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DHAnubis's page

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I have a few, but my biggest one is that archetypes can stack even if they effect the same class feature. Just depends how they affect that feature. For example, if one archetype changed a classes casting to spontaneous and the other reduced the numbers of spells they could cast per day by 1, I'd allow that to stack. Its a case by case basis thing, but I always tell my players that if they wanna see if two can be combined, they just have to ask.

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I've always enjoyed Psionics more than traditional casting methods simply because the power point system feels more natural to me. Plus I find the classes themselves have a good bit of mechanical aspects that are fairly new and not as well represented.

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If anyone in the group is afraid of spiders, I've always found the Skinwalker dragon to be quite...nope. Basically, its a dragon thats constantly hungry, has spiders crawling in its eyes, mouth, and under its scales, its breath weapon is a cone of spider spores, and it hoards bodies, not treasure, in a form of larder after it paralyzes the prey. I told the group I play with about that one, and the general reaction to that was a resounding "eff that."

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Nox Aeterna wrote:

Hum , probably something similar to Ash Ketchum , man having 6 (or more really) badass intelligent monsters that level with my PC and kick ass? It would be awesome.

Pity there is no such class , at most you can summon monsters , but it far from the same concept.

Morgan Champion wrote:
Lina Inverse.
Hahaha good choice , but im guessing it will be hard to get DMs to accept you having giga slayer , the ultimate solver of any and all issues once used.

Into the Breach: Summoner has an archetype that lets you have multiple full powered Eidolons. They share an HP pool and can only have 1 out at once, but it sounds like a trainer to me.

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Like others, I use it for new options. Spheres of Power gave me the shapshifter that was more fluid than the Druid that I wanted. Dreamscarred Press updated the shaper Psion that I loved in a 3.5 pbp campaign. Fat Goblin Games gave me a fire mage that doesn't have to fear resistance/immunity. Hell, Spheres of Power made my punch magus build way better than it was going to be.

I also like that some third party companies are more willing/able to make products that recreate or re imagine certain 3.5 class. I know there are certain classes that Paizo doesn't have access to, so I can't blame them there. But I know that there have been a few reworks of the Warlock (Invoker, Ethermancer), and personally, there are several other classes I would love to see other 3pp companies make, or see if they've already been remade, like the Dragonfire Adept, Beguiler, and a few others.

Yeah, there are a few 3rd party classes and or feats that I'd be cautious about playing or allowing to be used, but for the most part, I'd say a lot of 3pp material I've seen has been pretty well done. I know that, when I have time, I want to go through the material I have an finally write out reviews for them on the store site.

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Can't really weigh in too much about the whole sliding scale business, simply because no campaign I have played in had taken place on Golarian. But I do feel like the baseline should probably be based on the assumption that mechs are slowly becoming more common. After all, there are already massive constructs and golems and such, and I personally feel a massive construct serpent with sentience is more technologically/magically impressive then what amounts to a big golem shell that you need to make move from inside.

That aside, is it too much to hope that there is going to be some way of getting what is roughly an Ironman suit? Im having a huge desire to try and fit my punch magus character with either a sort of "bio" armor (We need a toned down Magus-Synthesist/Aegis hybrid class) or some sort of mechanized summon armor, and the Swift Girding spell isn't quite doing it for me.

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Yeah, agreeing with Malwing on this one. Already interested, havent read a thing.

Question about the Self Destruct option. It says "As part of this action, the pilot makes an acrobatics check with a DC equal to 10 + 1 per HD of the mech to successfully exit and land safely in a square of his choice at any point on the perimeter of the blast." It also mentions that creatures that have the mech Swallowed get no save, and that the Ejector Seat option means the pilot auto succeeds the acrobatics to avoid the blast. Makes sense. My question is, if the mech is swallowed, and the pilot is in the mech, and the mech explodes,where does the pilot land? It says the pilot lands on the perimeter of the blast. Does that mean it automatically escapes the Swallow? Is it just assumed that the explosion will be enough to blast through the holding area and release the pilot? Or are there some enemies that are so large that the pilot could eject, safely land outside the blast, and still be in the monsters holding area?

Apologies if this has a simple answer, Im just not familiar with the Swallow Whole rules for monsters.

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Yeah, for a psychic lich, I feel like the Body Snatcher prestige is a good place to look for ideas. Its not immortal in the usual lich sense of a phylactery, but I like the idea of the lich being killed and then just body jumping to its killer. Other than that, I feel like there was a psionic power that was essentially clone or something similar to regenerate a new body when the old one is killed.

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First campaign of Pathfinder I ever played in, as well as the first time fore basically everyone in the party. Fairly high leveled, I think we were at roughly 14-16 at the time. We needed to get to this decimated area of the island where monstrosities had taken over. In our way, in the gap between two mountains, was a Hellknight fortress.

Now, the GM had this idea that we were going to try and make a deal with the knights. He figured that we'd try and do some jobs for them, some side quests he'd planned out, to try and earn passage through their gate. But we didn't have time for that. There was a relic on the other side of that gate that we needed, and fast. So my fiance, who was looking through the Druid spell list, sees the spell that lets you turn trees into catapults. So without missing a beat, she casts multiple spells that turn acorns into bombs, turns the trees around the fortress into catapults, loads up the adamantine golem corpse we'd been hauling around, and starts the assault. The hellknights had no idea what hit them.

What followed was a huge battle. It wasn't anything super tactical, no massive set pieces or anything. It was just a battalion of enemies charging out on horses (as soon as they realized they were under attack, took a turn or two to spread the word and mount up) versus our group of 6 players. Catapult trees were destroyed, horses trampled riders, and at a certain point, we were more or less all backed into each other and surrounded. Thankfully, between a permanently large Barbarian, my fiance turning into a huge Dino, my Eidolon, and our Ranger's combat patrol, the enemies closing in basically walked into a blender. To be fair, the Hellknights werent nearly all that stated up, but the entire thing felt great to just mow down an army. It wasn't easy, they still hurt, but it was a ton of fun.

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I think we all know what a Paladin's favorite season is.

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Im gonna hijack this just slightly to also thank Dreamscarred Press. I havent been playing nearly as long as DMCal, and I hardly played DnD 3.5. However, I do remember one of the first classes I ever played was a Psion shaper. And man, was it a ton of fun. Fast forward a bit to getting into Pathfinder, and I was really excited to see that Psionics had been brought over and updated. I really love the system, and when I have friends getting into Pathfinder and they want something interesting to play, one of my first suggestions is always a Psionic class. You guys have done great work, and I'm always excited to see new stuff for the Psionic system. So thank you, for being active here on the forums and for making such lovely products.

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I didnt ever look into the play tests of any of these classes, and maybe I should have, but this..THIS is the class I've been wanting to see. This is what I've wanted to play for a long time. Now I can't wait for this to be out to purchase. This sounds incredibly fun

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Fair enough, I understand that point entirely. Though I'm not sure how exactly to word it other than maybe something along the lines of "The Psychic Armory does not have enough fine control over the Panoply as to use the Two Weapon Fighting feat to increase the number of blades it can throw." Just worded more elegantly.

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I didn't even know there was an Augmented Wilder book out. I'll have to look into that once I'm off work. And now you've gone and teased me for another big project? I'm already looking forward to PoW Expanded, now this? Please, keep it up.

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If I get a chance to set up the battle with them within a reasonable amount of time, I will for sure let you know. Thinking on it, making a group of Pious Blades that work similar to stealthy Inquisitors. Get in and up close with Cleave Space, keep in contact with others with the Telepathic Blade skill, form your deities weapon from thin air, crush the heathens, and stealth and Cleave Space to get out of there.

Also, I am curious about the "Telepath + Psionic Attack Constructs - TK and TP blade" note under the Prestiege class section.

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Oh no, I was in no way saying that it was something you should have planned for. I was merely pointing out that it is an option. Whether people think it would be a worthwhile investment... I dont know. I personally wouldn't waste the feats to get it to work. However... As I am currently running a campaign based on a world religion, I am fairly tempted to build a few Pious Blade npc's to set loose on the party, see how they work in action. Maybe give the lead one the Divine Protection feat, see how it goes.

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Baleful Polymorph has become the go-to finisher for the Witch in my campaign last couple of nights. Once, there was a science experiment let loose on a town to stalk and kill the townsfolk, hoping that the people would pray to their gods for the "angels" to come down and stop the killing. The party stepped in, and after my fiance's character got mauled, the witch Baleful Polymorphed their enemy. Out of character, she ask for animal ideas. Immediately, sloth was chosen. So the party had a little mascot for a while.

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The Skinwalker Dragon. Have never encountered one in a campaign, and most people I play with don't even joke about wanting to throw one at the party. A dragon that hordes bodies, not gold, and breathes SPIDERS instead of fire or cold... Most people I know are terrified of spiders, so that right there is a deal breaker. There are a few other creatures I would rather not fight, Wendigo being high on that list, Skinwalkers.

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I havent used too too much stuff from 3.x in Pathfinder, and nobody in the campaign Im running has wanted to use anything from it, but I know my fiance was fine with me pulling a couple Psion powers for a Gestalt campaign she's running, and I've always wanted to play a Dragon Shaman or Duskblade. I've also been sort of wanting to use Arcane Thesis (I believe thats the feat? Didnt play 3.x much) and one or two others to build a Magus that drops one or two largely metamagicked spells on a group of foes before wading into the fight.

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Scythia wrote:

I would play a Summoner that went without the summon SLA completely.

I'd rather have one that could build multiple eidolons, say one per every four levels, but only have one out at a time.

...I think my Final Fantasy is showing. :P

Into the Breach: Summoner has something quite close to what you're looking for. Eidolon Master. You get 1 Eidolon per 2 Summoner levels. Can only have one out at a time, and each of them share a single hit point total. However, each one can have a different list of evolutions and so on.

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Friend of mine once played a grapple focused Barbarian. Only played him once with us, and he was pretty low int. May have been 6, I'm not sure. Either way, he played the guy like an eager, over strong puppy. Wanted to get into everything, didn't quite talk right, got confused easy....but boy, when that barbarian grappled the boss of the night for several rounds in a row while we killed off his minions, we didn't so much worry about his inability to not see doors as shoulder checkable objects.

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So a while ago, I made a class based around the Final Fantasy Dragoon class, complete with the Jump mechanic, heavy armor, advanced abilities with spears, etc. Now, it's the Jump mechanic itself that I'd like everyone's view on.

Currently, I have it set up roughly like this: The Jump is treated as a charge, including the double movement speed, the +2 to hit and -2 to AC. Distance that can be traveled is up to double move speed both vertically and horizontally. So 30 feet forward is 30 feet up. The jump can only be done with weapons in the pole arm weapon group, as the character uses it to vault. If the character has a fly speed from any source (including the prestige that I made for it as well), then the Dragoon can use its fly speed instead of land speed, and the weapon can be of any type, as no vaulting is needed.

The issue comes up with the kind of action the jump requires. Currently, I have it set up so that, when a Dragoon decides to jump, it takes up its entire turn, as they have to leap into the air and come down on the targeted square. The jump resolves at the very beginning of their next turn, dealing bonus damage per ten feet they traveled, capped by a level progression table. So no level 1 dragoons leaping X feet and dealing tons of bonus damage. This means they then have their entire next turn to do whatever they want. Full round, jump to another target, etc. I did this to keep it like the FF Dragoon where, if the enemy moves out of the target square, the attack misses. Eventually, the class gains an ability that lets the sacrifice damage dice to redirect their jump in a way. "Oh? That guy moved 5 feet out of target square to avoid me? Sacrifice a die of damage, redirect the momentum a bit aaaand bam."

So what do you guys think? Is the way I have that jump set up make it a bit too hard to use? I didn't want to just make it a standard charge, because I'd feel like it's a Cavalier variant. Then again, Cavaliers have the limiting factor of "Can I have my mount here, and can it charge?" Whereas I suppose the Dragoon's limit is "how high is the ceiling?" Would it be better to give it the normal Jump with the normal Charge mechanics, and then give it some sort of super jump later on that takes longer to go off?

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David knott 242 wrote:

The Tome of Twisted Things by Little Red Goblin Games includes a race called the Warped, which is the offspring of an unnatural coupling between summoner and eidolon.

Not gonna lie, I am quite curious to see what that race is like.