Alchemical Golem

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I just now stumbled across this thread while trying to find the answer to a slightly different question regarding changeling height. Mainly, how it is affected by the race of the father. After all, 4'4" to 4'10" would be tiny for an Elf, but freakishly tall for a Halfling.

Didn't really find the answer I was looking for, but the best house-rule I've been able to come up with for it could apply here:

Roll height and weight as for the race of the father, then add an additional height modifier. Say, 1d4 for Small races and 1d6 for Medium. Leave weight unmodified, for the 'slender' part.

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Zwordsman wrote:
They aren't flask sized. They're little vials, the small kind you use in a centrifuge in highschool, that are half the length of a pencil and maybe twice as thick. They're lal premixed and in bomb cases they charge kind like Gambit's throwing cards when he throws them they explode when something jarring happens; kinda like nitro once charged.

You can also make them out of metal, if you like (a fact noted here on somewhat larger vials).

And this interpretation (aside from the metal, which is simply logical) is borne out by the art of our Iconic Alchemist. See how many of those vials are larger than a test tube? It's like two of them. They are made of glass, but that's almost necessary artistically for us to know what they are.

So, in short, an adventuring Alchemist has a number of small, metal, vials. That's pretty easy to deal with. Now, the kits listed in the post above are a bit bigger and likely more breakable...but also utterly unnecessary for an Alchemist to do his basic work.

This raises another issue which has been on my mind since I started looking over the Alchemist class. With all the bombs, infusions, and so on, an Alchemist probably goes through a LOT of glassware over the course of an adventure. And if said Alchemist runs out of containers in the middle of a dungeon, their ability to function drops sharply. Does the (presumedly non-magical) Alchemist Kit somehow have an infinite supply of vials?