Curtington Foo's page

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Acrobatic quick and nimble stealthy archer. Should be easy now that I think about it. Thankyou for all the help!

Well, she has been playing for quite a long time, but enjoys the roleplay side much more and does not want to get bogged down with all the details (last game got slow and tedious with all the magic and stuff). I said I would make her a character based on her description.

Main focus is stealthy archer. Poison arrows are a good idea thankyou.

And thankyou everyone for the help!

So I came up with a character concept that involves an assassin archer. Kind of like a sniper assassin.

Problem is, its a core only game and we are starting at level 3. Do I go ranger or rogue? Or multiclass? Help!

Ps. This is meant to be a simple character for my wife.