
DM Nabu's page

33 posts. Alias of Krinn.


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@Ynaeve Amryln
Pre-chosen, because technically you don't have those mythic tiers yet at the start of the game. They'll be granted on the first post.

I'd say no to implanted ioun stones. They have to revolve around your head to work, so if you implant them they cease to be effective.

Telling a tale about how you got your mantle of immortality is certainly cool for me.
Mithral Hall has just been conquered by demon-backed orcs after a 30-year long siege. I wouldn't be surprised if you (and Drizzt) died while defending the city to the last, allowing dwarven women and children to head deep underground for safety.
There's got to be a really irritated mythic dwarf after that...

@Thibbledorf Pwent
Sure, just add 14500 gp to the price of any belt that also raises strength and you get an improved version of Anaconda's Coils.
If you want to be sure about the age, you can indeed make him old or venerable and just buy a mantle of immortality!

Heh, thanks! I'd really like to be able to multitask so I can answer to every question and devote the same efforts to everyone... Tomorrow I'll update the list, perhaps with links to sheets and backstories for my own sanity :D
Let's see if hyperlinks do work for me now, just some music that I would likely listen to while writing off the story.
Two Steps From Hell - Archangel
Yay it works!

Then you can use the youngest fit and see if you can still be "young" instead of middle age. I doubt you'd be older than middle age anyway, and at this level a +1 or -1 to stats are not an issue anyway.
If you have Greater Overrun, you can use the feat during overruns, but not during bull rushes (unless you also take the improved bull rush feat) :)

@Viscount K
About the feat, I'd substitute Improved Overrun or Improved Bull Rush as prerequisites instead of worshiper of Gorum. You can make the extra attack if you have the related feat(s).
I have no problem with a charisma of 5.
If you wish to be accurate, you should find out his birth year. Dwarves take much time to age and a middle-aged dwarf (125-187 years using Pathfinder rules, though you can use the FR setting for dwarven ages) shouldn't be penalized. There's always the mantle of immortality if Pwent is THAT old! :)

Yeah you can refluff a dire panther such as Guen as a "big cat", using the druid's table.
Consider one of your traits taken then, call it "Drow Scimitar Training" or something, it's a racial trait for drows.
You can put another magical item on Guen, on the "neck" body slot, if you wish.

Good backstory!
As Belsiard said, I too think that it seems more suited to an inquisitor rather than a ranger or cleric, although it can surely fit any of these classes. Inquisitor is also good because it would let you play both a "ranger" via your bane and judgment abilities mimicking favored enemy and terrain, and a "cleric" with your domain powers and spells (you won't be able to cast the highest level spells, but still ok). I've seen all three classes in play with a similar concept running, and if you never played an Inquisitor, perhaps this could be your chance to try. Bookkeeping is a non issue in a PbP, really :)
I'll send you an item depending on which character you plan to use :)

If you died before 1408, when the deities were still silent, you're out of luck. You have to die during 1408 or 1409 for the deity to acknowledge you.
Bahamut would be impressed if you managed to stay alive and fight in his name even after his silence.
Also, being alive through the past decades means that you got to experience the fiends cruelty and you'd be even more motivated to drive them off your homeplane.
About the item merge, you can do it by adding 50% to the price of the second item added. Some things cannot work this way, like a phylactery of positive channeling can't be merged with a phylactery of negative channeling, but unless you're doing something crazy like that it won't be a problem.

Can you please show me how you're managing to apply weapon finesse to your weapons? Are you using "refluffed" shortswords?
I didn't see you picking any trait or regional feat at 1st level. Maybe I can be persuaded to make a drow-only trait that treats scimitars as light weapons... You can get improved critical via scabbards of keen edges or a friendly caster, or in lieu of quick draw (which I think you keep to be able to use spells, see below).
About the spells/skirmisher thing, it's your character :) I personally think that 9 "spontaneous" skirmisher tricks might see more use than 10 "prepared" spells that you must choose each day like a wizard, not to mention that tricks do not steal your standard actions and don't require a free hand for somatic components. Ranger spells are better if you're planning on using many wands and scrolls, however, and instant enemy is any ranger's wet dream. Ultimately it's up to you.

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you have a PM

A Balor has DR 15/cold iron and evil. A +1 holy longsord won't bypass the DR because it isn't cold iron. A +3 holy longsword would, because the +3 takes care of the cold iron part.

Potions of protection from evil are indeed very common items.
But that always on item would cost at very least 8000 gp (+2 deflection) plus 4000*1.5 = 6000 gp (+2 resistance) plus 4000?*1.5 = 6000? gp (ad hoc pricing here, for immunity to some mind affecting spells and contact with summoned creatures) for a total of 20000 gp. Price halved because it only works against evil (although it's a fairly large percentage of foes) and 10'000 gp is a much more reasonable price for such an item.

Nice backstory, although it still lacks your own death and why you chose to follow Mystra instead of, say, Aerdrie Faenya :)

Hey, Pathfinder bards are perhaps the most powerful classes available! :P

Since I have 4 full sheets with backstories, I'm putting the deadline at February 28th. I'll make my picks on March 1st, using these guidelines in order.

- I'll choose 5 characters. 4 is the absolute minimum but I think I'll have at least one more sheet ready in no time :)
- No deity will have more than 1 Chosen.
- A good backstory will make me want to choose you and it's a good meter to see how you like your character's life and not only his numbers. Good is bound to be subjective though, but as long as I see that you put some effort on your backstory and it's believable (you don't get to kill Asmodeus) and consistent (you can't be an Aasimar born off a Half-Fiend, not alive at least), it's good for me. I'll put the same effort studying the cool item that is my answer to the background :)
- Character power and survivability will make the deity more likely to choose your character. If a character is weak, the deity would just wait and look for her champion elsewhere in this moment of need. If you or I think that your character is weak, you can (ab)use me for advices. I like building characters (and NPCs) very much.
- The party should be the most versatile possible to ensure that everyone gets his chance to shine and the group as a whole will have multiple ways to handle any problem it faces. I'll try and put together a party that can do the following: buff, debuff, control the battlefield, deal damage, soak damage, use most skills, heal, prevent/remove afflictions, move fast within the setting and beyond.

There's a reason I gave an order on this, however. Even if you are the only healer in list, you still have to earn your place with a cool story and decent sheet :)

Spells known will be fixed but you can keep some leftover money to buy other stuff after you meet the others.

@Ynaeve Amrylin
The fiends moved physically into the Prime Material throughout portals, so they're not treated as summoned or called, unless they're actually summoned or called through magic, this means that they die for good when they're actually killed.
The fiends still have the extraplanar trait while in the Prime however, so Banishment, Holy Word and Dismissal all work fully against them.
Where's that ring from? I can't find it in the Ultimate Equipment and its pricing seems also rather off for the benefits: continual +2 resistance and +2 deflection to AC against 33% of all creatures (and I'm being generous with that 33%), plus extra immunities for just 2000 gp reminds me of that ring of mage armor that provides +4 armor to AC for 2000 gp, sorry but that item won't exist in that form. However, potions of protection from evil are rather cheap at 50 gp each and they can easily last one full encounter.
I'd add some cold iron and silver to those weapons as well, since the meanest fiends also have that kind of damage reduction... +3 holy would be the best in that case since a +3 weapon bypasses silver and cold iron damage reductions. And no, +1 evil outsider bane doesn't count as a plain +3 toward the damage reduction bypass. :)

Here's a list of applications for which I've received at least a sheet or a background, or there's at least more than a token post for interest.

  • Nightskies - Drizzt (Ranger?) - Chosen of Mielikki - no sheet, no background (canon stops at 1374)
  • Rokku - Bard - Chosen of Lliira - no sheet, no background
  • Vuvu - Belsiard (Bard) - Chosen of Finder Wyvernspur - ok sheet, ok background, item delivered
  • Finkmilkana - Tarwas (Magus) - Chosen of Corellon Larethian - ok sheet, ok background, item delivered
  • Nidoran Duran - Feardorcha (Bard) - Chosen of Oghma - ok sheet, ok background, item delivered
  • Lady Zaldane - Paladin - Chosen of Sune - no sheet, no background
  • Lord Manticore - Barid (Rogue) - Chosen of Tymora - partial sheet, partial background
  • Stiehl9s - Paladin - Chosen of Torm - no sheet, no background
  • Ynaeve Amryln - Wizard - Chosen of Mystra - no sheet, no background
  • Tenro - Bariel (Ninja) - Chosen of Kelemvor - ok sheet, ok background, item delivered
  • Viscount K - Thibbledorf (Barbarian) - Chosen of Clangeddin Silverbeard - no sheet, no background (canon stops at 1374)
  • LazarX - Gareth (Arcane Trickster) - Chosen of Mystra - ok sheet, no background

The bold ones are the first 4 submission that are complete, save perhaps for some minor crunch details.
Mystra won't have two Chosen, so in case she chooses one, the other won't be part of the game automatically.
If you wish to chat in private about your character, feel free to send me a PM!
Any question, feel free to ask :)

I'm reading the backstory today, both yours and your deity's. Based upon that, I'll have the deity craft a fitting custom item for you :)

Yes, that's the idea. However, the item will probably be something new. If it happens to be an upgraded version of an item in your possession, then you can spend your money elsewhere.

Gruumsh is chaotic evil. Obould is chaotic evil. No please, I asked for no evil in the OP.

@Viscount K
Each dwarven deity could have one Chosen. Just pick the deity that you think is more closely matched to your character and the way you want to play him :)

Guenhwyvar is an Astral panther that can be called via the figurine. I wouldn't be surprised if Drizzt found some way to bind her to the Material Plane, to avoid hurting her each time she is called. That way, you can have Guenhwyvar as a normal animal companion for your ranger. Does the idea interest you?
If I were to build Drizzt, I think Ranger 15 is both a simpler and a more accurate way to represent him. A number of ranger archetypes from the Advanced Player's Guide also look fitting. Beast Master is a cheap archetype that makes Guenhwyvar as strong as a full druid's animal companion. Infiltrator might also be fitting if you think that Drizzt shouldn't have favored terrain and instead focus more on his favored enemies (a minor point, it says "At 8th, 13th, and 15th-level..." while I think it's a typo and should read "At 8th, 13th, and 18th-level..." since it's a replacement of favored terrain). Skirmisher is also good if you don't see Drizzt casting any ranger spells and relying on his wits and instinct instead. You can have all these archetypes at once, or maybe just one or two...

@Steven T. Helt
I think the Foehammer archetype for Dwarven Fighters is what you're looking for.
Or did you want something specific from the 3.5 PrC?

Yeah don't worry about where you lived or died, deities can put you together no matter where.

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Wow so many new posts :D

@Viscount K
There's a Drizzt application, I really can't veto a Thibbledorf application now, can I? :)
As I said somewhere earlier, in this timeline canon stops in 1374 when the portals to the lower planes appeared, the deities became silent and the planes went awry. Whatever happened since is your domain and I fully expect a creative background that shows what you did till 1409. As far as my little knowledge about him goes, the little dwarf has been well and alive in 1374, save for his scent, of course.
In short, forget canon, the fiends ruined it all :)

@Barid Naismith.
If you ask a caster to craft an item for you, he will sell the item at its full price. You only get the reduced price if you can craft it yourself by rolling a natural one on the check.
Those prices are not correct. Weapon special abilities don't cost a flat amount of gp that you just add together. For example, shocking burst is equivalent to a +2, and a simple +2 weapon does indeed cost 8000 gp, but a +2 shocking burst weapon costs like a +4 weapon (+2 from its enhancement plus +2 from the special ability) or 32000 gp, not 8000+8000=16000 gp. You add the modifiers together and calculate the final cost based off the total modifier.
The most you can have out of a weapon is a +5 equivalent one, so you can have, say, your Cotumo be +3 keen rapier of evil outsider bane and it would cost 50320 gp. If you want to pay any less, a +2 keen rapier of evil outsider bane would cost 32320 gp and it's a +4 equivalent weapon. Similarly for your other weapon.

I'll be honest, I'm not overly interested about the accuracy of an elf's lifespan, it's not like you'll need to worry about dying of old age during this kind of adventure anyway. 600 year old means venerable and that's it for me :)
About the mantle, I was just lazy and didn't read carefully about the body slot. I won't change it, I just assumed (wrongly) it occupied the "shoulders" slot because "mantle" to me is the same as "cloak". Lathander knows I made this very same mistake with headbands of charisma and circlets of persuasion :)

Cool concept! Have you considered an Inquisitor instead of a Ranger perhaps? It's just that every time I consider an Inquisitor, he just screams "retribution" to me :)

@Ynaeve Amryln
I'm sorry, but no to peri-blooded aasimar, they're not within the sources allowed.
While I like the background differences that different heritages might give to different aasimars, I don't like the "cherry-pick" thing that comes off their crunch translation. Who would play, say, a half-elf, when you could just choose the aasimar that gives a bonus to the preferred stat plus extras?
Feel free to use the Alternate Racial Traits present in the ARG and say that your ancestry dates back to a Peri, if you so wish, or any celestial preference, but Aasimars are one race.
Dimension door (and other similar abilities) is affected just like any other teleportation effect. If you have to step into the Astral Plane even for a split second and your starting point or destination is within the Material Plane or one of the Inner Planes currently adjacent to the Material Plane, bad things will probably happen, as described in the first post. Outer planes are not affected.
The problem with such an item as you described is that if your character can craft it, soon the demons and the devils would have it as well. You could certainly craft a continuous Necklace of Planar Adaptation for the cost you correctly calculated, but you'd need to specify a single plane for which it works at the moment of creation, so it won't help to avoid all possible effects due to an Astral mishap. You can devote multiple spell slots to protect yourself (or the whole party) from the most harmful planes (negative energy plane and quasielemental plane of dust look like the worst ones), with a rod of extension you can get them to work for 30 hours minimum each, or you can just study your spellbook again and refresh your spell slots by spending a Mythic Point.
As a comparison, a simple pearl of power V costs 25000 gp, and it lets you cast Planar Adaptation one more time per day, 49000 gp and you get a Pearl of Power VII for the mass version. Cheaper and easier. :)

As long as I get to read your backstory and crunch somewhere, works for me. Once we start, though, anyone participating would have to write his sheet on his playing alt, eventually, just to save me a headache :)

@Steven T. Helt
Isn't Shar an evil-aligned deity? Please, no evil deities and no evil characters :) Think about what would happen if a Chosen of Mystra and a Chosen of Shar entered a tavern together...

@Everyone who submitted a (lengthy) background!
Phew! I came back home a bit later than expected, and I'm glad I have so much to read, I actually love reading good backstories!
However, I'm afraid I'll read them all after a good night of sleep so you'll have to wait till tomorrow for a PM with my feedback :) With all the material you gave me, at least 4 sheets would probably be mostly complete, so I'll set a deadline tomorrow for next week. That means everyone will have time till the end of the month to hone the particulars.

Choosing the Chosen on March 1st looks like a good omen :) So many things happened that day...

Leadership is an available feat, but you'd get a 13th level cohort at most (and that's with very high charisma), with NPC stats (elite array) and NPC equipment. I wonder how much she'd survive.

Feel free to submit your bard. I can't guarantee that the party will have 3 bards out of 5 characters, that will depend on how well rounded the party is and whether all 3 bards have good reason to be Chosen of their deities :)

@Steven T. Helt
This is not closed yet, you have at *very* least a week, but I'll set a deadline when I gather 4 sheets complete with background :)
Just make sure you are the first to call dibs on your deity.

@Lady Zaldane
Sounds good to me. Where could I find your sheet, in case I want to take a peek? :)

Antimagic Field, Disjunction and other nasty things may happen to your mantle, and it also prevents you from wearing a cloak of resistance +5 (although you can add some resistance effects with increased price, adding +2 resistance would mean +6000 gp) :)
I already rolled in secret for your maximum age and that might also become an issue. 50'000 gp for +3 to mental stats are hardly a problem when you're still playing a hybrid melee/caster. Besides, it's a cool concept and it still costs you 20% of your budget.

@Nidoran Duran
If you think your AC might be low, just take a look at average to-hit scores for foes of 15-20 CR (monster creation section in the bestiary), they have 24-30 bonus to hit if they are mostly melee. I will NOT choose a character over another based upon optimization. Instead, I might give some advice to help if I sense that the character's life might be in jeopardy. A piece of advice for everyone: don't make constitution a dump stat :)

@Barid Naismith
Cool! I'll look at everything as soon as I get back from work tonight!
I just took a quick glance at your weapons, and I see that your pricing is off. A +3 keen corrosive burst flaming burst bane (demon) rapier (I guess demon bane is same as evil outsider bane, so you'd get the benefit against devils as well) would have the cost as a +9 rapier (around 162300 gp) for you have to add together the "+ costs" of weapon special abilities before calculating the final price: keen is +1, corrosive burst is +2, flaming burst is +2, evil outsider bane is +1 and +3+1+2+2+1 = +9.
Also, I don't know how you can craft your own magic items without being a caster yourself and lacking any item creation feats.

Good! Can't wait to look at your backstory :)

Ok, I'll take a look at your backstory and sheet when I get bagk from work as well :) There is no such thing as "too long backstory"

Any item from the deity will be given after the character's background is done.

I wrote something more on post #50 if you happen to miss it.

Canon stops in 1374 DR, when fiendish portals appear. Feel free to rethink his deeds in the past 35 years. Catti-brie might die to the hands of some evil outsider, your call. Whatever happens to Drizzt and his friends since 1374 is yours to decide, but Drizzt will have to die at the end in order to Ascend.
Full plate would likely slow him down, unless you spend a couple mythic abilities to let him ignore armor-related penalties. Another option would be celestial chainmail, probably the best light armor around.

@Ynaeve Amryln
Ah, a wizard Chosen of Mystra, that brings to mind memories... :D
Waterdeep is indeed still a bastion of freedom, perhaps the only metropolis not yet claimed by a fiend. Luskan is under demonic domain, while devils lurk in Neverwinter. The fiends have battled each other for a long time, mostly leaving Waterdeep alone. Some clashes with devils happened but nothing that the Watchful Order couldn't handle. For the most part, it feels like Waterdeep is being ignored. Or perhaps, someone bargained for the safety of the city and its inhabitants. Most problems went from the City of the Dead, as undead went rampaging for decades, strenghtened by the Negative Energy Plane influence and spreading undeath any time they killed a citizen. Only in the last year had their foul presence been cleansed from the land, thanks to the renewed divine presence in the clergy. Disease spread through the metropolis and the undead just made it worse, no doubt these two things alone weakened the city more than the Blood War ever could.

As Ynaeve said, it's class 15 and mythic 5.
As you gain experience, you can level up to class 16.
As you do mythic deeds, you can get to mythic tier 6.
The two progressions are separated, although it's clear that a mythic deed would probably grand a lot of xp as well!
However, class 15 and mythic 5 is like "class 20" when I, as a DM, plan for appropriate challenges. You still get xp for defeating high level challenges, so leveling up should be quick and a matter of relatively few encounters, even if you're on "slow advancement".

@Nidoran Duran
Well, having a character "done right" doesn't mean "you'll be chosen for sure". On the other side of the spectrum, having a badly done character is a guaranteed way to stay out of the game :) I hope that I'll have at least 4 good characters, because that's the minimum I'll run the game with. I'll start with up to 5 characters and if one or two go MIA, I'll send a PM to those who didn't make it and find a replacement, sent from a late deity.

@Lord Manticore
The deadline will be "as soon as I get 4 character sheets full with backstory" plus one week. I expect that I'll get those 4 sheets in about a week, so I foresee a deadline of about two weeks. I don't want hastily done sheets, these are equivalent to level 20 characters and I know how long it can be to build one, especially spellcasters.

I'd love to see the math behind your stats somewhere on the sheet, so I don't have to deconstruct your ability scores to see how you originally spent your 20 points :)

@Lord Manticore
Good for me, it seems that you only need to write about how you died and maybe other details at your own discretion :)

I missed your sheet so I'll comment on it now.
High level characters have indeed very high values on stuff they focus on. Mythic Tiers also work as additional levels, so you should wield the power to beat CR 20 encounters using your mythic powers. You're going to put the planes back to their natural order, solve a puzzle of cosmological size, fight all sort of planar creatures and come back in front of your deities to tell the tale, we're not talking about low-level apprentices here ;)

@Lord Manticore
Good so far, but you might want to add how he dealt with the fiendish invasion. Hunting followers of Beshaba might seem of lower importance when the countryside is being swarmed by demons, unless you're living among the few lucky people who still live in peace...

Well, solving the planar mess should require way more than a one-shot. It may be very short, if the five of you wish to defeat all the fiendish armies in battle. Or it may be very long if you get stuck with no idea on how to proceed and wander cluelessly through random portals in Sigil. Or it may still last an adequate amount of time to develop the story and let you levelup a bit, perhaps you'll also earn a few more Mythic Tiers, but that depends heavily on how you're going to solve the Mythic issues you'll eventually face down the road.

@Lord Manticore
Your rogue's background is too small for me to judge yet, but you can certainly add more to it! Choose one deity that fits your character's play style and write a backstory that'd give the deity in question a reason to choose you over another :)
You can add the 5 mythic tiers right away, you didn't have them before your death, but as soon as you finish reading the first post about you, you'll have them so no need to wait for that.
In short, don't consider them for your backstory and your build choices, but you can add them just after you finish your 15th level sheet.

I'm sorry, but if you want the memories of a 600-year-old elf, you have to be a 600-year-old elf, and in that case, bonuses for old age wouldn't get canceled in any way. There are ways around this, however.
You can have Greater Age Resistance cast on you on a daily basis but it's a 7th level spell so you can't add it to the Magus Spell List, and the lesser versions aren't enough to avoid penalties for venerable age. The

Mantle of Immortality:
Mantle of Immortality

Price 50,000 gp; Aura strong transmutation; CL 17th; Weight 1 lb.

This elegant cape, trimmed in gold in a pattern resembling an ancient maze, forestalls the negative effects of aging. The wearer no longer suffers penalties to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution from being of middle age or older . The penalties return if the robe is removed (or its powers suppressed), and the sudden weight of years is so traumatic that the wearer must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or be exhausted for 24 hours. Donning the robe again removes the age penalties, but does not remove this exhaustion, which must pass on its own or be remedied with magic.

Construction Requirements

Cost 25,000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, greater age resistance

provides you with such a benefit continuously.
You can have Temporal Stasis cast on you by a friend when you were young and somehow get freed when your people needed your help to reclaim Myth Drannor. Pay for a single casting of the Temporal Stasis spell and a Dispel Magic of the same level (should be 6650 gp) and you can remain frozen in time for centuries.

There are no new updates that I know of.
One thing that's described later on that topic is that the extra standard action from amazing initiative can't be used to cast a second spell in a round. Other than that, everything is in the first post.

Since they're setting specific allowed, I can see a Lawful Good Paladin of Sune as an exception to the within-one-step alignment rule, so go for it!
There's a mythic feat that lets you take two different paths at the same time, so the choice can be easier.

Elven Thinblade is not much different from a Katana, mechanically. It gets "finessable" instead of "deadly" and piercing instead of slashing, that's it. Not earth-shattering.
I'm normally loathe to allow 3.5 stuff (Forgotten Realms regional feats notwithstanding), but since Elven Curve Blades exist anyway, there's no good reason for Elven Thin Blades not to, so go for it!

you can PM me the backstory and put the crunch here if you wish
That way, I can look it up regardless of my actual position on this planet :)

Versatile Performance is overrated when you have so many skill points anyway. Inspire Courage and Naturalist are almost the same mechanically: the former raises weapon damage, the latter raises saves and AC. I don't see any downgrade, but the choice is yours :)

You can also use the existing stats for an Elven Thinblade (1d8 damage, finessable, 18-20/x2 crit). It's an exotic weapon, but an elf treats it as a martial weapon per weapon familiarity.
You can call your rapier an elven thinblade, but it'd still only deal 1d6 damage.

Archivist leans even more heavily on Knowledge, "lamentable belaborment" and "pedantic lecture" just make me laugh :D

Yeah I got the Mythic Marshal reference earlier, no problem :)

Some further info...

I'm not using Mythic weaknesses, also make sure you read the Mythic Update
I'll choose based upon the likelihood that your deity would actually Choose you, and that depends on your backstory and your build. Tempus wouldn't choose a Merciful Healer Cleric or anyone who seeks peace in his background, for instance. Also, I'll try and choose a balanced, well rounded party. That doesn't mean that two members of the same class are bound to be mutually exclusive, a Sandman Bard and an Archivist Bard look very different to me, for example.
As soon as I get 4 full character sheets with backstory, I'll give a deadline for the following week, so everyone has time to complete their character.

@Nimon: Yes, using Forgotten Realms deities. Domains, subdomains and inquisitions for each would be a long list, so I'm shamelessly using this conversion I just googled. hfinder
I'm sure you could name your preferred inquisition and I'd come up with the deities that grant it.

@Kagehiro: What else would you use to mimic a Chosen? Mythic Rules are perfect for this :D

@Vuvu: as Rokku said, I'm not against multiclassing. I was just advising against it because Pathfinder seems to reward single classes. Feel free to build however you want, as long as it's legal... just keep in mind that you couldn't count on Mythic Tiers during your foreseeable life, those are a gift from your god :)
Finder Wyvernspur is a deity in his own right, so go for it!

Cormanthor has been under siege ever since a daemonic portal to the Gray Wastes appeared nearby. The Fey'ri who earlier occupied the region already had bounds with daemons, and were defeated just in time for the elves to restore the defensive powers of their Mythal. That Mythal is the very thing that has kept Myth Drannor from falling, but all sorts of fiends pour out of the portal on a daily basis. The elves also restored one of their portals leading to Evermeet, to make their return to Myth Drannor easier. Little did they know that they would have needed that portal to keep their City of Song, and that losing it would mean jeopardy for Evermeet itself. The Mythal, albeit weakened, still resists and no fiend can approach the city without harm.

All those random rolls affect creatures that teleport or are conjured into or out of the Prime Material (and possibly other inner planes). Outer Planes seem unaffected. There is no feat to avoid the planar mess, or most fiends, who can naturally teleport and summon their own kind, would have picked it up already.
That said, unless it travels through the Quasielemental Plane of Dust and breathes, a summoned critter shouldn't have many problems at these levels, it's just that the planes are really messed up and you'd better work to solve the issue before, say, the Prime Material takes on the Negative Energy Dominant trait from the Negative Energy Plane! :)
Just to make sure, the effects are the same for each use of a spell, so if you summon three different monsters, they all travel through the same environment.
The Gate spell bypasses the problem altogether, as do other permanent Portals.

Welcome aboard :)

Oh well, *the* Drizzt is indeed so cliché that it could actually fit for this adventure. :)
Don't feel required to strictly follow the 3.5 statistics though, "Pathfinder" Drizz't could easily be a full blown Ranger (since he was actually that in 1st and 2nd edition), maybe with some fitting archetype. Your choice, but Guenhwyvar tells me that she would likely enjoy some "real" animal companion benefits :)

Hi all!
I've been willing to try this since the Mythic Playtest has been available.

The setting for this adventure will be Forgotten Realms, 1409 DR, the Year of the True Omens. I'm following an alternate timeline in which the Spellplague never happened, and I'm also using the "Big Wheel" Cosmology rather than the Tree one.
Quick facts about what happened since 1372 DR that everybody knows.
During the fall of 1374, some big portals spontaneously showed up randomly through Faerun, linking the Material Plane to the Lower Planes. Demons and Devils swarmed off those portals and started battling their Blood War in the Material Plane, conquering most civilized lands and herding humanoids to gather their souls for their armies.
As soon as the first such portal opened, all deities became silent. Clerics couldn't receive new spells to battle the fiendish invasion, and most spells that involve planar travel started to malfunction, even instantaneous effects like Teleport became far riskier. The Chosen lost their special powers as the divine link that powered them was broken.
As a result, people panicked and entire realms became easy prey to Devil Dukes and Demonic Princes. The greatest heroes of Faerun either died, have been imprisoned by a fiend or went missing one way or the other.
In short, Faerun is overrun by devils and demons who treat sentient beings as animals to herd at best, collateral losses for their Blood War at worst.
But then, after years of waiting, something changed and the deities became active once again.
During 1407, the year of the Solitary Cloister, the few clerics who remained faithful to their gods received their spells anew and could commune with them. The fiends aren't going to leave their prey easily, but divine magic could be brought to bear against them.

Something strange and brutal happened to the planes, sages wonder if the Material Plane went into collision with the Lower Planes somehow, all while being mixed up with the Negative Energy Plane and its Quasielemental Planes within the Astral Plane. Cosmic balance seems so upset that no certain explanation can be given. Even the deities appear incapable to directly intervene and put things straight. Or can they?

Here are the 16 big questions.
1. What game system are you running (D&D, Call of Cthulu, Palladium, GURPS, etc.), and if applicable what edition (Original, Classic, Revised, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th, etc.)? Pathfinder

2. What 'type' or variant of game will it be (i.e. "Shadow Chasers" or "Agents of Psi" for d20 Modern)? What is the setting for the game (eg. historic period, published or homebrewed campaign setting, alternate reality, modern world, etc.)? Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, usual timeline till 1372 then apocalyptic fiendish invasion, and you get to play the Chosen of your deity.

3. How many Players are you looking for? Will you be taking alternates, and if so, how many? 4-5 Players would be perfect. It will be clear from the start that you are meant to work together, to discover what caused this cosmic mess.

4. What's the gaming medium (Forum, chat, e-mail etc.)? This Forum

5. What is the characters' starting status (i.e. experience level)? Level 15 with additional 5 Mythic Tiers. Your Ascension will be in the very first post for your character, as your deity grants you the status of Chosen, hence the full 5 Mythic Tiers.

6. How much gold or other starting funds will the characters begin with? 240000 gp, no single item can be worth more than 60000 gp and no Mythic Items. In addition, you'll get one free custom Mythic Item based off your deity portfolio and your abilities that the deity will give you at the very first post for your character. You'll know which item this will be in advance (I'll send you a PM), it could be an advanced version of an item already in your possession which then wouldn't count toward your wealth. You can "craft" your own magic items (so you pay for their cost, not market price) if you succeed on a roll of 1, and you may not take into account any Mythic bonus, since technically you were at most level 15 with no Mythic Tier at the time of crafting.

7. Are there any particular character classes, professions, orders, etc. that you want... or do not want? What are your rules on 'prestige' and/or homebrewed classes? Any class or archetype that's available in the PRD here at paizo is good for me with the possible exception of guns: their functioning is a well kept secret that only gnomes devoted to Garl Glittergold can master, so if you make a non-gnome gunslinger you'll have to write a good reason for the character to exist.

8. What races, subraces, species, etc. are allowed for your game? Will you allow homebrewed races or species? 'Prestige' races or species? Any Forgotten Realms race, but you'll have to use the Pathfinder conversion. For Genasi, use Ifrits, Oreads, Undines and Sylphs. If there is no conversion, you can use the ARG rules to make the best fit (subject to approval), but anything with more than 17 Racial Points means you get a level penalty because you're playing a powerful race. Try not to overdo this, you can easily play your "wood elf" as a core elf with some forest related racial traits such as "woodcraft" or "silent hunter", but an Avariel would indeed need some tweaking.

9. By what method should Players generate their attributes/ability scores and Hit Points? 20 point buy using Pathfinder Rules. Hit points as in Pathfinder Society: first hit dice maximized, then d6=4 d8=5 d10=6 d12=7, plus CON modifier of course. Don't forget to add in your extra ability score bumps and your extra hit points from the Mythic Tiers.

10. Does your game use alignment? What are your restrictions, if so? Alignments are in use. Good Aligned characters are preferred. Neutral characters are ok but you must write down in your background that you're a team player. No Evil Alignment. In addition, your alignment must be within one step of your patron deity.

11. Do you allow multi-classing, or have any particular rules in regards to it? Standard Multiclass Rules. However, I advice against multiclassing, since Pathfinder isn't well suited for it.

12. Will you be doing all of the die rolling during the course of the game? Will die rolls be altered, or left to the honor system? If players can make die rolls, which ones do they make, how should they make the rolls, and how should they report them? You can use the site's built in die roller. I will make my rolls in private.

13. Are there any homebrewed or optional/variant rules that your Players should know about? If so, list and explain them, or provide relevant links to learn about these new rules. Mythic Playtest rules are used, with their update that can be found on this site here.
On the Material Plane, the following changes occurr.
Teleportation, Summoning and Calling spells and abilities (anything that involves a brief travel through the Astral Plane, really) have a random chance of working properly or cause the targets of the spell to briefly travel through an inner plane connected to the negative energy plane with less than healthy results: I'll roll 1d6, 1 = normal travel, 2 = through the negative energy plane (fort DC 25 or get 1 negative level), 3 = through the quasielemental plane of Vacuum (fort DC 25 to avoid 3d6 damage as your lungs implode), 4 = through Dust (fort DC 25 to avoid 1d6 CON damage and 1d6 rounds of stunning due to sneezing and choking), 5 = through Ash (2d6 cold damage, no save), 6 = through Salt (2d6 damage from dehydration, no save). Astral Projection or similar spells have a similar chance to bring the targets to such an Inner Plane instead of the Astral Plane. As a result, most fiends avoid using their teleportation and summoning abilities while in the Material Plane, unless they're really in dire need.
Spells with the Evil descriptor function at +2 caster level.
Spells with the Good descriptor are impeded (you have to succeed at a DC 20+spell level concentration check or lose the spell).
Spells and spell-like abilities that use negative energy function at +2 caster level. Class abilities that use negative energy, such as channel negative energy, gain a +4 bonus to the save DC to resist the ability.
Spells and spell-like abilities that use positive energy (including cure spells) are impeded (you have to succeed at a DC 20+spell level concentration check or lose the spell). Characters on this plane take a –10 penalty on saving throws made to remove negative levels bestowed by an energy drain attack.
The Material Plane is now strongly Evil Aligned, so a –2 circumstance penalty applies on all Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based checks made by all non-evil creatures.
The spell Planar Adaptation can be used to avoid these environmental effects, even if you're native of the Prime, but it won't stop teleportation mishaps, unless you also use Planar Adaptation with regards to the Negative Energy Plane and the Quasielemental Planes.

14. Is a character background required? If so, how big? Are you looking for anything in particular (i.e. the backgrounds all ending up with the characters in the same city)? Pick a good or neutral deity. All submitted characters should pick a different deity, since any deity will have just one Chosen. That deity is your patron deity throughout your life despite her silence. You don't have to be paladin-like devoted to her (she has been silent for almost 40 years after all) but you should at very least uphold her tenets, morality and ethic. She has Chosen you among other believers, so you must be worthy. Whatever your backstory is, you will die at the end of it, only to end up in front of your deity for your Ascension. In your backstory, give me good reasons as to why your deity would Choose you.

15. Does your game involve a lot of hack & slash, puzzle solving, roleplaying, or a combination of the above? A combination of the above. The entire adventure as a whole is a big puzzle for you do decypher, and there will be epic battles for sure, especially if you wish to help the few remaining indipendent regions on Faerun against the fiends.

16. Are your Players restricted to particular rulebooks and supplements, or will you be allowing access to non-standard material? What sources can Players use for their characters? Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, Advanced Race Guide, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Equipment and Bestiaries are available for use. If you wish a Mythic feat, spell or ability that's not present in the playtest, feel free to ask.
Also, you get 2 traits from here ( ), or a single Regional Feat from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting as a bonus feat. The Regional Feat could need some tweaking to make it fit within Pathfinder rules so let me know if you wish for one to be updated.