DGHamilt's page

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I have been looking for a Pathfinder gaming group (for myself, and possibly my girlfriend) for some time now after more or less being asked to not come back to my last group due to some awkwardness around my ex and myself. Since then, I have joined a rpg group that used a homebrew system that quickly got dumped for a more modern game using the Shotguns & Zombies system. While I enjoy that game, we don't meet up very often as everyone works, and since our group went from 3 players to around 7, not much gets done. I am really hoping to find someone who is willing to GM, as I have little experience running a game (though I am trying to build those skills in a game that I currently run). You can email me at dghamilt@gmail.com

P.S. You do not have to worry about my current girlfriend and I breaking up and causing any issues within the group, nor do you have to worry about us being distracted while in game. That is of course assuming that she will even want to play.