
Cyoticus1's page

Organized Play Member. 21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Dark Archive

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Dark Archive

I am relatively new to Paizo. Thank u for the answer

Dark Archive

Are there plans to redo Second Darkness, Curse of the Crimson Thone, and Legacy of Fire? I for one would love to see these redone like Rise of the Runelords. Are other GM/players interested in this, or am I on a desert isle on this idea?

Dark Archive

I ordered this thinking it was a PC codex paws. Is it hard to remove? I do not want to hassle with canceling subscriptions.

Dark Archive

please cancel all but the adventure path subscription


Dark Archive

I personally tell the players when they can level. I have found the xp thing a hassle. I am running it with 5 players and increase encounters by ratios. If the monster are 2 to 1, I add 2 creatures to the fight. Boss mobs I usually add a couple of points to their primary stat and con. Makes them do a little better in their assigned class and makes them tougher to kill.

Dark Archive

I am not suggesting they copy the Planescape model. I am very impressed with Paizo and it creative team. It is a suggestion that I would love for them to expand a little more on the outlands/planes. I have read The Great Beyond. It is a good start much like the info on the gods in the core rule book, but the faiths series made them much more interesting.

Dark Archive

I have been very lucky about this. My wife plays with me in both games I play. (with the kids and with a gaming group). I got my wife involved by introducing her to other gaming girls. She took to it as a "social event", but now she has blossomed into a solid role player with basic knowledge of the rules

Dark Archive

I absolutely love this product. My kids have been introduced into the game through the box sets. My oldest two have even taken up the core rule book to "play with dad". I would recommend this product for a family game night. It's quick but very good for the interesting imagination of your kids. I have learned a lot about my kids and their problem solving skills.

Dark Archive


Dark Archive

If an arcane caster casts mirror image, how dies blur and invis effect the images? Do the images take the same form as the caster's "buff"? Do the images blur? Does the 10 damage reduction prevent the image from disapating if damage is reduced to 0? I bring this up because I have a player that likes to stack buffs and I am not sure how these interact. Also, what about sneaking? If a player sneaks do the images hide as well?

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I was thinking shouldn't the adventure path specific map folio be part of the adventure path subscription? It seems the ppl that would want it would be the ones running the games.

Dark Archive

I would think the ability to move hidden and quite on a mount depends strictly on he mount and the players ability to guide and control a mount. So a stealth check made by the mount along with a ride check from the rider. As a dm I would probably apply a negative based on how much weight the mount is carrying. Remember the checks given in the mount info assumes the mount is not carrying anything.

Dark Archive

I am not sure if this is where I would post this, but I thought I would give it a shot.

I have a suggestion about campaign settings. I absolutely loved the advanced look into the plains produced in Planescape. All the different maps showing the different places in the plains from the lawful good plane of Celestia to the chaotic evil of the abyss. The different settlements on those planes to the unique environmental challenges of planes like Limbo. Information on notable personalities in each place as well as what plane the different gods call home. The idea of the city of doors made it easy for dms to change the setting easilly and quickly.

I thought I would toss this out there to see if there is an interest and maybe lead to such a production.

Dark Archive

Thank you

Dark Archive

I have a subscpition to adventure packs and was considering subscribing to campaign settings as well. If I do this will both subscriptions be shipped together or will I have to deal with separate shipping costs and billing cycles?


Dark Archive

Thanks for the replies. I have a new way to look at it

Dark Archive

In the Faiths of Purity book Torag's paladin code states "Against my people's enemy I will show no mercy. I will not allow their surrender, except to extract information. I will defeat them and scatter theirs families. Yet, even in the struggles against our enemies, I will act in a way that brings honor to Torag."
I have a player that seems to think this gives him the ability to kill a defeated and defenseless evil priest. I would think being lawful good would dictate the priest being turned over to the local authorities for judgment, but the way this reads contradicts that. Does the "people's enemy" mean anyone that stands for something other than dwarven interest, or is it more specific like "hated foes" like goblin and orc subtypes. I would like to think this phase does not give a paladin of Torag an easy way out by saying "They stood against me therefore they get no mercy.". I am looking for some insight on the and maybe some suggestions on how to deal with this challenge
