So, given the nature of intrigue, I was wondering if we should be looking forward to anything that will introduce new methods and options for casting spells in covert and subtle ways?
There's quite a few spells already that you would think were perfect for being all sneaky with, and they are. ...except that from what I've recently learned, casting a spell is done with clearly-spoken words (As opposed to being murmured under your breath), showy hand movements and gestures, followed by an obvious light-show.
None of which really seems to grab me as being sneaky, subtle, or suited for covert work. >>;
I know the Cunning Caster feat supposedly helps deal with that to a degree, but it's a fairly steep feat-investment (Still Spell, Silent Spell, Eschew Materials, Deceitful, and then Cunning Caster itself) to mitigate all those various penalties.
So yeah... I'm not sure about other people, but I'd welcome a few alternative ways to go about being sneaky-casty that doesn't involve such a heavy investment of feats.