Oh and for a sage blaster go human for the bonus spells known then here's some feat suggestions
Now you have Sirocco for fort saves and Fireball for reflex saves, with Spell perfection doubling the bonuses given by feats you have +16 to the DC of both spells and +8 on caster level checks for spell resistance, plus a further +2 to the DC from your level 15 bloodline ability, you can quicken fireball for free and still maximize it if you want, then you can maximize sirocco for free in the same turn. There are enough fire spells out there you don’t need elemental spell fire metamagic, much better to get something else (like ice) so if you run into something immune to fire you can still take advantage of the spell perfections on sirocco and fireball while dealing ice damage. Note: Spell focus specifically says it doesn’t stack with spell focus and elemental focus specifically says it doesn’t stack with elemental focus, but both are unnamed bonuses so as they don't say otherwise, they do stack with each other ![]()
![]() DRedSand wrote: On homebrews I tend to make sure I know my BBEG�s intimately, I know how they react, I don�t create plans, they do and when their plans go awry, I know how they�d react. I know what they�re plans are, I know the dungeons and if the players are smart enough to find a way to skip all the content that�s suppose to prepare them for the BBEG they�re usually smart enough to figure out how to either A, defeat him even though they�re underpowered or B realize they should cut and run and do so, sometimes when they really mess things up I call lunch/dinner break so I can rustle through my folder of bad things past for some filler. Anything they bypass gets put in said folder for future use. Okay... I swear those were apostrophes when I copied it from word... ![]()
![]() On homebrews I tend to make sure I know my BBEG�s intimately, I know how they react, I don�t create plans, they do and when their plans go awry, I know how they�d react. I know what they�re plans are, I know the dungeons and if the players are smart enough to find a way to skip all the content that�s suppose to prepare them for the BBEG they�re usually smart enough to figure out how to either A, defeat him even though they�re underpowered or B realize they should cut and run and do so, sometimes when they really mess things up I call lunch/dinner break so I can rustle through my folder of bad things past for some filler. Anything they bypass gets put in said folder for future use. ![]()
![]() Well if you're going to prestige out eventually the melee sorcerer should be dragonic, so he can go dragon disciple at level six, if not I'd got Pit touched for the constitution bonus and then pick up the Skill focus planes, Eldritch Heritage (Abyssal) and Improved Eldritch Heritage (Abyssal) to grab the strength bonus or just go cross-blooded. Don't depend on the claws, when you're concentrating on pumping tank stats you won't have too high of a charisma score, which means 3+chr rounds/day of claws isn't too many, you're actually better off with stuff like beast form or monstrous physique for natural attacks. The sage bloodline with its intelligence based casting would make a nice skill-whore/item crafter. The first level spell gravity bow is vary nice for ranged, especially when you add in the second level spell reloading hand, you suddenly can use a heavy crossbow every round and it dose 2d8 damage, or even better, if you’re an elf and thus proficient with the composite longbow, take the abyssal bloodline for the str buff and go that route. You could be a summoner/archer. ![]()
![]() Contention in the ranks maybe? The white dragon, knowing that the castle is under attack decides this is an excellent time for him to betray the giantess and steal the ring for himself as he had been planning all along. Pump up the giantess and her minions to make them an epic challenge for the PCs and in the middle of the encounter have the dragon and his kin burst in through the ceiling. It suddenly stops being about surviving and perhaps even beating a high level foe and instead becomes about being caught in the middle as the white dragon and his kin duke it out with the ice giantess and her minions. In the end the giant lies dead, the party has a new BBEG as the dragon has made off with the ring and there’s a room full of loot left behind, but to claim it they must fight off the giants they bypassed earlier, who’ve come to investigate the commotion. ![]()
![]() Well you might wanna take a look at this it's not exactly what you're looking for, just a free download I found not too long ago that has a list of 100 different fantasy professions each with a short story hook that you might use to start an quest. Again, not exactly what you're looking for, but might help to get the creative juices flowing. ![]()
![]() Would a sorcerer with the dragonic bloodline(black) be able to get the extra +1 dmg per die on spells with the [acid] descriptor when changeing something like fireball or magic missile into acid damage? Could he make a half acid half force magic missile and apply the toppling metamagic to it, doing 1d4+2+free trip atempt/missile? ![]()
![]() Joanna Swiftblade wrote:
My bad. Didn't realise Monk speed was an enhancment bonus. Also the sprint rage ability requires barbarian 4 and taking certain arcane heritages, such as efreeti will work better than fleet. ![]()
![]() Okay let's try a build with a level 20 cap
Then add feats
Finally have your party sorcere polymorph you into a raptor and cast haste giving you another 60ft - Total 235ft (255ft /w ki) Optionaly you could go with the stormborn eldrich heritage instead of Elemental(fire) or Efreeti to get the ride the thuder ability (10x speed in a strait line as a full round action) at the cost of 30ft base speed. EDIT: Took out the option of a second level of barbarian to get the sprint rage power as upon looking it up I find that it requires barb 4. ![]()
![]() Joanna Swiftblade wrote:
You took one too many levels of monk, you only need 18 to get +60ft, and you forgot the +30ft from either expeditious retreat or haste, so 275ft, sprinting 1530ft in 6 seconds ![]()
![]() Atracious wrote:
Extend metamagic brings up another good point with corrosive consumption, how much damage would be done on the 4th, 5th and 6th turns? As a gm I would rule that since it's drawing out the spell it would instead do 1/level the first two turns, 1d4/level the second two and 1d6/level on the third turn, but I'd like an actual ruling if possible. Also, FAQing this because pretty soon the magus in my players will be high enough to use corrosive consumption and he crits on about a fourth of his spells. ![]()
![]() Volcanus3000 wrote:
Volcanus if you're claiming something is RAW can you please qoute or link what makes you think so, because your responce seems to be pure RAI. ![]()
![]() Obirandiath wrote:
In regards to getting into someone elses demiplane, you don't actually need to have been there, you just need to have a tuning fork attuned to the demiplane. How we play it you have to be on the plane to attune a fork to it, but you can always just steal the fork your enemy uses when he planeshifts to his own demiplane. ![]()
![]() "The plane cannot be dispelled, but a creature on the plane can destroy it by using limited wish, mage's disjunction, miracle, or wish and making a successful dispel check." I'm assuming you already knew that you can't dispel it with a normal dispel and were talking about the dispel check involed with casting a limited wish, mage's disjunction, miracle, or wish to destroy it. I'm just putting that little quote up there for those reading this who don't know. As for making the dispel check more dificult, you can cast Create Greater Demiplane to add the impeded magic trait to your plane and choose limited wish, mage's disjunction, miracle, and wish as the spells to be impeded. This will make it a little more dificult, requiring a concentration check of DC 20 + the level of the spell they're casting in order to destroy it. If they still manage to cast the spell, they have to succeed on the dispel check and since dispel magic say's "You can also use a targeted dispel to specifically end one spell affecting the target or one spell affecting an area (such as a wall of fire). You must name the specific spell effect to be targeted in this way. If your caster level check is equal to or higher than the DC of that spell, it ends. No other spells or effects on the target are dispelled if your check is not high enough to end the targeted effect." Pretty much anything you can do to improve the DC of whatever demiplane spell you cast to create the demiplane in the first place will make it harder to dispel. ![]()
![]() I know it's been more than a year since anyone's posted on this thread but I just had to put in my two cents, I always assumed the focus needed to cast create demiplane (A forked metal rod worth at least 500 gold) would be automatically considered 'tuned' to the demiplane, as it was used to create it. ![]()
![]() I don't think it would negate the concentration check, since getting hit can be pretty darn distracting, but pain has to factor into it some how seeing as the amount of damage you take is part of the concentration DC. Best I can figure is that it would be something like 10+spell level instead of 10+dmg+spell level, since the damage itself would no longer be distracting you. |