CzarGarrett's page

43 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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My first thought is environmental.

Who cares if the PCs can escape the tentacles when the whole area is filled with poison/fire/etc that the BBEG is immune to.

This is HIS playground. He makes the rules.

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So I realize a lot of Casmaron has not really been detailed, but that which has seems to be mostly to the south and east. I seem to have exhausted most of what I could find online in the Pathfinder Wikis and here on the forums.

I’m looking for any resources specific towards the area of Casmaron directly east of Iobaria, so the very northwest corner of Casmaron. These sources could be in-game or just general information about any “real life” analogs for cultures that might be appropriate for the region.

Thank you in advance.

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I've always thought of Paladins as being Lawful GOOD, with the emphasis on GOOD. When given the option of doing something Chaotic and Good or Lawful and Evil, they will always go with the "Good" option.

So I guess in the grand scheme of things, I pretty much agree with your stance.

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Coming from a background of science, I almost want to say that a neutral cleric of Urgathoa could easily be akin to someone who works at the CDC.

Those people don't spread disease, but they are fascinated by it. A neutral cleric could be someone who looks at and examines disease. Not to spread or combat it, just to understand it.

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Snakes! wrote:
Pataxmos invented a dratting nuke

I think that player basically just won D&D

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One tank of gas.

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Orfamay Quest wrote:
Cardinal Chunder wrote:
or you could assume that the PC has been practicing using the Common to Necril phrase book, available from all good Pathfinder stores, from a very young age.
Yeah, because Taldane->Russian phrase books are so common on Golarion. Or in Russia, for that matter.

The Hungarian one works well.

My hovercraft is full of eels.

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I think you should summon a sperm whale and hope it contemplates it's existence while it falls.

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To help a bit on the DMing side of things, maybe make more of the treasure into consumable stuff.

Rather than a bag full of gems and gold, perhaps a potion of cure light wounds and a 1st level spell scroll.

It kind of gives them the way to keep going without stopping all the time.

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When DM-ing, if there's a rule in question, I usually just go with whatever seems like it will result in the most fun for the group and/or most appropriate for the story.

It's worked well for me thus far.

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Maybe go with more of a title rather than name, and have the lich's true name be some sort of key to finding and destroying the phylactery.

The Istentelen (Unholy in Armenian). Real Name - Allistar Swordbane (or something) and have the phylactery hidden behind an engraving of a broken sword over a star.