Gold Dragon

DM Malvoisin - Dungeonaday's page

32 posts. Alias of Malvoisin.


Branding Opportunity wrote:


I know you have mentioned that you will try not to use combat maps. Kellith has been specifically created with the Cleave feat, and will if at all possible position himself to take advantage of this. How would you like to resolve this?



Yeah, that's one issue with going mapless isn't it? Makes stuff like Cleave, flanking, AOO's and the like a bit tricky.

Let me think on it.

What's the plan guys?

Huh...well, I think you could still use Invisible Castle without logging in, if I'm not mistaken. I just like that site, because it makes it so easy to link back to your rolls. But, if it's troublesome for you, I understand.

Uran Jan wrote:

"Should we knock on them to see if anyone is inside? Tikk, do you smell anyone?"

does Tikk smell anything behind the doors?

Tikk definitely seems agitated by the odors in this area, but since the whole area is so perfused with smells, it's hard for the wolf to localize anything in particular.


I don't really need you to e-mail die roll results to me, and you can use that other site if you want.

Out of curiosity, though, what specifically was the problem in using Invisible Castle?

Proceeding northward down the stairs, the party sees an ancient hall of mortared stone which stretches before them, littered with small bits of rotten, splintered wood and grimy tatters of cloth. A dim torch in a sconce ahead reveals a number of wooden doors, all closed. It stinks of urine and sweat here.


Spot Check: DC 19

A string runs between the east and west walls ahead, where the corridor narrows to 20' wide, and proceeds north.

Rurik Ungart wrote:

Rurik carefully searches the north stairs.

Search: 1d20+4=20

The stairs look clear to Rurik's keen eye.

Marcus Thayd wrote:
Marcus's eyes glisten as he tries to feel the world around him. detect evil down each hallway

No aura of evil to be found near here.

Looks like the majority are leaning toward going north, so unless there is a mass change of opinion, the next post will take you that direction, tomorrow morning.

Davi, thanks for the fixes. Rurik is done now. :)


I had a look at Sevegny, and wanted to clarify a couple of things.

First, her skills...I couldn't quite get the numbers to match what you have. Could you break down exactly where her 12 skill ranks were assigned? Also, could you include Armor Check Penalties to the relevant skills? That would help too. Finally for skills, don't forget her Skill Focus bonus to Bluff.

Second, the damage for her weapons didn't look quite right. Maybe an artifact from a previous build?

Thanks for taking another look!


I had a look at Rurik, noticed a couple of points.

1. Due to his speed of 20', he takes a -6 penalty to Jump checks, for a net total of -5, including ACP.

2. He knows one too many languages.

I wouldn't mind if you could add his Touch and Flat-Footed armor class, as well, please.

Finally, I thought I'd mention that technically he would not be proficient with the morningstar. However, I'll allow him to use it as though he were proficient, just because I like the flavor of it. :D


I noticed that Marcus' ability score totals come to a 26 point buy. Can you have another look at that, please?

I'll hold off in looking at the rest of his sheet for now...


I noted a few issues with Lyria's character sheet:

1. She can have one more feat

2. She can have four more skill points

3. She knows one too many languages (unless you wanted to some of those unspent skill points in Speak Languages)

EDIT: She also has one extra 0-level spell memorized.

If you could, please double check these matters, thanks!

Okay, starting to go over character sheets now...

First up: Kellith

Only problem I see, BrOp, is that his Grapple score should be +4 (STR Bonus plus BAB). Everything else looks great.

Kellith wrote:

In a 10' corridor (which we seem to be about to walk down), Kellith will let the dwarf lead (so he can "find" the traps), with the paladin directly behind the dwarf and Kellith to his right or left (whichever side the dwarf isn't on). Does that make sense?

Also, how long a journey on foot is it back to the village?

Makes sense! Considering that I'm not planning on making battle maps for most combats, I just need a general idea of where everybody is. That works fine.

The town of Brindenford is two miles from the ruins of the keep.

Kellith doesn't hear any sound coming from any of the three directions.

Branding Opportunity wrote:


What are we doing about rolling dice? Invisible Castle?



Invisible Castle would be terrific.

Hey guys, FYI, I placed the player's intro on my profile, and also a link to the dungeon map, which I will keep updated as you go. Hopefully, it will make reference easier.

Nice intro posts from everyone, keep up the good work. :)

With nothing more to be said, it is time to take the plunge. Within moments, two torches have been lit and are blazing away in the hands of Uran and Sevegny. Rurik leads the way, and the group descends down the stairs into the dungeon.

The worn stone steps descend some 20 feet, and emerge into a small entry chamber. From here, the flickering torchlight reveals that three more sets of stairs extend downward to the north, east, and west.

Which way?


Be aware that the scale of this map is 10' per square, so it's bigger than it may look.

It's dark down there...anybody got a light?

JZ wrote:
Thank you DM ! I'll finish work on Sevegny later today.

No prob, JZ.

Don't let the fact that she's not done yet stop you from introducing her in the game thread. :)

As everybody posts in character and makes ready to descend into the dungeon, please include a description of your character in the first post.

Also, if everybody could give me a general idea of party position...i.e., in front, in the middle, in the rear. Thanks!

Hi guys,

I couldn't wait any longer, I wanted to get this thing started. The IC thread is live! I know there are still sheets to approve, but I'll take care of that on the fly.

I just skipped the meet and greet, and took the liberty of placing you right at the entrance to the dungeon. This way, we can dive right in. The town of Brindenford will receive further development later.

Also, I wanted to give each PC a rumor, something they overheard in town. True or false? Wait and see...


While they built what is now known as Dragon's Delve, the dwarves fashioned an ancient prison of secret, supernatural construction to hold some of the strange creatures they encountered.


In some of the deepest reaches of Dragon's Delve lies the Secret City, a place so ancient that Queen Ryssa's dwarves found it when they originally dug down to find the mystic stone that fell from the sky... and so bizarre that they fled when they discovered it.


Somewhere within the winding confines of Dragon's Delve lies a magical portal to the lost island of Khorant. No other means exists to reach this mysterious locale located somewhere on the Sea of Eternal Storms.


The upper levels of the dungeon are choked with poisonous fungus spores.


The dragon Metterak, from whom Dragon's Delve gets its name, is dead, slain by Sir Signar Fuen.


Glarias, the Moon Goddess was once worshipped in the region, but now her followers have virtually disappeared.

Player Introduction

Maybe you first heard the name in a tavern well after closing time, as two old adventurers, well past their prime, spoke of it in hushed tones. Maybe it was from your own mother, who swore she'd send you there when you misbehaved. Perhaps you read the name in an ancient tome of history and lore illuminated by flickering candlelight late at night as the wind howled outside. Wherever you first heard of the place, you have long heard tales of Dragon's Delve.

A vast underground dungeon of labyrinths and catacombs, built perhaps by dwarves or perhaps by wizards--or maybe even dragons--Dragon's Delve is infamous among treasure-hunters and monster-slayers. Filled with deadly danger and ancient treasures, the dungeon offers both risk and reward in equal amounts, each growing more intense the deeper one goes. How much peril is worth risking for how much return? It's all up to those brave enough to try.

The tales of Dragon's Delve teem with contradictions and unbelievable anecdotes of impossible encounters and bizarre monstrosities. And yet, some of it all must be true. Do demonic cultists really use Dragon's Delve as a secret base? Is there truly some kind of ambient magic seeping up through the place? Did wizards of old hoard away powerful artifacts in the dungeon's vaults? Do gateways to remote lands and even other planes of existence really lie somewhere in Dragon's Delve? Does the prince of all dragonkind really hold court in the deepest reaches of the subterranean stronghold? No one knows for certain, but those that could find the answers to even some of these questions, or learn even a few of the dungeon's other secrets, might earn for themselves notoriety and wealth beyond imagining.

If they survive.

Dragon's Delve lies in a remote corner of a long-forsaken wilderness that people once called the Duchy of Chordille. Yet a hundred years ago or more, the folk of the surrounding lands took up arms against Chordille. They razed the keep and slew the duke. It's hard now to find someone who knows the real reason why this happened. A few speak of evil intent on the part of the duke, who had plans for conquest. Others, however, say that the duke's actions were always benevolent, and that the conflict arose from misunderstanding, or perhaps deception on the part of some mysterious third party.

All that is known for certain is that folks call that remote realm the Fallen Duchy. It boasts no ruler and little population. Wilderness reclaimed Chordille, and it is now a land of dangers.

People in Brindenford, a small town just two miles to the north, claim that murderous humanoid creatures prowl those ruins. Goblins? Orcs? Worse? No one seems to know for sure, and eyewitness accounts are few, and always contradictory. They also claim that the place is both haunted and cursed.

So many questions. So many secrets.

If you dare to brave this ancient dungeon, go well equipped. Be ready for anything. Keep your eyes open, and search everywhere. Any passage or door you find could lead to wealth enough for you to retire. Or it could lead to certain doom.

But that's what being an adventurer is all about, right? This isn't an undertaking that you'll finish in one foray or even a dozen. This is the challenge of a lifetime. As someone thrilled at the prospect of exploring the unknown, incredible challenges, and the promise of gold and magic, Dragon's Delve is exactly where you've always wanted to go.
And now, six intrepid young adventurers stand amidst the ruins of Chordile Keep. This ruin offers no intact structures--only vine-grasped piles of stones, overgrown outlines of foundations, and the furtive hint of walls and arches. The entrance to the Dragon's Delve itself is little more than a twenty-foot wide open pit with an exposed stone stair that descends into darkness. Various explorers and treasure seekers have left the entrance well-cleared. Likewise, the observant adventurer may notice the remnants of cooking fires and other signs that previous delvers have made camp near this pit.

Each of you thinks back to recent days, how you all met in the taproom of the Lost Shepherd Inn in Brindenford. For your own reasons, your own interests, you were drawn to this town due to its proximity to the renowned dungeon. Knowing that you stood a better chance of survival in a group, rather than on your own, you banded together with five others of like interest. Finally, with weapons sharpened, spells ready, equipment purchased, you set out to the ruins of the keep. The journey was uneventful, but the anticipation kept you moving at a brisk pace.

And now, the darkness yawns open before you, beckoning you below...

Should have the IC thread up and running first of next week, guys.

Comments on character sheets still forthcoming.

Hi all,

Real Life kicked my butt something fierce today, so I didn't have time to start checking any sheets out. Keep on truckin', and I should be able to start digging in tomorrow. Thanks.

joegeek wrote:

Question: How do you deal with spell components?

I don't get too hung up on them, unless they're expensive. For the most part, you can assume that PCs have an ample supply. (No one wants to stop and wait for you to pick mushrooms, after all!)

If you guys could, please let me know when your sheets are ready for me to check over.

joegeek wrote:
Checking in, Thanks for the opportunity, I've been craving a good dungeon crawl a good long while!!

Well, if this doesn't satisfy that craving, I'm not sure what will! ;)

Rurik Ungart wrote:
Well, I'm going to get started now. Just checking, you do mean 25 point buy in the 3.5 manner, right?

Yep, 25 point buy, as per the 3.5 Dungeon Master's Guide.

Branding Opportunity wrote:
DM Malvoisin - Dungeonaday wrote:
Not sure, BrOp, it would depend on what you're interested in. Some of that material really changes the basic conventions of the game, and wouldn't work well unless everybody had the book. Let me know what you had in mind.

Well, for obviously selfish reasons I was thinking of the "Fighter Domain" rules with the associated feats. I am not suggesting changing to the "one feat per level" rule, as that would require a lot of other tweaking. Just thought that adding in the domains and the BoXM feats would be pretty unobtrusive, and give me something fun to play around with. I haven't gotten the chance to try them out in a game yet.



All right, then. Let's give it a try!

Branding Opportunity wrote:

BrOp here checking in, glad to be on board!

Malvoisin, what about material from Monte's "Complete Book of Experimental Might"? Since we'll be running his dungeon, can we consider anything from that source?



Not sure, BrOp, it would depend on what you're interested in. Some of that material really changes the basic conventions of the game, and wouldn't work well unless everybody had the book. Let me know what you had in mind.

I would be okay with stuff from Monte's older 3.x sourcebooks, Book of Eldritch Might and the like.

Welcome players!

Here are the rules for character creation:

-D&D 3.5 (For a couple of reasons...more options available, and the fact that Beta will be obsolete after a short while. Also, I won't have to worry about conversions.)

-Sources available...Core rules, plus most material from the 'Complete...' and 'Races of...' series, plus PHB2 and Spell Compendium. Anything else, please ask first. (I'll probably say yes, but I will also ask you to note the details on your character sheet).

-1st Level Characters

-25 point buy.

-Max starting hp

-Average starting gold.

If you have any questions, please ask!