Brienna Soldado

DM Trav "Svetlana"'s page

5 posts. Alias of GM Trav.


"It would be so great to be done with them. We'd be in your debt. You can stay the night free." A big smile runs across her face. "Let me go get a bottle of wine to wash down the meal." She goes to cleaning off the table and returns a short time later with some wine, pouring each of you a glass.

The questions from Melismar begin to agitate her a little bit. Her gleaming eyes look down at the table. " Yes, they threatened us quite a bit. Oleg is so good to me, he stood up to them, but there were just too many. They were about to..." Tears begin to fill her eyes, "Cut his hand off!" She begins to sob, "But instead they took... my wedding ring as retribution." She composes herself a little as the group begins to talk amongst themselves. Oleg puts his arm around her and brings her in close, comforting her.

After Oropher's line of questioning she begins to speak again, "Oh yes, we sent word to Restov awhile a go. Recently a hunter came by and gave us wonderful news. He said that our petition would be approved shortly and we should have a contingent of our own here to protect us. These men are like clockwork. They show up the same day just an hour after dawn. All they want is to take and not have to work for it."

Svetlana blushes at Melismar's comments, "Why thank you for your kind words." She waits for a few seconds for Oleg to respond, but he remains tight lipped about the whole situation and focuses on eating. "Well when they first came three months ago there were a dozen or so bandits led by a cruel woman wielding two axes. I think her name was Kressel. Happs must be her boyfriend or something because she was really fond of him. He has led the last two groups of bandits here, each time with less men. Last month he only brought four others with him. All on horseback."

Svetlana scoops out the hearty stew and slops it into bowls, handing them out to each of you. She smiles as she speaks up again, "I'm so grateful you are here, but your timing couldn't be worse." Her smile dwindles as the thought of tomorrow consumes her mind, "Happs will be here tomorrow and will be coming for his share of what we have earned over the past month. It is mostly furs and trade goods though. We are able to save a little to get by." She sits down next to Oleg and swirls her spoon around in the stew, but doesn't take a bite.

"Oh I forgot the bread!" She runs in and grabs a fresh, warm loaf and hands each of you a chunk she meticulously pulls from it.

"You are welcome to stay the night here, but I'd keep my head down tomorrow morning at dawn."

Oleg grunts at the comment and continues to eat his stew. He is clearly not happy about the situation.

A middle-aged woman opens the door of the main hall with an apron on. "Oh darling! You didn't tell me we had visitors! Are these the guards..." She looks you over for a second, "Or maybe the adventurers that the hunter was talking about!" She smiles and reaches her hand out to greet each one of you, "I'm Svetlana. It is sooo good to see you." She nudges Oleg with her elbow but he just remains quiet.

"Well, I was cooking up some deer meat, but I can easily turn it into a stew. Have a seat. It'll be ready in just a few minutes!" She retreats back into the main hall to tend to dinner. Oleg takes a seat at a nearby table and just waits, staring at you all.