Nar'shinddah Sugimar

Czaril's page

RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 20 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Silly question, but does he know about Skin Walkers? I am a furry so I play a lot of beast races (as many as my GM lets me) and I find that they are a pretty cool race to play. If he wanted to go Oracle there is the Lunar Mystery that eventually turns you into a lycathrope.

I dunno how easy it would be to play a feral creature that's awakened effectively unless it had barbarian levels. Anyway I would suggest maybe using the race builder to play with options or meet him halfway and offer Skin Walkers.

Carion Crown, if you want a tough AP go with that. Its fun and challenging and The Lopper is down right nasty at low levels.

Hi, I am wondering if there are any Pathfinder groups in the Snyder, Union, or Nothumberland county areas? I am experienced and would love to find a good group of other players. Any campaign or homebrew is fine with me.

Hi, I am wondering if there are any Pathfinder groups in the Snyder, Union, or Nothumberland county areas? I am experienced and would love to find a good group of other players. Any campaign or homebrew is fine with me.

blope wrote:
There was a thread on here the other day for a group that meets near Harrisburg, I would talk to them if it's not too far from you.

Thank you for letting me know, but unfortunatly that is slightly out of my range im willing to go for sessions.

Hi, I live in central Pa and am wondering if there are any Pathfinder groups nearby that are looking for a new player? I live in Mifflinburg and am very experienced with PF. If you have a group and are looking for a new player, please replay here or shoot me a email at

Thank you.

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zergtitan wrote:

Midnight (tonight) PDT


and adjust for your local timezones.

fantastic, i can buy/download it before work tomorrow and look over it while "working".

What time on thursday will the PDF be available? Early in the AM? Midd-day? When?

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Insain Dragoon wrote:

Tels has the right idea and also is full of amazing ideas for classes!

Maybe we'll get lucky and the Hunter will have some good archetypes? Also the niche it's going to fill in my group is "Let's have a game with no full casters." Honestly that's not a niche that should exist for various reason, but it's a niche.

When you work from character concept then to class the Hunter has nothing

"I want to be a natury archer who has a pet!"
Ranger is better

"I want to have natury spells!"
Druid is better

"I want to be some amazing beast transformation dude!"
Druid is better

"I want to be a dude who hits things in melee!"
Barb, Slayer, Paladin
"-who is ALSO natury"
Oh then Ranger

I don't, and I hope most people don't, pick class first then concept. I pick my concept first then find the chassis that best fits what I envision my character doing.

Yes but the problem you are having is you are picking what class is "better" not nessisarily whats more fun. Too many people go for "more power" and lose sight that at the core this game (and every other game) is about having fun not going for the garenteed win. I think this class has lots of great potential along with all the other ACG classes.

DeciusNero wrote:

Toward the end of the write-up, I was expecting "stay thirsty, my friends."

Looking forward to seeing the final incarnation in a couple of weeks.

I often play Summoner's, but when I don't, I choose Hunters. Stay bloodthirsty my friends.

Sammy T wrote:

(shakes fist at Paizo)

You're running the Shaman last aren't you?


They would more than likely do the best and most fun class last...that woupd be the Hunter, not the Shaman ;) ;)

"Paw your way"? is that a subtle hint to the hunter being next week? The Skald sounds pretty good, I doubt I will ever play one but who knows.

Songs of bravery and rage? So I am guessing the Skald is next week? Also the class sounds great, I was going to play a Impossible Bloodlined Sorc for Mummy's Mask, but now I am thinking I will go Arcanist.

I am kinda wondering what progression and play style you were figuring on going? Is it perhaps you may have a history of "gaming the rules" and the GM was just looking ahead and stopping your character before it got out of hand?

Your post is very 1 sided as far as info goes, and with out method to the GM's madness I doubt anyone can really give you advice that would be fair to both parties (always two sides to a story). So for now, play a straight ranger, just deal with it and have fun, or stop playing and start your own group and GM your own way.

Star Voter Season 7

Tyler Beck wrote:
Czaril wrote:

Mask of the Wayang

Aura moderate illusion; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 1 lb

This wooden mask is carved into the likeness of a grinning Wayang. As a standard action, the wearer of the mask can become a shadow of equal size and shape against any adjacent wall, giving him a +10 to stealth checks. The wearer can use this ability 3 times per day lasting for 5 minutes per use. Cancelling this effect takes a standard action and materializes you within 5 feet of the flat surface he was occupying. For this ability to work, there must be a light source of any kind. Should all light go out while in this form, the wearer is instantly ejected from the wall, knocking him prone, dazing him for one round and receiving 2d6 damage.

While in this form, the wearer cannot speak, manipulate items, attack, or cast spells though spell effects cast before entering this state still persist. While using this ability the wearer is immune to all forms of damage, however area effect spells still affect him normally.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Items; shadow walk Cost 10,000 gp

this was formatted correctly when I posted it submitted it, I just copied and pasted from the original document. This item made it past the culling, I am just curious as to how it wasn't quite up to muster. Thank you.

I really liked this item, I think the only thing that kept you out of the top 32 was your use of rules language. For example: "Should all light go out while in this form, the wearer is instantly ejected from the wall, knocking him prone, dazing him for one round and receiving 2d6 damage" should have been written more like this: "If the user enters an area completely devoid of light while using this ability, the user is instantly ejected from the wall. The user takes 2d6 damage, is knocked prone and is dazed for one round."

Work a little bit on your use of rules language and I'm confident that you'll make it through next year.

Thank you, for the advice. I am happy that the item was solid in design and that you think the wording was just a bit off.

Star Voter Season 7

Well I made the Mask of the Wayang. I am a little bummed still I did not make it (had what I think is a great monster made in prep for round 2) I am still thrilled that I made the top 100 in community votes. Thank you all.

Star Voter Season 7

Mask of the Wayang
Aura moderate illusion; CL 9th
Slot head; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 1 lb

This wooden mask is carved into the likeness of a grinning Wayang. As a standard action, the wearer of the mask can become a shadow of equal size and shape against any adjacent wall, giving him a +10 to stealth checks. The wearer can use this ability 3 times per day lasting for 5 minutes per use. Cancelling this effect takes a standard action and materializes you within 5 feet of the flat surface he was occupying. For this ability to work, there must be a light source of any kind. Should all light go out while in this form, the wearer is instantly ejected from the wall, knocking him prone, dazing him for one round and receiving 2d6 damage.

While in this form, the wearer cannot speak, manipulate items, attack, or cast spells though spell effects cast before entering this state still persist. While using this ability the wearer is immune to all forms of damage, however area effect spells still affect him normally.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Items; shadow walk Cost 10,000 gp

I myself play a Half-Elf Wild Caller Summoner and prefer over any other Summoner types.

1.Every 4 levels as a favored class option you get 1 extra evo point.

2.As a Wild Caller every 4 levels you get another Extra evo Point.

3.You get Summon Nature Ally in stead of Summon Monster as a class feature.

4.You are limited in what evolutions you can take, but I find that it really keeps a person sort of grounded and not have it easily get carried away with crazy evolution matching that could OP your eidolon.

Side note: The Blood God Disciple is also another very fun one to play, for both RP purposes and for game play by gifting evolutions to other players and such.

Star Voter Season 7

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Hello, here is my item I posted. It was my first time ever trying out for RPG superstar and was wondering if I could have my item critiqued. I would like to know what I got wrong so I can do better in the future.

Spool of Adamantine Thread

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 3 rd
Slot ---; Price 840 gp; Weight ---

This wooden spool is wound tightly by a shimmering prismatic thread of adamantine. Written on the spool is a command word that once spoken, followed by the name of a broken piece of gear, creates a needle of pure light at the end of the thread.

The needle is only able to pierce armor, a shield, or a weapon (one-handed, two-handed) with the broken status and repairs it just as the spell make whole except that the adamantine thread not only repairs the broken item back to full hit points but also by weaving the thread into the layers of the item, increases it's base hardness by 10. These effects are permanent but do not stack and will not increase the hardness of items already made of adamantine or add damage reduction gained from normal adamantine arms and armor.

Upon construction, there is enough thread created to repair one item taking 1 hour of uninterrupted sewing to complete the weaving process. At the end of this time, the needle disappears along with any left over thread leaving a empty wooden spool.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, make whole, Creator must have 2 ranks in the Craft (Clothing) Skill; Cost 420 gp

I found this to be quite entertaining to be honest, though Crosser does seem to have a high opinion of himself being such a short character. All in all this is really a interesting group of characters. I am looking forward to reading more should you decide to post it.

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DM Brainiac's Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Table 2

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Letitia Frost

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Book 3: Maiden, Mother, Crone
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Legacies: Return of the Runelords

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Luzes de São Paulo


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