Cyax the Horselord's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. 3 posts (4 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 21 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

All of the characters were cord to begin with. When i clicked save, it converted them to non core and now i cannot register new core scenarios with them because paizo thinks they are non core.

Grand Lodge

I was reporting a core game on the website and choose the core scenario name and then proceeded to enter in the 6 players information and clicked save only to see that the scenario had changed to the non-core version, probably due to my error.

I can change it to the correct scenario to core afterwards, but the characters have now been changed to non-core when I re-save it.

What are the options available now?

How do you change back you character to be core if the mistake was done in entering the session?

Grand Lodge 1/5

Congratz Myron, i always enjoy playing at your table.