
DJ Crafty's page

5 posts. Alias of Paul Ackerman 70.


Haha.. how'd you like that Techno version of Kiss the Girl?


6th one down. Same name and all that. Give me a download. Tell me what you think.

Tambryn wrote:

Let me be the first to say, eclectic is right. Wow.


:D What did you think?

Going on in a couple of minutes.

Got the first show jitters a bit. But... It's going to be awesome anyway. As far as playing music for a bunch of people is awesome.

Better yet.. give ME a listen. Tomorrow at 9am EST. I'm DJ Crafty and I'll be doing Crafty's Eclectic Event. Go to and scroll about halfway down on the right and click a way to listen. It's my first show so tune in so I build up my confidence at the amount of people listening or I choke at the amount of people listening. One or the other ;)

But yeah.. listen in. It just might be good.